Quizzo Bowl X Scores


Congrats to the Sofa Kingdom, who won Quizzo Bowl X on board the Spirit of Philadelphia. To say we all had a blast would be a bit of an understatement. Everything from the food to the weather to the band was incredible. And with so many people getting dressed up, and Lifesaver rounds, and a Kriss Kross/Christopher Cross mashup, and the band playing yacht rock, it was every bit as ridiculous as I hoped it would be.

As far as the quiz itself, I’ll be honest, I got a little unnerved by the Jeopardy team and probably made the quiz a little harder than I should have, especially the music round. If we do it again next year I will definitely make it an easier quiz. But I thought the Mad Lib round and the Lifesaver round were pretty fun wrinkles to the usual questions, and I was happy with the difficulty level of the Impossible Round.

Thanks to each and every person who climbed on board the ship. Oh, and I contacted the ship this morning to ask about the trophy, which I left on board. I’ll let you know when I hear back. D’oh!

Here are your final scores.

  1. Sofa Kingdom 133
  2. THe Life Aquatic with Jacques Bon Temps 120
  3. Yacht Cocks 2: Cruise Control 116*
  4. Omega Mu 112
  5. Los Bandeleros 110
  6. L. Ron Hubbard’s Diabetics 104
  7. We Once Were Champs 102
  8. There’s Always Money in the Banana Stand 95
  9. Your Sister Wouldn’t But Natalie Wood 92
  10. The Black Sheep Black Sheep 89
  11. HMS Popesack 89
  12. Pre-Teen PRegnancy Pact 87
  13. Synchronized Trampoline 84
  14. The Misfits 83 
  15. At Least It’s Not a Duckboat 82
  16. Filthy Whore Reunion Tour 81
  17. Sunday Morning Sharktoberfest 77
  18. But My Mom Says I’m Cool 75
  19. Sailor Jerry Mapother 73
  20. Thug C*** 67
  21. But Seriously Sell Me Your Business So You Can Stop Being an Absentee Dad 62
  22. Crab Imperial 60
  23. The Se(a)men 58
  24. Soylent Green is Quizzo! 57
  25. Shart House 57
  26. University of Phoenix JV Team 51
  27. Electric Mayhem 32

Everything You Need to Know About Quizzo Bowl X



WHO: You, me, and various other nerds traveling from as far away as Austin and Denver.

WHAT: Quizzo Bowl X, the most prestigious quizzo event in the country.

WHEN: February 22, 2013, at 2:30 p.m. Yep, it’s an afternoon quiz. Be at the boat at 2:30 for boarding…hoping to get the quiz started a little after 3, so we don’t have a lot of time to dilly dally. The quiz will run until 6 p.m., when we will disembark. We will then have an afterparty at Winterfest, a 10-minute walk down the waterfront from the boat.

WHERE: The Spirit of Philadelphia, a luxury liner that will be plying the mighty Delaware River. It boards at 401 South Christopher Columbus Blvd.

WHY: Because we can.

WHY NOT WORLD CAFE LIVE? I love the World Cafe Live. I can’t wait to do it there again. But this being the tenth one, I thought we had to do something a little crazy. This is a little crazy.

PRICE: The price for the Quizzo Bowl this year is $50. The price includes:

  • A cab ride to the event courtesy of Uber (up to a $20 ride for first time users. Odds are somebody on your team hasn’t used Uber yet…have them sign up and then you guys can ride free).
  • Admission to the afterparty.
  • Lunch which will be served on board. There will be drink specials on board.
  • An amazing oppotunity to see the Philadelphia skyline from the river. Or, if you get bad seats, Camden. (I’m kidding, the boat will obviously go both ways so you’ll see both sides.)

I know $50 isn’t cheap, so I am packing as much action and fun into those $50 as is humanly possible. Two incredible bands, a few surprise performers at the afterparty, tons of prizes to give away, free food, free cab ride to the event, $3 beers on board the boat, and a ride up and down the Delaware River? $50 is a pretty damn good deal for all of that.

THAT’S A LOT OF MONEY. I BETTER BE GETTING SOME FASTBALL BOB WITH THAT MONEY. You will be getting all of the Fastball Bob that you can handle. And then a lot, lot more.
PRIZES: As usual, tons of giveaways to local bars and restaraunts, and a purse for the top three teams that’s valued at almost $1500.

WHAT IS THE MAX TEAM SIZE? MINIMUM TEAM SIZE? The most players you can have on a team is 8. If you have less than 5 players, I will probably try to team you up with some other players. Let me know if it’s only a couple of you, I can do some mix and matching…last year a team that was a mix of three different teams finished 2nd.

ENTERTAINMENT: TJ Kong will be teaming up with a smooth yacht rock-style band to play on the boat. At the afterparty, Kong will be teaming up with his normal backup band, the Atomic Bomb, to rock your freaking faces off. They will be one of the best rock bands you ever see. Seriously, the music is going to absolutely kick ass.

DID YOU SAY AFTERPARTY? Yes, since this is our 10th Quizzo Bowl, it’s gonna be an all day event. After the boat ride, we’re gonna head down the waterfront to the Lodge at Winterfest, where we will be enjoying food and drink specials, live music, trivia face-offs for prizes, and a few surprises as well. Afterparty is included in admission to the event.

WHERE CAN I GET TICKETS? I will have tickets on me at the various quizzes on the circuit. You can also purchase them online at Brown Paper Tickets. 

IS THIS GOING TO BE AWESOME? Were you at any of the first nine Quizzo Bowls*? Hell yeah! I have teams that love this event so much they fly in from Denver and Austin for it. I have teams that have done this every year for the past 7, 8, 9 years. It is an event unlike anything else on earth. And oh, did I mention, WE’RE GOING TO BE RIDING ON A FREAKING BOAT! What are you waiting for? Buy your tickets now! 

