New Quizzo Tonight

mikeMike Minion of Eschaton is going to start hosting quizzo at the Ugly American and the Westbury on Monday nights. He’ll be using my format but his own questions, and I’ll post photos of the winners here. Here’s his short write up of what to expect at these quizzes.

The newest addition to the very loosely related JGT family of quizzos starts tonight. And while in the familiar JGT format, this quizzo is written and hosted by Mike Minion (a founding member of one of the Quizzo Bowl VI 2nd place teams – Eschaton).  JGT has no foreknowledge of the questions, which means you’ll get the chance to compete against him every now and then.  Yeah, I know, you’re all trembling in your boots.

Over the coming weeks, this quiz will feature some fun and challenging twists on the legendary JGT theme.  There will be a little less focus on pop culture, and the questions will be a touch more difficult in the 3rd and 4th rounds.  To ease the shock, tonight’s quizzo will be pretty much what you’re used to.  In the future, I make no such promises.

Here’s the details:

When and where to play: 8:00 PM at The Ugly American, located at the corner of Front and Federal, or 10:30 PM at The Westbury, located at the corner of 13th and Spruce. Like other JGT quizzos, it’s the same quiz at both places, so you can only play once a night.  If the starting time at the Westbury seems late, don’t worry.  It’s not “JGT time”; it will start promptly at 10:30 PM and move along quickly.  It will end no later than any of the quizzos at The Bards.  And for those of you who are used to operating on JGT time, please note: I’m going to try to start the early quiz as close to 8 PM as possible.  If you walk in at 8:20 PM (which usually gives you plenty of time for an announced 8 PM start of a JGT quiz), don’t be shocked if we’re finishing up the first round.

Prize at Ugly American is a $30 gift certificate for first place and a $15 dollar gift certificate for 2nd place. At the Westury, the prizes will be $40 and $20. Hope to see you tonight!

Quizzo Bowl Photos!!!

4451673608_2ef9b99a08_bFor the third straight year, my man DJ Starr (yes, that’s his real name, incredibly) took Quizzo Bowl photos, and for the third straight year they are phenomenal. Here ya go. Put on the slide show and enjoy. He did a great job capturing the event. If you’d like to get DJ for an event, wedding, etc., please feel free to contact him at DJStarrman at If you took any photos at the event, please let me know. Thanks!

Lambda Wins Action Packed “Quzzo” Bowl VI

4450899039_4e40efd501_bAnother year, another raucous party, as over 300 packed into the TLA to participate in Quizzo Bowl VI. There was insanity, there was controversy, there was a person on stage wearing a protective cup. When the dust settled, Lambda Lambda Lambda held onto the enormous James Buchanan Memorial Trophy with an impressive final round run that carried them to a 14 point victory. Eschaton and Deacon Blues finished tied for second.

The action started with a rap rendition of Just a Quiz to the Bizmark classic, Just a Friend. It would have been better if I had remembered the words, but that is neither here nor there. Fastball Bob came out to help out with the rules, then we were ready to rock. The first round passed rather uneventfully, and at the end of Round One, the defending champs found themselves in a tie with Betty White is the New Black with a perfect 13 each. 


After the West Philadelphia Orchestra gave their jazzy tribute to some famous classical tunes, the second round began. Most of the top teams hated the 50-50 topic (as I suspected they would.) It was male enhancement pill or not. The reason for the round was simple: I didn’t want to do some sort of history round or something and have all the usual suspects at the top of the leader board after a mere two rounds. My plan worked, though as I said, it didn’t win me any popularity contests. Sofa Kingdom particularly (and let’s be honest, surprisingly) bombed in Round Two, while Eschaton and Betty White is the New Black both really knew their sex pills. At this point, the contingent from Denver was also in the mix, and waved a Colorado flag when their name was called. This resulted in a cacophany of boos and a “Denver Sucks” chant that shook the rafters. 

4450938181_d8135d9aed_bThen came the halftime show, and has become an annual tradition, it was an epic disaster. The first contestant on the Dating Game took the stage, a character by the name of Fishtown Eddie. Suddenly, one member of Lambda came rushing down to the front of the stage, screaming angrily at Fishtown Eddie, saying that it was a tired stereotype. The yelling continued on into the skit, leaving many to wonder: was it real or all part of the act? We may never know, as both Lambda teammate Steve-O and Quizmaster Johnny Goodtimes refuse to answer questions on the topic. Security had to be called to escort the Lambda member away from the stage. 

