Tonight: Denver Quiz is…Interesting

An interesting first ever night with the strangely styled quiz. Packed house at O’Neals, things still fairly quiet at CTH. The quiz is a little bit harder than usual, but it’s a much different quiz. There are 64 questions, so there will be no perfect scores. It seemed to move fairly quickly, only slightly longer than my typical quiz, which was surprising since music rounds usually tend to take a while. I get the impression that most people in Philly are bigger fans of the JGT- style quiz, but it’s a fun experiment. There are some things I like better than my quiz (more theme rounds, which are easier to do when all questions are worth the same), and some things I like better about mine (easier to keep track of leaderboard, as you’ll always know how more or less what you’ll need to do to catch up in the final round.) But it’s fun to try something new, and it will give our teams that qualify a taste of how the Smackdown is gonna go.

Anyways, we do Denver style again tonight. First at the Vous. Always tough competition, and always awesome drink specials. Action starts at 6:15. $2 PBRs and $3 Dundee Brown bottles. On to the Black Sheep. 8 p.m. 3 different winners in the past 3 weeks. Is this your week?

Oh, and in case you hadn’t noticed yet, there is a new facebook physical challenge. At the ballpark or the beach. A good way to earn some points. Oh, and a rules change. You gotta play at least once to qualify for the Invitational. (Pong and Jenny, I’m looking at you.)

Big Money Tuesday Kicks Off Geeks Who Drink Rules Week

All different rules at quizzo this week, and you trivia junkies should be pleased…64 questions instead of our normal 44. Action starts tonight at O’Neals, where we’ve had a remarkable 7 different winners in the past 7 weeks. On to the City Tap House at 10:15 p.m. Things have been way quiet there lately. If you are looking to score yourself some points in the JGTSI, that’s where you want to play. Not to mention that the winner walks with $100 gift certificate. And with not many teams playing, this next month before the bane of Philly’s existence Penn kids return will be your best shot to walk with big money. Hope to see ya tonight!

Geeks Who Drink Rules Week

As you know, City vs. City Smackdown is going to be the city of Philly versus the Geeks Who Drink crew. We’ll be taking on some of the best teams in their “Big 3” cities of Austin, Albuquerque, and Denver on August 7th to determine who wins the City vs. City Smackdown…and who gets to name the trophy that will be presented at Geek Bowl (if one of their cities wins) or Quizzo Bowl (if Philly wins.)

Well, the event on the 7th will be using Geeks Who Drink rules (the last time we did City vs. City, we used Philly rules), so I figured we needed to warm up a bit using their rules this week. That means that this week we’ll be dropping our normal scoring system for their asinine system. Here is how it works. There are 8 Rounds of 8 questions each (still trying to figure out how to do this in less than two hours. I may actually have to start on time this week.) Here’s the deal, courtesy of Dicker of GWD fame:

8 rounds of 8 questions. All rounds worth 8 pts unless otherwise indicated.

R1-theme round
R2- music round – 16 possible points
R3 – 50/50 or speed round
R4 – theme round
R5 – visual round
R6 – theme round
R7- audio round (usually clips from movies/TV)
R8 – random knowledge –  16 possible points

Joker: can be played on one round only by circling the joker icon on answer sheet. Doubles points for that round only. Once a team decides to joker, their decision is final.

Conventional wisdom is that if a team knows they got 12 or higher on round 2, they should joker it since round 8 is completely random in subject matter and difficulty.

New Harry Potter Quiz Tonight

Koob and Kristy are kicking off their new quizzo tonight at Chenango with an all-new Harry Potter quiz. Even if you played the quiz on Thursday, you are welcome to play again tonight to kick off their new quizzo at Chenango (1031 Germantown Avenue, next door to Arrow Swim Club). Furthermore, you can get a great deal at Chenango even if you don’t win. There is a deal today on Dealyo that gets you $40 worth of food for $20. Quiz starts at 8 p.m.

Mama Goodtimes’ Summertime Questions

My mom wrote a round for Thursday’s quiz (and asked the questions at Ugly American). Here is that round. I think you’ll agree it’s kind of tough. In fact, it was harder. I made her change a few questions to make them easier. There are only 9 questions because one of them was the question of the week. Answers are after the jump.

1. The largest beach city in Orange County, this city with beach in its name infuriated residents of Santa Cruz by trademarking the name Surf City, USA.

2. What former Philadelphia prostitute made the lyrics “Summertime, and the living is easy” famous?

3. Three species of sharks are responsible for almost all shark attacks. What three species are they?

4. This US city has by far the most days a year above 99 degrees Fahrenheit, with over 100 days a year at over 99 degrees.

5. This month, which gets its name from the Roman Goddess of weddings, has been considered the most popular month to get married for centuries, thought it now looks like that may be changing.

6. What creature kills more people per year than any other, being responsible for the death of over 2 million people per year worldwide?

7. When does the summer solstice occur in the Southern Hemisphere?

8. Folly Beach is a popular wedding destination found near what southern city?

9. Who were the two stars of Muscle Beach Party, Bikini Beach, and Beach Blanket Bingo?

Continue reading “Mama Goodtimes’ Summertime Questions”

Baseball Quizzo, Philly Players in the 3,000 Hit Club, and the Phillies’ Strangest Owner ever

Quick reminder: there is a baseball quizzo tonight at Ugly American. All baseball questions asked by Mike Minion. Action starts at 8:05 p.m., and if you’re a baseball fan, it’s a great way to get on the JGTSI scoreboard.

Derek Jeter just got his 3,000th hit. What 6 players who spent at least part of their careers in Philadelphia hit 3,000? Find out here.

What former Phillies owner tried to change the team name to the “Live Wires“, before being run out of the league for stating that there was a conspiracy against his team?

How the Phillies choked in the 1915 World Series.

JGTSI Scores Updated Through 5 Weeks

Here is the updated scoreboard. With a win and 6 physical challenge points this week, Brown Betty has taken a commanding lead. Now that Steak Em Up is way down the list, maybe I should offer a prize for whoever scores the most points. I’ll think about it. Teams in yellow are in contention for the bonus prize, while teams in blue would also earn invites if the season ended today. Teams in the green…well, they better start scoring some points in a hurry, or they won’t get the opportunity to defend Philly’s honor against Denver on August 7th.

Your best place to score points in a hurry? There have been 7 different winners in the past 7 weeks at O’Neals, and City Tap House has been wide open this summer. Things have slowed considerably since school ended at CTH, but the prizes are just as awesome as ever, and during the summer they are easier to win. $100 Gift certificate to the winner, $50 for 2nd place. If you want to win and get into the mix, I’d highly suggest the City Tap House next week.