Everything You Need to Know About Sunday

FIRST: If you haven’t signed your team in already, please do so NOW.

SECOND: We are sold out, BUT if you’re on a team that needed to add a player or two, you can still buy tickets. Just email me at johnny at johnnyggodtimes dot com if that’s the case.

WHO: Teams of up to 8 players.

WHAT: Quizzo Bowl XIX, the Grandaddy of Them All.

WHEN: This Sunday, February 16th. Doors at 3 PM, show starts at 4 PM.

WHERE: Yards Brewing, on 5th and Spring Garden.

WHY: Why not?

WILL THERE BE LIVE MUSIC? Yep, Philly’s pre-eminent zydeco band, James Day and the Fish Fry, is going to be playing New Orleans jams all afternoon.


IS THERE A THEME? Not really, it’s a general quiz. I’d expect a few questions about New Orleans. Our buddy Reef the Lost Cauze will be helping us out with the music round. 6 rounds overall, 48 questions.

ARE THERE ANY TICKETS LEFT? Yep, about 10 tickets remain. Once those are gone, it’s a wrap. If you wanna be the last team in, sign up here.

QUICK REQUEST: Team captains, please fill in this form, so we know what teams are attending. We’ll also see if there are any more tables available for potential extra attendees. Also, if your team got tickets but you were unable to before it sold out, please shoot me a line at johnny at johnnygoodtimes dot com and we’ll see if there’s anything we can do.

WHAT ELSE? I’m requesting that everyone wear green, pruple, and gold (or at least green). And Fastball Bob will be there. Best of all, Chip Chantry will NOT be there. It’s a win-win.

WHAT HAPPENS IF WE WIN? You enter the Realm of Immortals. In 18 previous years, we’ve had 8 different winners. Could your team be the 9th? Previous winners are:

  • The Champs
  • Sofa Kingdom
  • Lambda
  • Guys in Prison
  • Cracked Pact
  • Meatloaf
  • Boyz II Menehune
  • The Special Masters

PRIZES? Yep, we’ll be doing raffles and giveaways all night long. Plus $1000 worth of prizes for the top 3 finishers. And a prize for 13th place. Oh and a trophy for the winner. With flames on it.

EVENT PAGE: Here’s the Facebook page for the Quizzo Bowl. Will be the best place for up to the minute info on the Bowl as we get closer, and for attendees to post photos when we’re done.

WILL THERE BE AN AFTERPARTY? Yep, we’re not gonna go anywhere, we’ll just have the afterparty at Yards. Why not? We’re already in a building full of beer! Run of Show is below. Can’t wait to see you all there!

  • 3:00 Doors
  • 4:00 Show starts, Round One begins
  • 4:30 Round One Ends, Round Two begins
  • 4:40 Round Two ends, Band begins
  • 5:00 Review answers to rounds One and Two
  • 5:10 Round Three begins
  • 5:20 Round Three ends, Round Four begins
  • 5:40 Round Four Ends, Band plays
  • 6:00 Review answers to rounds 3 and 4
  • 6:10 Begin Round Five
  • 6:20 Begin Round Six 
  • 6:30 End Round Six, Band plays
  • 6:50 Review answers, give out final scores
  • 7:15 Done, afterparty 

Quizzo This Week

It’s Quizzo Bowl Week! Was it swaggy of me to sign a New Orleans-based band before the playoffs even started, knowing that the Super Bowl was in the Big Easy? Yes. But now do we celebrate the Birds win and get to party on Sunday like we’re on Bourbon Street? Also yes. If you haven’t purchased tickets yet, I do have about 20 remaining. So if you want to party together on Sunday, get your tickets NOW!

We will have our regular quizzes this week as well. Here’s our schedule.


Founding Fathers 8 PM

Redcrest Kitchen 8 PM


Two Locals 6 PM

Fringe Bar 7 PM

Pistolas Del Sur 7 PM


Deli at Dwell 7 PM

Pizzata 8 PM


Yards Brewery 3 PM

Quizzo Bowl XIX: A Quizfederacy of Dunces

The tri-state regions most prestigious quizzo event is BACK! Quizzo Bowl XIX is going down on February 16th! Here’s everything you need to know about the Grandaddy of Them All! GET YOUR TICKETS NOW.

WHO: All quizzo enthusiasts, from Far and Wide. Teams of up to 8 players, to be specific. If your team is 4 or less, you may be teamed with another crew.

WHAT: Quizzo Bowl XIX, the longest running team trivia blah blah blah we’ve been doing this a long time.

WHEN: Sunday, February 16th. Doors at 3 PM, show starts at 4 PM.

WHY: Why not?

IS THIS LIKE A REGULAR QUIZ? Yeah, it’s like a regular quiz…and playing Nerf hoops in your boxers is like playing against LeBron in the Finals.

WHAT? Nevermind.

WILL THERE BE LIVE MUSIC? Yep! New year, new genre: New Orleans! New Orleans bluesmen James Day and the Fish Fry will be performing between rounds.

ARE THESE GUYS GOOD? They look like fun!

WHAT ELSE? I’m requesting that everyone wear purple and green. And Fastball Bob will be there. And Reef the Lost Cauze will be there to help with the music round. Best of all, Chip Chantry will NOT be there. Or maybe he will, he refuses to commit. But we hope he misses it. We can’t stand that guy!

