Excited to start something new this season! Our quizmaster J Michael is a huge movie buff, and so we’re gonna put together a little movie club and see who wants to hang out. Here’s how it will work, we’ll pick a new movie each month, get together at the end of the month, take sort of a mini-quiz about the film, and then have a group discussion. Our first film is gonna be Mank. It’s the story of the making of Citizen Kane. Is it movie geeky? Yes. Are we geeks? That is correct. We’ll be doing a short quiz (got some new trivia tech to test out for it too) about the film and then having a discussion, led by our resident movie geek JMD. It’ll go down on January 31st at 6 PM. If you wanna join us, just sign up here so we can send you the zoom link. Looking forward to it. This is gonna be fun!
WHAT: Our 4th online season since last spring, the Winter Warz.
WHEN: January 4th-March 21st
WHERE: On Zoom.
WHY: Why not? We’ve had a ton of fun these past few months, and 98% of the teams we had for the Winter Warz are back (plus a few new teams.)
CAN WE STILL GET OUR TEAM IN? Yep! We’re at 56 teams signed up and we’ve got room for 4 more before we cap it at 60.
HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? It’s $450, which I know looks like a lot but when you break it down over 12 games and over 8 players, comes out to less than $5 per game per person for 40 minutes of quizzo. So less than a beer to play quizzo at the bar.
IS IT FUN? Well 48 out of the 50 teams that played in the Fall Brawl are back for the Winter Warz, so I think that’s a pretty good indication that it’s pretty damn fun. It’s a lot like fantasy football, except that you’re actually playing in the game. Well, playing a trivia game, not a football game.
WHAT’S NEW: Well one thing that’s new is J Michael’s movie club, where we’ll watch one movie during each of the next three months and get together for a) a short quiz about that film and b) a discussion of the film, led by our cinephile quizmaster. We’ll spin the wheel to reveal the first film tonight during our preseason show.
PRESEASON SHOW? Yes, as those of you who have played with us in the past know, every few weeks the quizmasters get together to go LIVE on facebook and discuss our rankings and standings. We kick it off tonight at 6 PM on the JGT Quizzo Facebook page.
WHAT ELSE: We’re also introducing the Midseason Classic, where we’ll randomize our teams, so folks get a chance to know some of the people they’ve been playing against this past year.
HOW DO I SIGN UP?Just go here and enter your team info, go here and enter your slot on the schedule, and pay half of your dues to @jgtquizzo on venmo. And voila, you’re in! Hope to see ya this season!
Once you’re signed up, then you can enter your schedule for the full 10 week season. We kick off with our pregame show on Sunday, followed by the season starting next Monday. Can’t wait! Lots of fun stuff on tap for the next few months!
Here ya go, folks, a few questions from our Christmas quiz this past weekend. (Click Page 2 below to see the rest of the quiz). Happy holidays, everyone!
1. Robert Herjavic invested in a company called Tipsy Elves on Shark Tank in 2013. What do they sell?
2. What figure in alpine folklore that helps Santa by scaring bad children became better known in 2015 with the reslease of a horror film about it?
3. What’s the name of the plaza in Die Hard?
4. What Italian word is on the box the leg lamp comes in in A Christmas Story?
5. On the Office episode “Christmas Party”, what did Pam trade an ipod for?
6. What feast do Southern Italians often partake in on Christmas Eve?
7. In the 1969 Christmas episode of the “Brady Bunch”, the kids ask Santa to cure their mom of what?
8. In what city did the movie Bad Santa take place?
1. In 1959, Danish fisherman Thomas Dam carved one of these for his daughter. It was a huge Christmas hit in America in the mid 60s, and a movie about it was made in 2016. What toys were they?
2. Advertising copywriter Gary Dahl became a millionaire in 1975 when he sold these for $4 each; he later wrote the book Advertising for Dummies.
3. What Atari game did everyone want for Christmas in 1982, until they played it and subsequently had the worst Christmas ever?`
4. The first ever Christmas toy craze took place in the 1930s, when a doll of this star started to sell.
5. These fake hamsters learned English, and were the must have toy in 1998.
6. In 1996, a Wal-Mart employee in New Brunswick suffered a pulled hamstring, concussion, and a broken rib by crazed shoppers who saw him holding one of these.
