Time for The SUMMER SLAM!

Alright folks, time to move on to our next hare-brained scheme! It’s called SUMMER SLAM 2020 and the breakdown is as follows:


  • GAMES: 8-week regular season, starting the week of June 22nd. You can play every week, but only need to play 5 times to qualify for regular season prizes and/or the culminating event on Sunday, August 16th.
  • FORMAT: All regular season games will be in the single-team format- just you and your quizmaster, at evening times of your choosing Monday through Friday. The August 16th SUMMER SLAM! event will be in the breakout-room format.
  • PRICE: $280/team for the 8-week regular season (which averages out to $35 per game). 
  • SIGN-UPS: quick & easy via this Google form.


  • The average of your team’s top 5 scores will determine your regular-season ranking. 
  • We’ll keep track of rankings on the website as we go, as well as an ongoing Top 20 list…if you missed it last week, we’ve got a top 20 posted now.  We’ll have a new one posted Saturday.  
  • After Week 7 of the regular season, the top 30 teams will earn a spot in SUMMER SLAM! on August 16th (see below). Week 8 will be a wild card week: the top 6 teams who haven’t earned an automatic bid will receive an at-large one.
  • Carl and I will host an occasional live show on Facebook on Sunday nights discussing our top teams and inviting some team members onto the show for interviews.
  • PRIZES will be given for various regular-season categories, including our top 4 regular season teams and some funky ones beyond just the top teams in the rankings.
  • SUMMER SLAM! will be a full 5-round quizzo event, featuring entertainment between rounds and CASH PRIZES- think Quizzo Bowl gone virtual. The winner receives the Cliver Cup (named after Andy of L Ron Hubbard’s Diabetics, who inspired this whole idea). And yes, we promise that Carl will run the tech.
  • Payment details:
    • You don’t have to pay all at once; just get us $100 by this Sunday and the rest by July 6th.
    • Of the $280, $20 will go to the Poor People’s Economic Human Rights campaign. If we get, for example, 50 teams, that’s $1000 for a terrific local charity.
    • If you play fewer than 7 times, we’ll send you back you back $35 per game fewer than 7. But you have to play 5 times to be eligible for the big event. 
    • There will be an extra buy-in to the ultimate SUMMER SLAM! event, hence the cash prizes.

And yes, all things SUMMER SLAM must be capitalized and said with enthusiasm. Otherwise, don’t say it at all. Hope to see you this summer!

Congrats to Cool Cats and Kittens!

Shout out to Cool Cats and Kittens whose score of 50 was the highest of anyone last week. Here are our full final standings. We’ll see how this affects our top 20, coming out later this week!

1. Cool Cats and Kittens50
2. Zodiac Killer$49
3. Backstreet Boys II Menehune48
4. Au Bon Pandemic47
T-4. Expired Walmart Meat47
T-4. Yacht Rock47
7. Covid’s Metamorphoses46
T-7. Hot Bleach Injection (aka Bologna Strong)46
9. Kings of Leon45
10. Super Spreaders43
T-10. The Quarantiners43
T-10. Hallmark Hot43
13. Stately Plump Buck Mulligans42
14. Branch Covidians41
15. L Ron Hubbard40
T-15. Lambda Lambda Lambda40
16. Missing Wuhan Scientists39
T-16. The Covidiots39
T-16. Sofa Kingdom39
T-16. Babysitters Fight Club39
20. FFSF38
21. Pop Fit Studio37
T-21. Core-entine37
23. Quiz on My Face36
T-23. Hydroxychloroquine Latifa36
T-23. Quick Question36
26. Below Basic35
T-26. Synchronized Trampoline35
T-26. The Missing Heads35
29. City Tap33
T-29. TNQQC33
31. Together Alone32
T-31. Meat Sweats32
T-31. Cark in a Whig32
34. Dobby’s Sock31
T-34. Not Last place31
T-34. Carole’s Husband31
37. Brandon Muthafuckin’ Grotesque29
38. Joshy Rich’s Close Touch Salon27
39. There’s no I25
40. What About Bob?24
T-40. Socially Distant24
T-40. 1team1dream24

The JGT Quizzo Top 20 Rankings

After putting all of the numbers of the past few months through our PATENTED Quiztron 2000 computer system, we now have a definitive Top 20 Quizzo list. We’ll see how our teams do in this week’s games and adjust them accordingly next week.

