The “Things My Wife Knows That I Don’t” Round

Last week I did a round called Things My Wife Knows that I Don’t. It went over well, though she obviously knows a lot of things that nobody else knows…it was one of the toughest Round Threes ever. See how ya do. Answers are after the jump.

1. Although Leonardo of Pisa used rabbits to explain his famous integer sequence, a much better representation of them would be the family tree of honeybees. What are these numbers known as?

2. Some skates and sharks lay egg cases, known as these. Daryl Hannah probably knows the answer.

3. It’s not only a letter of the alphabet, it’s also a type of skirt that is fitted at the hips and gradually widens towards the hem.

4. What phylum do sea cucumbers and starfish belong to?

5. In French cooking, the combination of onions, carrots and celery is known as what?

6. Horseshoe crabs have blue blood because their body contains a lot of this element.

7. From what country do we get Helvetica font, from the Roman word for the country’s name?

8. Sara Gruen wrote this book in 2006, which has since been made into a 2011 film.

9. Princess, radiant, and marquise are all what?

10. What plant gives curry its yellow color?

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Who Said It, Charlie Sheen or Gary Busey?

Here’s last week’s 50-50 round: Who said it, Charlie Sheen or Gary Busey?

  1. There has got to be more to life than being a really, really, ridiculously good actor.
  2. Sober stands for, “Son of a bitch, everything’s real.”
  3. It’s been a tsunami. And I’ve been riding it on my mercury surfboard.
  4. Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body.
  5. Fear is the darkroom where Satan develops his negatives.
  6. Drinking your own blood is the paradigm of recycling.
  7. I’m tired of trying to pretend I’m not special. I’m tired of pretending I’m not a total bitchin rock star from Mars.
  8. Resentments are the rocket fuel that lives in the tip of my saber.
  9. The ocean is your imagination. The ocean is your emotion. The sail on the boat is the golden rule. The wind that sends your boat into the sunset, that wind is your spirit. You have an anchor you don’t know you have. It’s an invisible anchor.
  10. You borrow my brain for 5 seconds and just be like, “Dude, can’t handle it! Unplug this bastard! It fires in a way that is perhaps not from this terrestrial realm.”

Answers are below.

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Quizzo Bowl Impossible Round

Here are all of the impossible round questions from the 2011 Quizzo Bowl.

1. Born on February 19th, 1473, this scientist wrote On the Revolutions of Celestial Bodies, considered by many to be the starting point of modern astronomy.

2. What city is the last national capital in alphabetical order?

3. The parotid, the submandible, and the sublingual are all what kind of glands?

4. With his Academy Award win in 1938, he became the first and still only person to win both an Oscar and a Nobel Prize. Who is he?

5. This actor, who performed in film for over 5 decades, got his first big break in the movie Rebel w/o a Cause.

6. Only one couple on the Bachelor have ever gotten married, and in fact it was the runner up who got the man. Who are they? (First names are fine)

7. Ben Franklin’s dad was a tallow chandler, meaning he made and sold what?

8. This Hall of Fame pitcher, with over 3,000 career strikeouts and 2 Cy Young Awards, has the record for most strikeouts in a World Series game, with 17.

9. In what James Bond film would you find a yo-yo saw and knife throwing twins Mischka and Grischka?

10. Who wrote the short stories upon which the musical South Pacific was based?

11. What man was the inspiration for the character Dean Moriarity in On the Road?

12. Though it was popularized by Rod Stewart in 1991, who originally recorded the song Downtown Train in 1985?

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First Round Questions from Quizzo Bowl

Here ya go: the first round questions from Quizzo Bowl VII. Answers are below.

1. What fast food chain ran a disastrous ad campaign in 1985 called “Where’s Herb?”

2. What was the title of Helen Fielding’s sequel to Bridget Jones. It was called Bridget Jones ____________.

3. The US instituted an Open Door policy with what country in 1899, leading to a rebellion in that country the next year led by the righteous fists of harmony?

4. Falco of Rock Me Amadeus fame was born on todays date in 1957. What country  was he from?

5. In the middle ages, these were used as waterspouts to keep rainwater from damaging buildings. Now they are used more for decorational purposes, normally associated with Gothic architecture. What are they?

6. In what Florida city will you find Scientology headquarters?

7. If  someone told you to head towards the bow of a boat, would you head toward the front, back, right, or left?

8. Gary Ridgway just admitted to killing his 49th victim. What was Gary Ridgeway better known as?

9. The artist who originally recorded The Tears of a Clown turns 70s today. Who is he?

***10. What is the only person or organization to have won 3 Nobel Prizes: in 1917, 1944, and 1963?

11. What two brothers wrote the song, “Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off”?

12. Lady Antebellum just won the Grammy for best Album. What was the name of the album?

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