ANY QUESTIONS? Leave ’em in the comments below.

*Well, besides maybe “Quzzo” Bowl VI. That one was weird. But the other 8 were all freaking awesome.

A Quick Note on the Price of Quizzo Bowl


A few people who have attended the past several Quizzo Bowls at the World Cafe Live have been complaining that the ticket price to the event is too high this year. Assuming you spent $10 on a cab to get to World Cafe Live (cab ride will be free to this event*) and $15 on a meal at WCL (meal will be free on board the ship**), the cost of this year’s event is the exact same ($50 each). The major differences will be that the World Cafe Live did not float up and down the Delaware River and that there was no live music and comedy at previous afterparties. This is, quite simply, a better deal than I offered last year.

*courtesy of UBER. I will post the promo code to get your free ride here on the site later this week.

**food will include cheesesteaks, wings, pretzel bites, and ziti.


Scores from Last Week



First Place: Olympic Cock Rings 114

2nd Place: Popesack 111

3rd Place: Inkspot 95



First Place: Oh! My! Goodness! 107

2nd Place: Sidecardigans 107

3rd Place: True Lies, Starring Tom Arnold 100



First Place: Bears Need a New Name 103

2nd Place: Savage Ear 96

T-2nd Place: Broad Implications 96


First Place:  Jesters of Tortuga 116

2nd Place: Shirley Temple of Doom 107

3rd Place: Come Back Kid 103



First Place: Hamm’s Hands 115

2nd Place: Synchronized Trampoline 111

3rd Place: Clown Question Bro 107



First Place: Duane’s World 103

2nd Place: The Big O’s 99

3rd Place: Jitney Spears 90



First Place: Surly Rabbits 88

2nd Place: Why Can’t Us 85

3rd Place: Uncle Monty’s Caboose 82



First Place: Sticky Putin 107

2nd Place: Cock Robin 95

3rd Place: Vinegar Strokes 93

Dress for the High Seas at Quizzo Bowl X

5782789572_c5564afa5f_zWe are definitely going with a nautical theme at Quizzo Bowl X, and I highly encourage teams to dress with a nautical theme. Whether that means pirate, mermaid, captain, or pompous jackass preparing to sail with a popped collar and a sweater around his shoulders, that’s up to you.  Best dressed team will be rewarded with quite a bounty. TICKETS TO QUIZZO BOWL X CAN BE PURCHASED HERE. 

RELATED: Everything you need to know about Quizzo Bowl.



Quizzo Bowl Afterparty

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The Afterparty is more important than ever this year, as Quizzo Bowl is gonna be a full day affair. And I’ve hooked us up with the perfect space: The Lodge at Winterfest, a pop-up bar by the guys who do Morgan’s Pier. An awesome space (gets a perfect 5 on Yelp), with lots of room for our crowd, great beers on tap, cheap but good food, fire pits and s’mores. And it’s walking distance from the ship! The band will keep rockin’ and rolling into the night, we’ll have tons of great giveaways, and a few surprises along the way. And yes, you’re ticket gets you into the afterparty free of charge. Gonna be a great day of nerd camaraderie. Get your tickets today!

Your New Favorite Band, TJ Kong & the Atomic Bomb, Will Be Playing at Quizzo Bowl X

If there’s one thing to be said about Quizzo Bowl, it’s that I take the appointment of what band to pick pretty damn seriously. They have to set the tone for my biggest night of the year, they have to be creative, they have to be fun, and they have to be insanely talented. From Nate Wiley and the Crowd Pleasers to Welcome to My Face, one of the things I’ve been proud of over these past ten years is that the music on the show has always been absolute Grade A. And seeing how this is the 10th Quizzo Bowl, the grandest of them all, it was imperative that I pick a band that could live up to my (and your) outsized expectations. I have done so. Those of you who have seen TJ Kong and the Atomic Bomb will vouch for me here: this will be one of the most ass-kickin’, honkey tonkin’, jive-talkin’, tightrope walkin’ bands you will ever see in your life. I have already told the insurance company to be prepared because they may very well tear the roof off of the sucker. For those of you who will be seeing them for the first time, I’m just going to tell you this in advance: you’re welcome.

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VOTE for a New Name for Our Store

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I became minority owner of a sports store in Midtown Village a few months ago. I haven’t been promoting it too much yet, because we’ve been trying to move out old inventory and get our own inventory in the store to put our stamp on the place. But soon I’ll be bugging the hell out of all of you about the place: just a fair warning.

The store will be undergoing many changes in the coming months, the first of which is the name…we are going with a vintage vibe for the store, and need you to help us decide on a name. We posted 5 names that we all liked, and want you guys to determine what the end result is. So please go to our page and vote, and anyone who votes gets 15% off anything in the store. And please help us spread the word. Thanks!

Scores from Last Week



First Place: Popesack 108

2nd Place: Pacific Tuna 90

3rd Place: Stillmaniacs 74



First Place: Get Big Get B***ches 108

2nd Place: Sidecardigans 101

3rd Place: Queef Latina 92



First Place: Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo 109

2nd Place: Frosty Mr. Mapother 108

3rd Place: Savage Ear 106



First Place: Look Up Look Down I’m On a Horse 115

2nd Place: Jams 103

3rd Place: Electric Mayhem 99



First Place: Duane’s World 116

2nd Place: Jitney Spears 112

T-2nd Place: Polar Volcanus 112



First Place: L. Ron Hubbard’s Diabetics 111

2nd Place: Why Can’t Us 108

T-2nd Place: Boo-urns 108


First Place: Jesters of Tortuga 118

2nd Place: Suck it Trebeck 104

3rd Place: Nelly’s Thunderball 88