JGT friend and occasional quizzoite Sam Murray is competing today in the Tournament of Ten on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire! Be sure to tune in at 12:30 p.m. on WPVI to see how it turns out for Sam, who won $50,000 this past Friday on the show.
Month: November 2009
Question of the Week
Battle of the JGTs
Ok, so here’s one I’ve been waiting to get around to for over a week. Halloween turned out to be somewhat surreal for me, as 3 of my best friends decided to go as Johnny Goodtimes. Now I know what you’re thinking: “Holy s***, Johnny, 3 people went as you for Halloween? You must be bigtime.” Now, if these were 3 strangers, I would say “Yes, I am f***ing bigtime.” However these were all close personal friends of mine, and I know how they operate. i.e. “Oh crap, it’s Halloween night at 6 p.m. and I don’t have a costume. Maybe I could just wear some ridiculous clothes and a sportcoat and go as JGT.” Which is essentially how it all went down. Let’s see which JGT was best.
JGT #1. Trivia Art. Debonair, but where’s the hair? A wig would have given Trivia Art the win. Still, the martini glass and the scorecard are nice touches. We like it. Score: 7 (on a 1-100 scale).
JGT #2. Nate D. (right). called me the night of Steve-O’s party and asked if he could borrow an outfit, as well as the mic. I did him one better and scored him a wig. A very authentic outfit, but required little work on Nate’s part. Still, Nate scored big with his bump and grind routine with Steve-O before leaving the party. Score: 7.
JGT #3. Chip Chantry (left). I knew Nate was going to the party as me. Not so for Chip. Thus when I arrived at the party and there were two JGT’s (Art was elsewhere), I remarked, “This just went from surreal to Lynch.” Were Chip actually capable of growing a beard, and he had grown one, this would have been quite the ensemble. As it was, he painted a beard on, which really came across as little more than creepy. Still, we gotta give Chip credit, he put together the entire ensemble himself. Score: 7.
We have a three way tie. I only see one way to break this. A vote!
Big Things Poppin’ Tonight
Hey gang, a couple of fun events going on tonight. First of all, I am currently working on a sketch for a comedy show at The Dark Side of Comedy @ The Shubin (407 Bainbridge). 8 p.m. Featuring the gallows humor of Kent Haines, who was on Comedy Central on Friday, Aaron Hertzog, Steve Gerben, and many more. Simple concept. Chip is taking upbeat comics and asking them to do their darkest material. Should be pretty interesting. This show is NOT for the easily offended. $5 cheap. Also, in an effort to destroy my comedy career, Nate from Steak Em Up has scheduled Moustache Monday for tonight at the Bards at 9 p.m. Prizes will be given for best moustache, creepiest moustache, and many many more.
Ripping off Geno’s Steaks
I was driving back from Punkin Chunkin in Delaware yesterday when I happened upon this sign in Delaware. My first thought, which is the one they intended, was to think that Geno’s was expanding into Dover. With a NASCAR raceway within viewing distance, it made perfect sense to for “Great American” Joey Vento to bring his brand of xenophobia wit’. But if you look closely, you’ll see that it’s Gena’s, not Geno’s. There were also flames painted on the side of the building to further confuse the issue. But I’m not sure what the deal is, because the place was closed and I see no mention of it on the internet other than a phone number.
Jams Win at Vous
Same Name as Last Week Wins at O’Neals (This Week’s Quiz)
Jams Win Spooktacular at Vous
Halloween Spooktacular Winners at O’Neals
Annnnd We’re Back
Alright kids, the Phils have given us a fun ride, and I hated to see it end without a parade, but the good news for us is that we’re back in business. We’ll be going back to a 6 bar rotation, back to power rankings, back to me actually making a small profit instead of canceling 3 quizzos a week and eating rice and beans. And it all starts tonight. New quiz at Ugly American at 8 p.m. and Bards at 10:15 p.m. I’ll have pics of last weeks winners in a few minutes. Get your quizzin’ shoes on, it’s time for some action. Hope to see ya soon-Dog the Bounty Hunter.