Latest JGTAI Scoreboard Is Up

As we head into Week 4, the wheat is starting to separate itself from the chaff. Teams in yellow would earn an invite if the season ended today. Fortunately for teams in purple or not yet on the board, the season doesn’t end today. You’ve still got 5 more weeks. And I’m going to give you one more day with the current physical challenge if you want to score some points quickly and fairly easily. New physical challenge will go up tomorrow.

Science Quiz for Charity This Sunday

Love science? Want to help raise money for a terrific cause? Looking to get your team in the hunt of the JGT Autumn Invitational and try to win a $200 gift certificate? Then be sure to make it out to City Tap House this Sunday for a Science Spectacular and help raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. There will be over $350 in prizes for the Top 3 finishers, as well as raffle prizes to give away throughout the evening.

Former quizzo regular Andi (who used to play for Axis of Evil Knieval), was diagnosed with lymphoma recently. Her treatments are going well, and thanks to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, her expenses have been kept very low. In return, she’d like to do something for them. So she, Kristy, and Koob are going to host a science quizzo fundraiser this Sunday at City Tap House. Action starts at 6 (Though it may be adjusted, depending on what the Phils do).

CTH is being generous enough to offer some great prizes for the winners. $200 for the winners, $100 for 2nd, $50 for 3rd. There will also be raffles throughout the evening, with gift certificates to the Sidecar, Divan, tix to an upcoming North Star show and 2 tickets to the Mayor’s Box at a Flyers game among the many giveaways. Tickets are $10 each with the money all going to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Furthermore, there will be double points offered in the JGT Autumn Invitational. 10 points for the winners, 6 points for 2nd, and 2 for 3rd. Hope you and your team can make it out to this great event!

A Few Changes on Quizzo Schedule for This Week

Needless to say, we are tweaking this week’s schedule around a bit with the Phils. The schedule is as follows for this week:


  • O’Neals 8 p.m. or nearabout. As soon as the Phils game is over, we will begin the quiz, but not before.
  • City Tap House 10:15 p.m. As scheduled


  • Black Sheep 9 p.m. roughly. As soon as the Phils game ends, we will start the quiz at Black Sheep.


  • Locust Rendezvous 6 p.m. Believe it or not, I am planning to start the Vous quiz on time this week, as we have a Thursday tripleheader.
  • Ugly American 8 p.m. As scheduled
  • Bards 10:15 p.m. As scheduled


  • City Tap House 6 p.m. Science Quiz. This one could be changed, depending on what the Phillies do and if they make the NLCS, what time they will play that day. We’ll keep you updated.

There will be two quizzes this week as part of our overrated/underrated week. I think I got enough material from you guys last week to do two. There will be One quiz for Tuesday-Wednesday, and one for Thursday. So if you play Tuesday or Wednesday, you can come back and play at any of the quizzes Thursday. Hope to see you this week, and Go Phils!

Autumn Invite Scores Heading Into Week 3

Here they are, the scores after 2 weeks of the JGTAI. Keep in mind, it is still early, so even if you haven’t scored yet, there is plenty of time to catch up. Furthermore, there will be several opportunities to score bonus points. There is a Science quiz this Sunday at City Tap House where you can score double points, and a David Lynch/Twin Peaks quiz at POPE on October 16th. There are more special quizzes on the way as well. And finally, there is a brand new physical challenge on the facebook page (If you’re not on facebook and would like to email your pics, the challenge is as follows: I want a picture of you at any ballpark OTHER than Citizen’s Bank. It can be a pro park, Little League park, whatever. One point per pic, up to 6 points per team. Email photos to

It’s gonna be a great fall.

JGT Power Rankings

1. Duane’s World (Black Sheep). They’ve won at Black Sheep 4 out of the last 5 weeks, but they’ll probably have to prove their mettle against the Steak to keep the top spot. Last week: #2

2. The Champs (???). Shoot to the #2 spot in the rankings with an impressive win at 1920s quiz. Anthrax says the team is in rebuilding mode, but they’re off to a good start. Last week: NR

3. Steak Em Up (Bards). A big win at the Bards, but a 2nd place finish at CTH and a 4th place finish at the 1920s quiz keep them out of the top spot. Seeing them finish 4th on Sunday was the highlight of my week (Which probably says as much about my week as anything else).  Last week: #4