7. This 2009 craze, loaded with toxic metalloids, got its name from the Mandarin for “little pig”.
8. What 1960 toy screeched things like “Take Me Home!” when you pulled its string?
1. What Christmas carol was written by Philadelphia rector Phillips Brooks in 1868, with music added by organist Lewis Redner?
2. Who’s 1957 Christmas album is the best selling Christmas album of all time?
3. The Taimyr herd of reindeer totals almost a million. In what country will you find them?
4. What did Singapore sell to Australia in 1958 for $20 million?
5. The first word of the 1868 novel is “Christmas”; a film version premiered last year on Christmas Day.
6. What song do George and Mary sing on their way back from the dance in It’s a Wonderful Life?
7. What Australian actor played Ebenezer Scrooge in the 2019 FX version of the tale?
8. What are the three highest grossing Christmas films of all time that aren’t Grinch-related?
Just because we can’t go out on New Year’s Eve doesn’t mean we can’t party. So this NYE, let’s put on our formal finest (tuxedo t-shirts welcome…and lots of sequins), get together for some zoom quizzo, and cheers to the good riddance of 2020. We’ll have our virtual bartender Fergie teaching you some champagne cocktails while spinning a few yarns, we’ll have some questions about all things new, and we’ll do it early enough in the evening that all you old heads won’t fall asleep on your keyboards.
Wanna join us for a New Year’s Eve night of merriment and mirth? Tickets are $50 per team, and can be purchased here. 10% of all ticket sales go to Beyond the Bars (we’ll also be doing a 50-50 raffle for them) and each member of the winning team will win a $25 gift card to Shibe Sports. (2nd place will each win a $10 gift card). Hope to see ya New Year’s Eve!
Excited to start something new this season! Our quizmaster J Michael is a huge movie buff, and so we’re gonna put together a little movie club and see who wants to hang out. Here’s how it will work, we’ll pick a new movie each month, get together at the end of the month, take sort of a mini-quiz about the film, and then have a group discussion. Our first film is gonna be Mank. It’s the story of the making of Citizen Kane. Is it movie geeky? Yes. Are we geeks? That is correct. We’ll be doing a short quiz (got some new trivia tech to test out for it too) about the film and then having a discussion, led by our resident movie geek JMD. It’ll go down on January 31st at 6 PM. If you wanna join us, just sign up here so we can send you the zoom link. Looking forward to it. This is gonna be fun!
With Carl and I getting slammed with holiday gigs (book yours now!) and with what we expect to be a big Winter Warz season on the horizon, we thought it would be a good idea to add a new member to the team. So we’re happy to add bar and restaurant vet Mike Major to the squad. Wanna play a quiz with Mike? Sign up here.
What’s your pre-COVID profession? I worked at the demonstration kitchen COOK.
List three of your favorite places in Philly. Loaded question but my brain immediately went to food and booze. Bob and Barbara’s, Fountain Porter, and Carribean Feast.
What one album would you want with you on a desert island? The Score from The Fugees.
What reality show would you be an absolutely terrible contestant on? The Bachelor/Bachelorette.
What would be your theme music if you were a professional wrestler? Dreams and Nightmares.
What famous person do people tell you that you look the most like? Taye Diggs. Is he even famous anymore?
What would be your dream job? Sports analyst.
What was the worst job you ever had? Telemarketer. They even got shut down by the FCC.
What show/movie/series should people be watching while quarantined? The Boys and this show called The Chosen. It’s a quick watch, only one season. Oh and Succession is so good.
Sofa Kingdom took home the title in Week 2 with an impressive 51. Yacht Rock finished tied for 2nd. The Kingdom and Yacht Rock are now tied atop the leader board with 101 points through two weeks. L. Ron is in 3rd We’ll have standings fully updated after Week 3.
Yes, it’s been a rough year, but even with our backs against the wall, we must continue our relentless War on Christmas! But before we kill this vile holiday and erase it from the history books, let’s have some fun celebrating the movies, traditions, and treats it’s given us. Same deal as usual: $35 per team (just buy one ticket for your whole team) and we’ll do a 50/50 raffle. You can purchase your ticket here. This time the recipient will be Beyond the Bars, a program that recently was announced as a finalist for the prestigious Lewis Award.
One of the JGT Quizmasters just released a new album, and it’s hilarious. Pick yourself up a copy on itunes! Or you can listen on spotify, which he’ll probably get like .0000001 cents on. Spotify is trash. Anyways, very funny album.