Now that the recession is over and your company is loaded to the gills with money, why not hire JGT to host your company party? It’s guaranteed fun, rates are perfectly reasonable, and JGT promises to wear one of his flashiest sport coats for the event. In the past, I’ve hosted everything, from parties for FOX29, UPenn, the Franklin Institute to small private parties at people’s homes. To learn more about hiring me for parties, please click here. If you’re interested, please shoot me an email.
Category: Quizzo
Battle of the JGTs
Ok, so here’s one I’ve been waiting to get around to for over a week. Halloween turned out to be somewhat surreal for me, as 3 of my best friends decided to go as Johnny Goodtimes. Now I know what you’re thinking: “Holy s***, Johnny, 3 people went as you for Halloween? You must be bigtime.” Now, if these were 3 strangers, I would say “Yes, I am f***ing bigtime.” However these were all close personal friends of mine, and I know how they operate. i.e. “Oh crap, it’s Halloween night at 6 p.m. and I don’t have a costume. Maybe I could just wear some ridiculous clothes and a sportcoat and go as JGT.” Which is essentially how it all went down. Let’s see which JGT was best.
JGT #1. Trivia Art. Debonair, but where’s the hair? A wig would have given Trivia Art the win. Still, the martini glass and the scorecard are nice touches. We like it. Score: 7 (on a 1-100 scale).
JGT #2. Nate D. (right). called me the night of Steve-O’s party and asked if he could borrow an outfit, as well as the mic. I did him one better and scored him a wig. A very authentic outfit, but required little work on Nate’s part. Still, Nate scored big with his bump and grind routine with Steve-O before leaving the party. Score: 7.
JGT #3. Chip Chantry (left). I knew Nate was going to the party as me. Not so for Chip. Thus when I arrived at the party and there were two JGT’s (Art was elsewhere), I remarked, “This just went from surreal to Lynch.” Were Chip actually capable of growing a beard, and he had grown one, this would have been quite the ensemble. As it was, he painted a beard on, which really came across as little more than creepy. Still, we gotta give Chip credit, he put together the entire ensemble himself. Score: 7.
We have a three way tie. I only see one way to break this. A vote!
Three Bounty Bowls This Week!
Hey kids, I am probably gonna end up going broke by the end of the week. But this isn’t about me. It’s about you. You can win BIG MONEY this week at quizzo. First of all, at O’Neals, The Ear has pulled off 5 straight wins, and anyone who knocks them off gets $20 cash in addition to the gift certificate. The same holds true at the Ugly American, as L. Ron Hubbard’s Diabetics have again established a foothold with 5 straight W’s. $30 off bar tab in addition to $20 cash to anyone who knocks them off this week. Finally, at the Bards it is just getting ridiculous. Steak Em Up won this past week in OT over Duane’s World. The bounty there is up to $35, in addition to the $40 GC, making this Thursdays quiz worth a crazy $75 for the winners! A great week to make it out to the quiz.
Quizzo News and Notes
Losses by Steak Em Up, The Jams, and Duane’s World are certainly going to make Monday’s power ranking fairly interesing. A pretty wild week overall, with several major upsets. We’d also like to take a moment to offer best wishes to quizzo regular Molly (above) who is moving to Chicago today.
In other quizzo news: The weekend of October 3rd, either on Saturday or Sunday, we are going to hold a Fall Quizzo Smackdown at the East Falls Marketplace. More details coming soon.
Another interesting thing I came across today: video of Pedro Martinez engaged in a cockfighting match. In light of the Vick uproar, I find it interesting that nothing has been made of this.
In case you missed it, here’s a few cool things we learned last week at quizzo.
Finally, be sure to vote for your favorites at, and be sure to shoot me some entries! Highest voted entry at the end of the month wins a $20 gift certificate.
When Should We Do Fall Smackdown?
Ok, wanting to do it the first weekend of October. If we did it on Saturday, we would do it around 5ish. If we did it on Sunday, we would do it around 3ish. I’m leaning toward Sunday because it’s in the early afternoon so people can bike to the location, and it would be easy to put together an afterparty nearby because Sundays are easy, while if we do it on a Saturday, it’s gonna be tough to find a bar that really cares about getting more people. As for sports, the Eagles are off that weekend, and the Phils play their final regular season game on that Sunday. Barring a stunning collapse, the game will be meaningless, though it is Fan Appreciation Day. Let me know your preference below.
