JGT Hosting Quizzo Outdoors on Tuesday!

Excited to announce that I will be hosting quizzo at Frankford Hall (1210 Frankford Avenue) on Tuesday night, June 8th at 8 PM. And yes, the quiz will be the same as the Summer Sizzler quiz (plus a bonus speed and music round), so if you want to play here and have it count BOTH at the bar and in the standings, feel free to play! Just gimme a heads up if so so we can take you off the schedule. (you can email me at johnny @ johnnygoodtimes dot com.)

Signing Up for Summer Sizzler Schedule

Hey gang, if you’re trying to get your time slots for the coming season, you can sign up here. If you don’t see anything open, let us know and we’ll see what we can do. With Chip and Blake returning to comedy, we may be hiring a new QM, but in the meantime, you can check out the slots we currently have. And we currently have 37 teams, would love to get to an even number (38 or 40) so if you’d like to get a team in last minute, you can do so by signing up here.

Congrats Cool Cats and Kittens!

Shout out to the Cool Cats and Kittens, who took home first place in the April Madness tournament. They had to hold off a plucky Underground Bard team and the upstarts COVID Isn’t Real, 46-44-44.

30th seed Au Bon Pandemic’s magical run ended in 4th place. A hearty thank you to everyone who played and I look forward to seeing you this summer, either in person (hopefully soon!) or as part of our Summer Sizzler.

Let the Summer Sizzler Begin!

WHO: You, me, and this cast of characters I’ve got hosting these damn things.

WHAT: The Summer Sizzler, a collection of the hottest quizzes in the town.

WHEN: Season kicks off on June 1st and lasts through July 10th or 17th. (depending on how many teams register)

WHERE: On zoom, but ALSO…added twist this season is that you will be able to contribute to your scores at the live quizzes I am HOPING to start in June. A tentative date of June 15th is set but that is certainly not in stone. But if we are able to kick off next month, we’ll just take your score from the three rounds that will be the same as the Zoom quiz (we’ll also have a music round at the live quizzes, but that won’t count towards your Summer Sizzler score.)

WHY: Why not?

WHAT: It’s the Summer Sizzler, which will be very similar to the season we just did. 5 regular season weeks face to face with your quizmaster, followed by a postseason with at least two playoff games for each team.

HOW MUCH? Like we said, pretty much a run back of what was a really fun April Madness season. Same price: $350. Deposit of $200 due on June 1st, other $150 due July 1st. $10 of each sign up goes to PPEHRC.

WHERE DO WE SIGN UP? Right here.


DAMNIT, GOODTIMES! Yeah, I know. I know.

See ya this sizzlin’ summer!

The Championship is Set!

Some thrillers in the semis, and we’re down to our Final Four…and you’re welcome to play along. Doing it a little differently this time. If you wanna play on Sunday night at 7 PM, just sign your team up here. You’ll join us in the zoom with the four teams actually competing. We’ll set you up on playbigquiz and the whole works, with the winning non-finalist team winning some Philadelphia Phoenix tickets! Just sign up here. It’s free to play (though you’re welcome to tip) and if we have enough teams signed up we’ll do a 50/50 raffle for PPEHRC.

Congrats to our four finalists! Covid Isn’t Real Continued their incredible run with a 43-41 win over the Very Stable Geniuses. Meanwhile, the Underground Bard held off the Sons of Sam, 45-43. Boyz II Menehune lose in Overtime AGAIN, getting stunned by Au Bon Pandemic after the two teams finished tied at 42. And the Cool Cats and Kittens continued their hot streak with a 46-40 over FFSF. We’ll determine a champion on Sunday night, and we hope you’ll join us!

Our Elite 8 is set!

A shocker in the Sweet 16, as #16 Covid Isn’t Real stunned Quarantine Spirit, 48-46. Their victory has sent shockwaves through the quizzo community, and left things wide slam open in our Elite 8. It’s truly anybody’s ballgame. Here’s the Vegas odds for each team to win it all:

Cool Cats and Kittens 5/1: Averaged 48 PPG in the regular season and have stormed through the playoffs so far. Their path is about to get a lot bumpier though, with a match vs FFSF this week.

Sons of $am 12/1: Our #4 seed has had a tremendous regular season and seem poised to go to their first finals. But first they’ll need to get past Underground Bard, who knocked them off in the Elite 8 of the World Cup last summer.

Boyz II Menehune 14/1: Not their best regular season, but after finishing 3rd in the Winter Warz this team is hungry for their first title.

Very Stable Geniuses 18/1: 3rd place finishers in Fall Brawl, the Geniuses have what it takes. Will this be the season they break through?

FFSF 20/1: A team that seems to improve just a bit each season, FFSF is a team on the rise. They got a taste of the big time in Fall Brawl with a 5th place finish, and this time they’d like to do even better. But they’ve got to get through Cool Cats in the Elite 8, which is a brutal matchup.

COVID Isn’t Real 22/1: Coming off their SHOCKING upset of Quarantine Spirit, is this a team of destiny? Perhaps, but first they’e got to get past Very Stable Geniuses, no easy task.

Au Bon Pandemic 24/1: Don’t let the #30 seed fool you…they were an 8-seed in last year’s Summer Slam and missed the Finals of Fall Brawl by a tiebreaker.

Underground Bard 30/1: You may be surprised to see them ranked this low. They certainly would not be, but most of the team will miss the finals if they make it that far due to a stage performance.

Best of luck to all of our final 8 contestants and we hope to see everyone on Sunday night when we air the finals live on Facebook!

Quizzo This Week

Hey gang, if you’re one of the 42 teams that didn’t advance to the Elite 8, worry not; you can still play quizzo this week. Sign ups are here (click offseason tab at the bottom of the page). Openings for next week available too. The usual deal: $35 a game, payable to @jgtquizzo on Venmo or johnny at johnnygoodtimes.com on PayPal.

Details coming on the Sizzlin’ Summer Super League coming this week.

The Playoffs are Here!

Watch Carl, J Michael, and JGT break down the brackets and pick their Cinderellas here.

Alright folks, after a thrilling 5 week regular season, we’re on to the playoffs (See our playoff preview above). And here’s how it breaks down:

May 3rd-7th: Week One are the play-in games. These will be played as usual, with the QM of your choice. If you haven’t signed up already, you can do so here.The teams with a first round bye are still welcome to play this week, but they’ll be helping us experiment with some new tech…Carl sent them an email Sunday to explain.

May 10th-14th: Next week we move into Phase 2 of the playoffs. Those games will be played once or twice a night in group sessions (On either Zoom or Luna Park). You’ll be able to pick your night, Monday or Tuesday, for the Round of 32, then pick your night, Wednesday or Thursday, for the Sweet 16. The teams that lost in Week 1 are welcome to play along as well.

May 17th-23rd: The next week we’ll break it down for our Final 8..we’ll give them two different options to play that week. The rest of our teams: you’re welcome to buy in for a session that week as well. Our Finals will be our Final Four teams playing on Sunday night the 23rd, and we’ll be carrying that game live on Facebook. Best of luck to all of our teams. Let the Madness begin!