Last Week’s Scores

Congratulations to Yacht Rock and Expired Walmart Meat…both scored a perfect 52 last week to rocket to the top of the charts. Yacht Rock comes away with one of the narrowest victories in quizzo history, by 0.02 in OT. If you missed last week, worry not, we’ve still got lots of openings for this week. We’re taking each team’s top 3 scores to determine a December champ, so you’ve still got a shot at the crown if you sign up now!

1Yacht Rock520.10
2Expired Walmart Meat520.12
3L. Ron Hubbard’s Diabetics500.09
4Sofa Kingdom500.14
5Synchronized Trampoline490.01
6Duane’s World490.18
7Lambda Lambda Lambda490.26
8Underground Bard470.00
9Carole’s Husband460.06
10Very Many Porpoises450.25
11Hallmark Hot430.16
12Meat Sweats420.08
13The Quarantiners420.30
14There’s No I in Quizzo410.06
15Quick Question400.14
16Deck My Balls400.28
17Au Bon Pandemic380.12
18Mad Princes380.20
19Pop Fit Studio380.30
20Brains on Cheese370.20
21Drunk Parents360.16
22Not Last Place310.30
23Penny Fur Long300.06
24Tuesday Night Quarantine Quizzo Club300.38
25Together Alone260.01

Our Toy and Clothing Drive Is Live!

Our annual toy and clothing drive is now underway. The way we do it is simple. Pick a child on this spreadsheet (or more than 1 if you’d like), find a toy they’d like on Amazon, purchase it and have it mailed to the address below. Take about 30 seconds and makes a WORLD of difference to a child who might otherwise not get a toy this Christmas. Thank you everyone for your continued annual support for our annual toy and clothes drive! We couldn’t do it without you! And thank you to the Poor People’s Army, we couldn’t do it without them.

(Child’s first name) c/o PPEHRC Toy DriveĀ 

1505 West Allegheny Avenue

Philadelphia PA 19132

December Sign-Ups are Live!

Looking top play a little quizzo during December? Good news, we got ya covered. Just go here and sign up. And here’s the payment breakdown:

It’s $35 a la carte, or $150 for all 5 weeks (a savings of $25)

Just send your money to @jgtquizzo on venmo, fill in the days you wanna play, and have at it.

We’ll keep track of each week’s scores, and monthly averages for any teams that play 3 or more weeks.

NOTE: I’m not open much after week 1 due to corporate jawns. But who cares you jerks all love J. Michael more tha worry not! I will be hosting some special quizzes this month. More info on those soon.

Black Friday Weekend Sale!

There’s no reason your holiday party has to be an awkward, chaotic gathering in a Zoom room when you’ve got the opportunity to make it the most virtual fun you and your team have ever had instead. Let the Johnny Goodtimes team host your event, and watch the virtual high fives, fist pumps, and trash talk fly. From a basic quiz for 10 people to one with a virtual bartender and customized questions for 300, we can make it work for all budgets and group sizes. And this weekend only, we’re taking $50 off our usual prices.

Want to learn more? Just fill out this short form, and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours with all of your options. Thank you, and hope to see you and your crew soon!

Thanksgiving Food Round

We had a blast at last night’s Thanksgiving Eve quizzo, and we also raised over $400 for the Poor People’s Army (aka PPEHRC)! We’ll put that $ towards heaters.

Congrats to Careless Fister, who won the event in double overtime over Social Distance Warriors. The Very Stable Geniuses also finished with a 94, but fell in the first OT.

We had one of our corniest rounds ever, a Thanksgiving food before and After Round. So in other words if I asked, “What holiday was invented by Shel Silverstein?”, you’d answer “The Thanks-giving Tree.” Answers are after the break. Prepare to roll your eyes when you see them.

  1. It’s the main attraction, isn’t it, A-Aron?
  2. These evergreen dwarf shrubs founded Motown.
  3. Some people like these in a casserole, which they prepare while listening to the 2000 album The Truth.
  4. Others like this in a casserole, which they eat with the former Auburn head coach and Alabama senator.
  5. You’ll find onion, celery and fresh herbs near this region between Rochester and Syracuse.
  6. I recommend gruyere in this dish, which I often make while listening to Jimmy Buffet.
  7. Ingredients include orange juice, cinnamon, marshmallows, motorcycles and pianos.
  8. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees, oil a sheet pan, cover with foil, and then head out to Europe’s largest seaport.
1. Tur-key and Peele
2. Cran-berry Gordy
3. String Bean-ie Sigel
4. Sweet Pota-tommy Tuberville
5. Stuf-fingerLakes
6. Macaroni and Cheese-burger in Paradise
7. Candied yam-aha
8. Roasted car-rotterdam

Congratulations to Smells Like Quarantine Spirit!