4. Specific Jawns (Bards). It’s tough when you score 117 and still lose, but that’s what happened to the Jawns on Thursday at Bards. It drops them a spot in the rankings. But they remain #1 in your hearts. Last week: #3

5. The Jams (Rendezvous). Big weeks by several of their rivals and a loss at the Vous drop the Jams all the way to the #5 position. Last week: #1

6. Team Popesack (North Star). They’ve established themselves as the team to beat at North Star, and could be headed to a Bounty with another win. Last week: #6

7. Inglorious Barristers (Rendezvous). A huge win for this team at the Rendezvous. One of the biggest in their careers. There were those who thought that this team had passed its prime, but they proved the naysayers wrong on Wednesday. Last week: #9

8. L. Ron Hubbard’s Diabetics (Ugly American). A 2nd place finish at the American despite the reappearance of Marshall. Or is it, “Because of the reappearance of Marshall”? That’s one only the team can answer for sure. Last week: #5

9. Ruby Tuesday (City Tap House). A team of mercenaries, trained in the art of International trivia knowledge, they shocked the world at City Tap House on Tuesday with a 122-115 win over Steak. Last week: NR

T-10. Tooth Wind and Fire (Ugly American). A huge win for this longstanding franchise on Thursday propels them into the top 10 for the first time in years. Last week: NR

T-10. Phillie RNs (O’Neals). A huge upset at O’Neals last Tuesday, as the RNs put on a clinic. Wow, there were so many upsets last week it was impossible to keep this list at 10. Last week: NR

Also receiving votes: Misspellers, Savage Ear, Taking it to the Max, Why Can’t Us, Sister Cloon, Shoeperglue, Madame Butterface, Magnus ver Magnusson, Generic Topical Pun

Autumn Invitational Scores are Posted

Here they are, folks, the scores for the JGTAI after Week 1. (Each week runs Monday thru Thursday, so last night’s results at North Star are not included.) The Top 15 teams after 8 weeks will earn invites to the Fall Brawl on November 20th. Gonna have tons of awesome prizes, live music, and a chance to earn VIP seating at the Quizzo Bowl for our winners. Top 10 teams will be in the running for a bonus prize, and the team with most physical challenge points wins a great prize as well. It is still way early in the contest, so don’t fret if you didn’t score in Week 1. There is plenty of time to catch up. Not only at our regular quizzes, but every two weeks or so there will be a bonus quiz where you can earn double points, like the Champs did on Sunday at the 1920s quiz. Next Bonus Quiz will be October 9th, and I’ll have details posted tomorrow. Going to be a fundraiser for an awesome cause. There are also talks of a Twin Peaks quiz on October 16th and perhaps a baseball quiz later in October as well. More details coming soon.

Fashion, Football, and Fritos Week

Going to be a very interesting week of quizzo this week, as our topics will be fashion, football (both American and futbol), and in honor of Arch West, junk food. I would highly suggesting adding a sports guy, if you haven’t already, and adding a fashion fan (and I’m going to go out on a limb and say that there will be no one person to fulfill both roles on your team.) And all of you baseball nuts who are jumping up and down with no baseball round with the playoffs starting this week, don’t you worry. Baseball questions are on teh horizon. Just gonna wait until we’re a little farther along in the playoffs.

Meanwhile, over on Facebook I am requesting your input for next week’s questions. Next week is going to be Overrated/Underrated Week, and all this week I am going to be asking you for things you think are overrated or underrated. Today, we start with movies. Post movies you think are overrated either on facebook or in comments below. After today, I’ll have you send me messages (We can’t have everyone seeing the answers). Anyways, I will be using your input on things that overrated and underrated to form many of next week’s questions. Should be fun.

Finally, I have added a new facebook physical challenge. And in lieu of some people requesting that they be more difficult, I am going to make this one a bit tougher. But you only need to get 2 photos to earn a max 6 points, as the photos will be worth 3 points each. I need you to get a pic of yourself in front of the two Charles Dickens statues on earth. (Either one is fine, though I doubt many of you will make the trip to Sydney). Hope to see ya this week!

2nd Annual JGT Autumn Invitational Starts This Week!

