We are going to be raising money once again for the Young Fathers United. We raised $85 for them this past Sunday, let’s see if we can get over $100 this Sunday. As always the quiz is free, though we do encourage a donation, as it helps out our fellow Philadelphians in need.
Thank you to everyone who has donated so far…Since we started in late March, Sunday Night Quizzo Lab has raised over $2000 for orgs such as PPEHRC, the Anderson Monarchs, and Nourished. Furthermore, with $20 of each teams buy in for SUMMER SLAM going to PPEHRC, we just raised another $1000 for them this week. If anyone wants to go beyond donating to the quiz, and instead wants to volunteer for any of the wonderful organizations that we’re fundraising for, shoot me a line (johnny at johnnygoodtimes.com) and I’ll get you in touch with the right people.
Wanna sign up for this Sunday? You can do so here.
Our theme this week: MOVIES.