  1. Social Distance Warriors. Won one tourney. Lost in OT in the Finals of the 2nd. No brainer.
  2. Underground Bard. A huge win in the World Cup Finals after running through some of quizzos toughest teams.
  3. Boyz II Menehune. A Quizzo Bowl win and a Final Four appearance in the World Cup.
  4. Expired Walmart Meat. Final Four appearance, lost to eventual champs in OT.
  5. Cool Cats and Kittens. Highest scoring team in the regular season. Final 8 finish.
  6. Zodiac Killer. Tied for 2nd highest regular season score, Final 8 in both tourneys.
  7. Careless Fister. Tied for 2nd highest regular season score.
  8. Lambda Lambda Lambda. Won Group K, lost a 52-51 heartbreaker to SDW in Final 8.
  9. Branch Covidians. Final Four in April Madness, won Group J.
  10. Yacht Rock. Won Group F.
  11. Sofa Kingdom. Disappointing in both tourneys. Have their glory days past them by?
  12. Duane’s World. Great regular season but stunning first round loss in tourney.
  13. Synchronized Trampoline. Final Four in April Madness, Final Four in the NIT.
  14. Del Covid 19. Went 3-0 and won Group H.
  15. L Ron Hubbard’s Diabetics. Won Group L.
  16. In the Lead. Shocked Duane’s World in tourney, then almost beat Boyz II Menehune.
  17. Babysitters Fight Club. 3-0 regular season, Final 8 in April Madness.
  18. Texas City Players Club. Won the NIT.
  19. Lamination Station. Final Four in April Madness and Final 8 in the NIT.
  20. Cracked Eggheads. 125 points in regular season.

Also receiving votes: Missing Heads, There’s No I In Quizzo, FFSF, El Tigre, the Jawns, Missing Wuhan Scientists

Baseball Quizzo Fundraiser This Sunday Night!

As part of our weekly Sunday night charity fundraisers, this week we are fundraising for one I am particularly inspired by. The Anderson Monarch baseball program is, quite simply, the best of its kind in the nation. If you don’t know about it yet, I highly encourage you to read this.

The baseball quiz is free to play, we’ll have prizes from Shibe Sports, and 100% of tips go to the Monarchs. If you want to sign up, you can do so here. Quiz starts at 7 pm, teams are up to 8 players each, and quiz should take about an hour. Hope to see you on Sunday!

Congratulations to the Underground Bard, Winners of the World Cup of Quizzo!

We had a thriller on Monday night, as the Underground Bard and Social Distance Warriors went into OT tied at 48 apiece. (Amazing, in the pregame show Carl predicted a 49-49 tie and Underground Bard upset). The question in OT: how old is Herb Alpert? The Social Distance Warriors guessed 86, the Bard guessed 85, and the answer was 85. The upset was complete.

The Bard had gone on a hell of a run, stunning the Sofa Kingdom, edging the Zodiac Killer, and then winning both their Final Four game and their championship game in OT. The Social Distance Warriors, meanwhile, put on another clinic, going to the title game now in back to back tournaments, scoring a perfect 52 in two tourney games and 51 in another. It’s safe to assume that they’ll be the number #1 ranked team when our initial team rankings come out.

In the NIT, it was the Texas City Players Club shocking the Jawns in the finals, 52-39. The TCPC, who had finished 0-3 in the regular season, were considered an afterthought going into the tourney, but played inspired quiz once they got there, knocking off quizzo stalwarts like the Axis of Evil Knieval and the Synchronized Trampoline along the way.

We’ll see where the wins put the two teams on our top 20 rankings, out later today. We haven’t planned our next season yet, but will soon, so stay tuned. In the meantime, feel free to play a game with us this week!

The World Cup of Quizzo Championship TONIGHT!

After a fun five weeks, we’re down to our last two games of the World Cup of Quizzo! Underground Bard faces off against the Social Distance Warriors in the Serie A finale while The Jawns take on Texas City Players Club in the Serie B final.

The Finals of the World Cup of Quizzo are tonight, and you are welcome to play along! Just go to playbigquiz.com, enter your team name and the Event Key june8 to sign in. You’ll be able to watch LIVE on the Johnny Goodtimes Facebook page at 8:30 tonight so that you can play along. See ya tonight!

Sign Ups for Week of June 8

OK, I think we could all use a deep breath here. The seasons and tournaments and so forth have been a lot of fun but also kind of insane and the last thing any of us needs right now is more insanity. So this week let’s take it easy: one quizmaster, one quiz, one team. Cost is $35, with $5 of each sign up going straight to the Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign. To sign up, just put your team name, captain’s name and email into our Google signup sheet.