Yes, it’s been great getting back into the bars. But the virtual quizzes have continued to be a lot of fun, especially for teams that are in different cities, in the burbs, or have kids and can’t get out all that easily anymore. And for the teams who love Carl (pretty much all of them.)
The Fall season starts next Tuesday. 8 games (final will be on Sunday 11/20), 4 rounds each, played in 60-75 minute breakout room sessions. Carl will be your host for all sessions, which will be held Tuesday & Wednesday evenings except for the final. You can register here and sign up for your team’s weekly sessions here. These quizzes will be separate than the regular quiz, so you’re welcome to play the virtual league AND the weekly bar quiz if you want. Gonna be a great league, we’re hoping to land 4 more teams by the time the league starts on Tuesday. Sign up today!