Quizzo This Week

We’re back, baby! After taking a week off, we’re excited to get back in the game. All your favorite haunts are on the marquee this week. Best chance to get a win is probably Loco Pez, followed by Deli at Dwell. Let’s go!


Loco Pez 7 PM


Founding Fathers 8 PM


Dock Street 8 PM


Deli at Dwell 7 PM

Birra 8 PM

Just Watch the Damn World Series

Unless you’ve been locked in your basement for the past month (and knowing this crowd, that’s probably a lot of you**), you know the Phillies are in the World Series. And they’re playing those games at prime quizzo time. So we’re taking the week off…We’ll see ya back at all of your favorite haunts next week. Go Phils!

** I kid! I kid!



The 19th Annual (Sort of) Spooktacular!

We’ve been doing the annual Spooktacular, full of ghosts, goblins and gremlins, for quite a few years now. This week, with the Phillies going to the World Series, we’ll mix it up a bit, with a part horror/part World Series theme (but very few baseball questions). Make sense? No? That’s fine. It’ll be fun. Here’s the lineup.


Loco Pez 7 PM


Founding Fathers 8 PM


Dock Street 8 PM


Deli at Dwell 7 PM

Birra 8 PM

Quizzo This Week

A good week of quizzing last week. We get back at it this week with a few tweaks. Quizzo is cancelled on Tuesday at Founding Fathers, and Steve hosts at the Loco Pez ($6 margs! $6 nachos!) on Monday night. He’s also hosting a special Halloween quiz at Fette Sau on Wednesday. The rest of us will play the Halloween Spooktacular next week. Here’s our lineup:


Loco Pez (with Steve) 7 PM Cancelled until next week


Cancelled (Go Phils!)


Fette Sau Halloween Quiz (with Steve) 6:30 PM

Dock Street 8 PM


Deli at Dwell (with Taryn) 7 PM

Birra (with Carl) 8 PM

Virtual Quizzo is Back!

Yes, it’s been great getting back into the bars. But the virtual quizzes have continued to be a lot of fun, especially for teams that are in different cities, in the burbs, or have kids and can’t get out all that easily anymore. And for the teams who love Carl (pretty much all of them.)

The Fall season starts next Tuesday. 8 games (final will be on Sunday 11/20), 4 rounds each, played in 60-75 minute breakout room sessions. Carl will be your host for all sessions, which will be held Tuesday & Wednesday evenings except for the final. You can register here and sign up for your team’s weekly sessions here. These quizzes will be separate than the regular quiz, so you’re welcome to play the virtual league AND the weekly bar quiz if you want. Gonna be a great league, we’re hoping to land 4 more teams by the time the league starts on Tuesday. Sign up today!

The Special Masters Win Their First Ever Quizzo Bowl!

On an electric Saturday night at the World Cafe Live, the Special Masters stunned the quizzo establishment with a 155-151 victory over the defending champs, Boyz II Menehune. Sofa Principality finished 3rd.

Our “Back to School” themed night began with JGT and lil’ Goodtimes performing the dance routine from Napoleon Dynamite. We then went into Round 1, “Are You Smarter than a Canadian 5th Grader?” (I’ll post some of the questions later). Round two was a definite highlight, as Doogie Horner introduced an art round in which he had drawn famous artists…as if they were kids. So a very fun round you can watch here.

Round Three was a “School Cafeteria Before and After round, followed by the music round, hosted by JGT and Reef the Lost Cauze, rapping rock songs about school. After four rounds, we had a tie between the Special Masters, 3-time champion Lambda, and 2-time champion the Zodiac Killers. Chip hosted a History video round, then we moved to the Impossible Round. And that’s where the Masters broke away from the pack, missing only one part of the Weekly double, but otherwise running the round.

The between-round performances by Friends of the Family were SPECTACULAR, we were able to get a lot of school supplies for our friends at the Poor People’s Army, and we’ll have lots of great photos posted for ya soon. Here were our final scores.

  1. Special Masters 155
  2. Boyz II Menehune 151
  3. Sofa Principality 149
  4. Midvale School for the Gifted 145
  5. Run the Crown Jewels 144
  6. Yacht Rock 140
  7. The Zodiac Killer$ 138
  8. Lambda 135
  9. Charles III in Charge 133
  10. This Could’ve Been a Zoom Session 124
  11. Kids Who Can’t Read Good 120
  12. RIPenis 116
  13. Stone Cold Steve’s Awesome 114
  14. Jesse’s Girls ft Appelonia 113
  15. Tuesday Night Quizzo Club 111
  16. Happy National TV Dinner Day 102
  17. Nudie Magazine Day! 102
  18. Inturnts 98
  19. Charles in Charge 93
  20. We Are Marshall 78
  21. Quiz in my Pants 60
  22. Geoman 37

So You’re Playing Quizzo Bowl?

So you’re playing Quizzo Bowl? Whether this is your first or 17th, we’re really excited to have you on board. This is gonna be a blast! Here’s what you need to know:

The event is at the World Cafe Live, 30th and Walnut. You’ll enter on Walnut. The doors are at 7, show is at 8. Know the purchaser of your tickets! That will get you in the venue without needing to wait for everybody to arrive. It’s all general seating, so first come first serve on that.