Hard to believe, but it’s that time again! Time to start earning points in the 2nd Annual Johnny Goodtimes Autumn Invitational. Immortality is there for the taking, as the Specific Jawns found out last month at the Summer Invite. They went from being a little known team that played occasionally at the Bards to being International Megastars. Since their win last month, they’ve been feted at numerous international hot spots, being treated like royalty in such exotic locales as Khartoum, Juarez, and even Edmonton.

Speaking of International, we kick off the Autumn Invitational with International Week. All questions this week will come from outside the United States (Unless there’s a question about the International House of Pancakes). Foreign foods, foreign stars, and foreign history will be on tap this week, starting on Tuesday night.

As for the JGTAI, it will operate the same as lthe SUmmer Invite. 8 weeks, with a wild card week at the end. Our big event will take place on Sunday, November 20th. If you’ve got any suggestions for venue and/or band, feel free to let me know and I’ll take it into consideration. I plan to have both booked in the next 2 weeks. Oh, and the first facebook challenge is posted. Get crackin’ and get your team on the scoreboard.

Previous Invitational Winners

Summer 2010Steak Em Up

Autumn 2010Exhausted Nihilists

Spring 2011Steak Em Up

Summer 2011Specific Jawns

Major Movement on the Power Rankings

An interesting week last week caused a few major shifts in our power rankings.

1. The Jams (Locust Rendezvous). They play the toughest competition on the JGT circuit, and they’ve won 3 straight weeks. A loss by the Steak puts them in the top spot. Last week: #3

2. Duane’s World (Black Sheep). An impressive 30 point win at Black Sheep, but as of late, they’ve been afraid to test their mettle against the Steak. The QCS system takes strength of schedule into account. To be the man, you gotta beat the man, and they’ve gotten a little too comfortable in the friendly confines of their home park. Last week: #2

3. Specific Jawns (The Bards). The only top flight team this past week that was willing to go toe to toe with Steak Em Up, they came from 10 down to knock them off in the 4th round. Furthermore, they won the most recent invitational. Last week: NR.

4. Steak Em Up (Bards). Cruise to an easy win at City Tap, but crash and burn at Bards on Thursday, much to my enjoyment. Last week: #1

5. L. Ron Hubbard’s Diabetics (Ugly American). A narrow win at UA keeps them in the Top 5, but a lot of questions remain. Will Marshall stop being lazy? What are they teaching Bob at Thunderbird U.? And does former Diabetic Gabe still exist? Last week: #5

6. Team Popesack (North Star). They’ve quickly established themselves as the team to beat at the North Star. A win tonight could launch them into the top 5. Last week: #8

7. The Misspellers (O’Neals). Trailing by 15 heading into the final round at O’Neals, they scored an amazing 55-points to score the come from behind win of the week and launch themselves onto the power rankings. Last week: NR

8. Magnus ver Magnusson (Locust Rendezvous). Drop out of the Top 3 at the Vous for the first time in months, dropping them four spots in the rankings. Last week: #4

9. Inglorious Barristers (Locust Rendezvous). An impressive showing this week at the Vous. We’ve just go to see if their hearts are in it for the long haul. Will they make a run at another Invitational invite? Last Week: NR

10. The Savage Ear (O’Neals). As much skill as any team on the circuit, but they just can’t seem to get the whole team together much lately. Chemistry obviously an issue for this squad, but they still nearly pulled off a win last week. Last week: NR

Also receiving votes: Poo Castle, IBM on Your Face, Schaub my Knob, Taking it to the Max, Million Dollar Robot Baby, Tug My McGraw, Why Can’t Us?

If your team made the Top 10, why not click “Like” below and share the good news. You’re famous!

1920s Quiz on September 25th!

We’ve got an awesome event lined up for September 25th at National Mechanics. We’re going to be doing an all 1920s quiz, with questions about the drinks, the styles, the music, the politics, and the celebrities of the Jazz Age. We’ll have prizes to give away for best 1920s outfit, we’ll have 1920s era drinks, and we’re going to have some incredible live music, with the Blackbird Society Orchestra (above) a 1920s-style jazz band (To listen to them click here)! Then, after the show and the quiz are done, we’re going to settle in and watch the season premiere of Boardwalk Empire on the big screen. So prepare to travel back in time with us on the 25th. I am quite honestly as excited about this quiz as I have been about any quiz I’ve ever hosted. This is gonna be really, really cool.