Scientology, Sean Connery, and Bicycle Kicks: What We Learned Last Week
- Last week we learned that Operating Thetan VIII is the highest level you can achieve in Scientology. Here’s a pretty good run down of each of the 8 levels, and what they can do for you, provided you have the hundreds of thousands of dollars that are required to learn the ultimate secrets of life and an ability to wade through giant swamps of bulls***.
- In the bicycle round of Thursdays kicks, we had the question, “Spanish sports fans call this a chalaca or chilena. What is it?” The answer is found here.
- Another bicycle round question was, “This 1948 film is considered by many to be one of the greatest films ever. What is it?” The answer is the Bicycle Thief, and here is a review of it by the New York Times. Tim Burton considered Pee Wee’s Big Adventure to be a loose remake of the film.
- Last week’s question of the week was: “Lana Turner’s boyfriend once pulled a gun on Sean Connery, only to have Connery snatch it from him and beat him up. Who was he?” The answer was Johnny Stompanato. In case you missed it, here’s a pretty good rundown of what happened.
In 1957 he had been cast by Hollywood bombshell Lana Turner as her love interest in a small British-made picture called Another Time, Another Place…rumours quickly began circulating on set that the screen lovers had continued the action off screen.
Connery was also seen on her arm at West End shows and in fashionable London restaurants. It did not take long for word of their relationship to travel across the Atlantic to the ears of Turner’s hoodlum boyfriend Johnny Stompanato.
Stompanato was a snappily dressed small-time crook with a taste for violence…He boarded a plane for London to sort out the man he thought was sleeping with his girlfriend…Stompanato, consumed with jealousy and anger, burst into the studios in Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, where Turner and Connery were filming, and waved a gun at Connery, warning him to stay away from the actress. Connery wrestled the gun off him and laid him out cold with a right hook.
A few months later, Stompanato was killed by either Turner or her daughter in one of Hollywood’s most notorious scandals.
Fall Smackdown Update
I’m kind of liking Sunday afternoon, October 4th. Not definite, but that’s what I’m kind of kicking around in my head. Maybe around 3ish in the afternoon. I want to do it early in October so we’re not up against the Phils in the playoffs. Yes, the Phils have a game that day, but they should have the division wrapped up by then barring a Mets-like collapse. We’d have the event wrapped up by early Sunday evening so people working the next day would be home early and for people wanting to party, it will be a lot easier to find a place to have an afterparty on a Sunday than on a Saturday. As for location, I’m dropping another photo hint above.
Thoughts, concerns?
Quizzo News and Notes
A wild week at quizzo this week. Going to be interesting to see how it affects the standings. Steak ‘Em Up wins twice, but neither time in dominant fashion. The Axis has the best performance of the week by far, and Duane’s World, the Jams, and L. Ron Hubbard’s Diabetics all lose. How will it shake down? Find out Monday.
Meanwhile, I have found a venue for our Fall Smackdown (there’s a snippet of it to the left. See if you can figure it out.) It is going to be extremely cool. I still need to find a date, but I think we’re looking mid-October. I’ll get a definite date by next week.
Alright, I’m heading to New Hampshire for the weekend. I’ll see you kids next week. In the meantime, read about why J. Whyatt Mondesire is a disgrace. And don’t forget to join the Large Marge Fan Club!
Ok, so no murder, and not really that much mayhem, but there was controversy at the Rendezvous last night. The Jams had a perfect score when, in round three, I asked the question, “What train was Casey Jones the engineer of, a train whose name sounds similar to a Burt Reynolds movie?” The correct answer was Cannonball Express. They answered, simply, “Cannonball”. I had taken off a point the night before for teams that had simply written Cannonball, and did so again. They then ran the tables in Round Four and finished one point away from a perfect score, with a 118. So the question I pose to you is, “Was I grading too harshly? Should I have given them full credit for cannonball?” Let me know in the poll below.
The 2009 JGT Moneyboard (thru July 31)
Here it is, kids, the JGT 2009 Moneyboard. This does not include results from last week or so far this week. Also, a couple of teams who keep changing their name might have been skipped. Keep in mind, Bards and the Black Sheep both offer a $40 fiirst place prize, Ugly American offers $30 first place prize, and O’Neals and Locust Rendezvous offer a $25 first place prize.