Smells Like Quarantine Spirit held off a couple of feisty challengers to come away with a win at the Fall Brawl on Sunday. After a disappointing 82 in the Semis that barely got them in as the 8th team, they turned on the afterburners in this one and had a perfect 45 in the Impossible Round, allowing them to slip past the Very Stable Geniuses who led after three. It was back to back wins for the SLQS, who also won the Summer Slam. The quiz featured a 50/50 round that gave people fits and an epic picture round that we’ll post later. I’ll be ordering their title belts this week. Here were the final scores:

  1. Smells Like Quarantine Spirit 98
  2. Underground Bard 91
  3. Very Stable Geniuses 91
  4. Expired Walmart Meat 90
  5. FFSF 89
  6. L. Ron Hubbard 85
  7. Queefer Sutherland 78
  8. Yacht Rock 77

Meet Your Fall Brawl Finalists

  1. Underground Bard. The winners of our World Cup of Quizzo, they then finished 4th in the Summer Slam, losing by a mere 4 points. They are undoubtedly the favorites on Sunday night. VEGAS ODDS: 3/1
  2. Very Stable Geniuses. Not sure what got into their Wheaties, but after finishing 41st in Summer Slam, they put together a 7-3 season followed by a damn impressive 101 in the semis. Would be a hell of a turnaround if they could pull off the upset. VEGAS ODDS: 14/1
  3. Yacht Rock. After winning the Jigsaw division, the Yacht Rock crew put up a monstrous 98 on a tough semifinals quiz. They finished 27th in the Summer Slam, so a title in Fall Brawl would be a hell of a feat. VEGAS ODDS: 25/1
  4. Expired Walmart Meat. The Meat comes in hungry. They were a Final Four team in the World Cup, and finished 5th in Summer Slam. They were the 3rd highest scoring team in the Fall Brawl regular season. They’ve got the 3rd best odds of any team in the Finals. VEGAS ODDS: 7/1
  5. L. Ron Hubbard’s Diabetics. A mediocre 5-5 season earned them a wildcard spot, but they seem to be heating up at the right time. A perfect score in the Wild Card playoffs, followed by an 87 in the Semis. Would be a huge upset for this veteran squad, but not outside the realm of possibility…they finished 12th in the Summer Slam. VEGAS ODDS: 35/1
  6. FFSF. The #12 seed (out of 12) in the Nerds Conference, FFSF is the Fall Brawl Cinderella story, the team all of America is rooting for. They shocked Lambda, Zodiac Killers, and Boyz II Menehune in the Wildcard round, then put up a strong 87 in the semis. VEGAS ODDS: 75/1
  7. Smells Like Quarantine Spirit. The winners of Summer Slam, they lost one of their best players in the offseason and we’ve seen their play drop just a bit. But they still ruled the Nerd Conference, and they’re still a dangerous team. VEGAS ODDS: 11/2.
  8. Queefer Sutherland. A 9-1 regular season, but they squeaked into the finals with an 82. Our most experienced team in the finals, will that experience pay off in a championship belt? We’ll find out Sunday. VEGAS ODDS: 12/1

If you’d like to play along with us on Sunday night, it’s easy. Just go to the Johnny Goodtimes Facebook page, where we’ll be streaming live, and sign in on playbigquiz with the Event Key “fallfun”. It’s free to play, though your lovable quizmasters will certainly accept tips. Hope to see ya Sunday!

Thanksgiving Eve Quiz

Thanksgiving in 2020 is going to be…strange. Just like everything else in this godforsakern year. But that doesn’t mean that it can’t also be fun. So whattya say we spend Thanksgiving Eve together, having a few drinks, heckling JGT, and playing a little quizzo? You can purchase tickets here at eventbrite. $35 covers not just you but your whole team. We’ll also be doing a 50/50 raffle during the quiz, with money raised going to buy heaters for the Poor People’s Army.

No regular season quizzes next week, just this one quiz. Then we’ll be back the following week with a full schedule. Hope to see ya on Wednesday!

Fall Brawl is Almost Over, and We’d Love to Get Your Feedback

We’re at Playoff Week here in the Fall Brawl. It’s been an awesome season, with plenty of twists and turns, and we’re already excited about the next one. Starting in January, Winter War will obviously be utilizing a lot of what has made this season so successful: standings, team logos, quizmaster talk shows, a regularly updated scoreboard, etc. But we’d love to hear your suggestions on how to make things even better. Do us a solid and fill out this brief, three question survey. We’ll incorporate some of your best ideas into Winter War. You’ll also get a 20% off code to Shibe Sports, where we just launched our new Philly Culture series. Thanks!