The Wild card round was “All things South”, and that is where we started to separate the wheat from the chaffe. Betty White… scored an impressive 11 out of 12 correct to take a one point lead over Lambda heading into the final round. It looked like we might be headed for an epic upset, as Betty White was a team of only 4 members who play on occasion at the Black Sheep.

4450947037_4d498f2520_bSadly, it was not to be. Lambda played like champions in the final round, nailing 11 out of 12 questions correctly, and held the trophy aloft for the 3rd straight year to a chorus of boos, and some in the crowd began to chant “Fishtown Sucks”. With their third straight win and with the wild display at halftime, Lambda had done what many would have thought impossible not too long ago. They had taken the title away from Sofa Kingdom as not only the most feared team in quizzo, but the most hated as well.

Lambda Makes it a Threepeat

lambdaCongratulations to Lambda Lambda Lambda, who made it a threepeat last night at the TLA. Eschaton and Deacon Blue finished tied for 2nd. Of course, the event was not without it’s usual controversy, characters, and craziness. I will have a full report tomorrow, as well as photos and final scores of all the teams. I’m dedicating today to drinking Bloody Marys and watching basketball. Thanks to everyone for coming out last night. Hope you had fun. I know Fishtown Eddie did. 

IMG_1636T-2nd: Eschaton

IMG_1635T-2nd: Deacon Blues

The Favorites

A7E5CCAs we head into tonight’s action, here’s what the oddsmakers are saying in Vegas.

  1. Lambda Lambda Lambda 8-5
  2. Sofa Kingdom 2-1
  3. The Champs 3-1
  4. L. Ron Hubbard’s Diabetics 5-1
  5. The Hurtin Bombs 8-1
  6. The Denver Squad 10-1
  7. Axis Of Evil Knieval 12-1
  8. Eschaton 15-1
  9. 1022 20-1
  10. Quiz on Your Face 30-1

And in case you’re curious, last place finisher the Unusual Suspects are 250-1 shots.

It’s the Final Countdown

There are a few more tickets left if you have a small group. Once we set the chairs up in the early afternoon, I’ll know exactly how many more we can fit, but it’s not going to be many. I’ll try to update the site this afternoon when I know exactly how much more room we have. Get your head right. It’s on.

Quizzo Bowl Update

marqueeAs of right now, Quizzo Bowl VI is almost sold out but I have a few more seats left. If you are interested in playing, shoot me a line at TODAY. We will not have any tables available by showtime tomorrow. A few more notes:

MAJOR DETAILS: Doors open at 7 p.m., show starts at 8 p.m. (8 p.m. sharp, not 8 p.m. Johnny Goodtimes time.) There is a premium on space, so if you’re a smaller group, expect to be teamed with a larger team. I seem to have a fair amount of 5 or 6 person teams and a fair amount of 1 or 2 person teams, so it should work out, but just expect a fair amount of shuffling once you arrive. Therefore, please get there well before 8 p.m., especially if you are on a smaller team! 

FOOD AND DRINK: The beer on sale at Quizzo Bowl VI will be Miller High Life, $3 a bottle. As for food, they will have a few light snacks for sale, but I’d advise eating something a little heartier before the event. At the afterparty, Spoonie is hooking us up with $3 domestics, $4 imports and micros, and $4 (plus tax) highballs. Gonna be a fun party. We’ll be taking over the 2nd and 3rd floors. 

QUESTIONS: Slightly harder than usual. 12 Questions per round. A 50/50 round that you are going to hate. 

TIME: With this many teams, with a band, and a halftime show, of course this will last a bit longer than a normal quizzo, but not a whole lot longer. We should be done no later than 11 p.m., still leaving us plenty of time to get our grind on at O’Neals. 

SEATING: There will be some tables that will be on a slight slant and plenty of you will be sitting at bars, railings, etc. The place has a different layout than any of our previous spots. I think that’s what makes it unique, but like I said, you won’t necessarily be 8 people gathered around a table like in previous years. All I can promise you is a place to write, and (probably) a place to sit. Don’t freak out. Our team was standing room only in Denver and that worked out fine. As I have said before, teams that dress up will get preferred seating. Of course, the preferred seating will be first come first serve. 

GIVEAWAYS: I have a ton of stuff to give away. Tickets to future TLA shows, gift certificates to local bars and restaurants, Miller High Life stuff, and some t-shirts from our friends at They are also gonna be selling some shirts as well at the event.

RAPPING?: Seriously, let it go. You’re really beating a dead horse at this point.

If you have any questions or concerns, please put them below in the comments.