WHO: You, me, and this cast of characters I’ve got hosting these damn things.
WHAT: The Summer Sizzler, a collection of the hottest quizzes in the town.
WHEN: Season kicks off on June 1st and lasts through July 10th or 17th. (depending on how many teams register)
WHERE: On zoom, but ALSO…added twist this season is that you will be able to contribute to your scores at the live quizzes I am HOPING to start in June. A tentative date of June 15th is set but that is certainly not in stone. But if we are able to kick off next month, we’ll just take your score from the three rounds that will be the same as the Zoom quiz (we’ll also have a music round at the live quizzes, but that won’t count towards your Summer Sizzler score.)
WHY: Why not?
WHAT: It’s the Summer Sizzler, which will be very similar to the season we just did. 5 regular season weeks face to face with your quizmaster, followed by a postseason with at least two playoff games for each team.
HOW MUCH? Like we said, pretty much a run back of what was a really fun April Madness season. Same price: $350. Deposit of $200 due on June 1st, other $150 due July 1st. $10 of each sign up goes to PPEHRC.
WHERE DO WE SIGN UP? Right here.
DAMNIT, GOODTIMES! Yeah, I know. I know.
See ya this sizzlin’ summer!