WHAT HAPPENS IF WE WIN? You enter the Realm of Immortals. In 18 previous years, we’ve had 9 different winners. Could your team be the 10th? Previous winners are:

  • The Champs
  • Sofa Kingdom
  • Lambda
  • Guys in Prison
  • Cracked Pact
  • Meatloaf
  • Boyz II Menehune
  • The Special Masters

PRIZES? Yep, we’ll be doing raffles and giveaways all night long. Plus big prizes for the top 3 finishers. And a prize for 13th place.

THIS SOUNDS AWESOME. WHERE DO I SIGN UP? You can purchase tickets here. Look forward to seeing you on February 16th!

The JGT 50th Birthday Roast at Fergie’s

Ya only turn 50 once, so might as well do it in style. That’s why, on Monday, February 3rd, I’ll be holding a little shindig for myself, Peter Brady style, at Fergie’s. Party starts at 6. Then at around 7 or so, our old pal Chip Chantry will kick off the Roast. I’ll be getting roasted by Chip, Fergie, Reef, Carl, Art Etchells, and Violations Greg. Admission is free, BUT I am asking everyone who attends to bring a blanket, box of diapers, bag of non-perishable food, OR package of socks for our friends at the Poor People’s Army, who will give them out to people in need. So come on out and help me celebrate my entrance into a new decade. I’d be lying if I said I was excited about it but screw it we might as well party. See ya at Fergie’s!

Quizzo This Week!

Lots going on, let’s start with this: our annual Super Bowl Squares are now live. Sign up here, take a shot at winning some great prizes from Shibe Sports, and help out local little league football.

The Pogs won last week at Pistolas del Sur. So they got two slots on the wheel. Can you knock them off and get your team name on the wheel, giving you and your team a chance of attending Rittenhouse Ball? Come join us Wednesday night. Also, Two Locals started back up on now on Wednesdays, and had a successful kick-off last week. Hope to see ya this week!


Founding Fathers 8 PM

Redcrest Kitchen 8 PM


Two Locals 6 PM

Fringe Bar 7 PM

Pistolas Del Sur 7 PM


Deli at Dwell 7 PM

Pizzata 8 PM

Our Annual Toy Drive is Live!

It’s that time again: the time of year where we get the opportunity to make a bunch of Philadelphia children’s Christmas wishes come true! Here’s how it works: you go to this sheet, fill out your name next to the child or children you want to buy gifts for. Go to Amazon, get them the gift, then mail it to our friend Matt at the Poor People’s Army. Matt, Cheri, Nick, Galen and the crew will make sure that it goes to the right child.

(Child’s Name) c/o Matt Pillischer

1606 Colleen Ct.

Norristown, PA 19401

For children that didn’t request a specific gift, clothes are always a welcome option, and sizes are available besides most children’s names.

If you’d rather just donate money and have Cheri and I pick up the gifts, that’s totally cool too. Just venmo me at @jgtquizzo or send Paypal to johnny at johnnygoodtimes dot com and leave a note that says “Toy Drive” and the child’s first name. Most toys we buy are right around $25. A true highlight of each holiday season is Cheri and I going to Target and completely loading up on toys a few days before Christmas. Thank you for your generosity each and every year!

Our Final Week of the Year!

Well this is it; our final quiz of 2024. With Christmas and New Year’s on a Wednesday, we’re taking the next two weeks off. So if you wanna quiz in 2024, this is your last chance to do it! Schedule is below. Expect a mix of Christmas, Year in Review, and general questions. Hope to see ya this week!


Two Locals 6 PM

Founding Fathers 8 PM

Redcrest Kitchen 8 PM


Fringe Bar 7 PM

Pistolas Del Sur 7 PM


Deli at Dwell 7 PM

Pizzata 8 PM

Quizzo This Week

Fun week at the beach. Some boating, some swimming, and some fishin’. I’d like to that Lil’ Ace are “tanned, rested, and ready,” but with my British skin I’ll have to settle for rested and ready. (My wife’s golden tan continues to be a source of jealousy and annoyance)

Please note that Mike is also hosting a semi-regular quiz at a great brewery, Two Locals in West Philly. Winner gets a $30 gift card and each member of the team gets a free round of golf at Libertee Grounds!

Our theme this week is “General Trivia”, though I’d expect an Olympics twist. See ya soon!


Two Locals 5:30 PM

Founding Fathers 8 PM

Redcrest Kitchen 8 PM


Fringe Bar 7 PM

Dock Street 8 PM


Deli at Dwell 7 PM

Pizzata 8 PM


The Oval 5 PM

The Double Bs Round.

1.This group performed their first show at SeaWorld Orlando in 1993.
2.His estimated worth is $28 million thanks to sales of his Tae Bo videos.
3.A pseudo holiday built around this retired athlete’s contract is celebrated every July 1st.
4.This show created by Loren Bouchard debuted on January 9th, 2011.
5.She used to host Wild On E!
6.Lead Belly recorded his version of this song in 1939; Ram Jam covered it in 1977.
7.He had an ironic hit with the song “Welcome to the Internet” in 2021.
8.According to IMDB users, two of the top 5 TV shows of all time fit the category. One was a show, one was a miniseries. Name both.
Here was the impossible round this week. Two words in each answer started with the letter B. Answers below.