If you’d like to play and have not already bought tickets…no problem! We’ve definitely got a few tables left. Your guaranteed bet is to buy them online, but at last count you should be OK getting them at the box office. 

The show will start at 8 PM. We’ve got a new star to help open this year’s show.

It will be a 6-round, 48 question quiz. It will not move as fast as a typical quiz, so kick back and relax. We’ll have live music, games and nonsense to enjoy. This ain’t as Tuesday, let’s hang out, party a little, and luxuriate in all of this bonus trivia. I’ll post the run of show below, so you know what to expect.

Needless to say, there are no phones allowed during gameplay BUT you are welcome to use them during the rest of the show. So please take photos of your team, of you and Fastball Bob, of you and the trophy, whatever, and be sure to tag @jgtquizzo on instagram and use the hashtag #QBXVII. And yes, we will have a pro photog there as well, so be sure to get a team pic! 

I am asking everyone who attends to bring a school supply! We will then give them all to our friends at the Poor People’s Army to hand out to Philly schoolchildren who need them. Pens, pencils, bookbags, markers, it really can be anything, and most places are doing big sales on them now since school already started.

If you have a small group and want to play, that’s no problem at all! But I will probably team you up with another small group to make a team. It helps build our little community, and it makes things easier for Chip and I to grade! 

There will be an afterparty! We’ll be headed right down the street to one of the great dive bars in the city, Bonner’s, to wind down and to raise a glass to the champions.

Can’t wait to see everyone tomorrow night. Gonna be a fun show!

7:00 Doors

8:00 Show starts, Round One begins

8:30 Round One Ends, Round Two begins

8:40 Round Two ends, band begins

9:00 Review answers to rounds One and Two

9:10 Round Three begins

9:20 Round Three ends, Round Four begins

9:40 Round Four Ends, Band plays

10:00 Review answers to rounds 3 and 4

10:20 Begin Round Five

10:30 Begin Round Six 

10:40 End Round Six, Band plays

11:00 Review answers, give out final scores

11:15 Finis!
Best of luck!

Quizzo This Week

Well it’s THAT week. Quizzo Bowl week. The most exciting week on the quizzo calendar. But before we get to Saturday, we’ve got a full slate for the coming week. And yes, we’re Labor Day quizzin’, so come on by.


Loco Pez 7 PM


Founding Fathers 8 PM


Dock Street 8 PM


Deli at Dwell 7 PM (with Taryn)

Birra 8 PM (with Carl)


Quizzo Bowl XVII 8 PM

Everything You Need to Know About Quizzo Bowl XVII


WHO: Our nerd community.

WHAT: Quizzo Bowl XVII, the most prestigious quizzo event in America.

WHEN: September 10th, doors at 7 PM, show at 8 PM.

WHERE: World Cafe Live, 20th and Walnut.

WHY: Why not? After 16 straight years of Quizzo Bowl, we had to take 2021 off due to COVID. But now we’re BACK, baby. And we’re gonna party twice as hard since we missed last year!

HOW MUCH? $200 per team or $30 per player.

DIDN’T IT USED TO BE PER PLAYER? Yep, but this actually saves us quite a bit of money…if you purchase the $200 option then it’s only a $7 service charge for the whole team, not $7 per person.


IS THIS LIKE A REGULAR QUIZ? No. It’s like a regular quiz if it was filled up with hydrogen, shot skyward, and then you ignite a spark….wait, OK, so maybe that’s a bad example. But no, it’s like a regular quiz if you put it onto a motorcycle and had it jump over 12 double decker buses…DAMNIT, I’M TERRIBLE WITH THESE ANALOGIES! Whatever, no, it’s nothing like a regular quiz.

SO HOW’S IT DIFFERENT? Well start with the stakes; only 8 teams have EVER won a Quizzo Bowl, thus achieving nerd immortality. Their names are now hanging in the rafters of Goodtimes Stadium (located inside my mind).

Then let’s toss in a hefty prize for the winners…over $1000 worth of prizes. Then we’ve got raffles. We’ve got live music from Friends of the Family, an AMAZING band that performed at one of our Phoenix games this year. Trust me, these young folks are going to blow your minds. They are so freaking good, playing songs from a variety of genres. They are graduates of the remarkable Beyond the Bars Foundation, teaching music to young people who wouldn’t ordinarily have that opportunity. So I’m honored to have them play at Quizzo Bowl, and really excited for you to hear them. This group is truly fantastic, you’re going to be blown away.

WHAT ELSE? Well our good friend Chip Chantry is going to write and record our video round, and our buddy Reef the Lost Cauze is going to help us out with our music round. And of course Fastball Bob will be there…doing….something.

IS THERE A CHARITY COMPONENT? Yes! In keeping with our Back to School theme, we are going to provide school supplies for the children of Philadelphia. Partnering with our friends from the Poor People’s Army, we are asking everyone to donate a school supply. It can be as simple as a box of pencils or as grand as a backpack. Whatever you donate will be given to Philly schoolchildren who need it most.

HOW ARE TICKETS SELLING SO FAR? Good! We’re almost halfway to a sellout with over a week to go.



BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW AND LET’S PARTY TOGETHER NEXT WEEKEND! Also, be sure to join the event page on Facebook if you’re attending to get the latest updates.