I Got Rasslin’ Tickets to Giveaway

Ring-of-Honor-WrestlingHey kids, I got some cool stuff to give away this week. Did you see The Wrestler, the Mickey Rourke movie? Well, several of the wrestlers in that film are real wrestlers. Well, real fake wrestlers. Well they’re real, but wrestling is…whatever. My point is that I have tix to see some of these guys rassle this Thursday and Friday at The Arena, formerly known as the Alhambra, formerly known as the New Alhambra, formerly known as Viking Hall, formerly known as ECW Arena, formerly known as XPW Arena. Odds are, if you show up this weekend, they’ll name the arena after you!

It is Ring of Honor Wrestling, and the last time I saw wrestling at The Arena, I had a blast. The only thing I ask if you go is that you cheer the bad guys. I think I’m going Friday, so if you want we can meet up and fight in the parking lot before we go in to get ourselves all fired up. And trust me, I will be obnoxious once I’m inside. Holler at me tonight if you’re looking for tix.

Win $20 Gift Certificate by Telling Me What’s Donovan’s Fault

NFC Championship FootballMen of leisure are always looking for new leisurely ventures, and I think I’ve found one: blaming Donovan Mcnabb for everything that has ever gone wrong in world history. But I need your help. Tell me what you blame Donovan for, and at the end of the month, the person whose score is highest will win a $20 gift certificate to a local watering hole. Shoot me an email (johnny@johnnygoodtimes.com) and let me know what you think is Donovan’s fault.

UPDATE: Donovan’s Fault featured on Thrillist.

Toughest Questions from Last Week

  1. What US policy was introduced in 1823 which stated that “The American continents are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European powers.”
  2. Who won the Presidency with the slogan Tippecanoe and Tyler too?
  3. What was F. Scott Fitzgerald’s first novel, published when he was 24?
  4. The Bridal Chorus, better known as Here Comes the Bride is not heard at many Jewish weddings, perhaps because its composer was an avowed antisemite. Who is he?
  5. 6 months after defeating Chuck Wepner in 1970, this boxer was found dead under mysterious circumstances in Las Vegas.
  6. You’ll find the adrenal glands directly above what organ?
  7. Albert DeSalvo was born in 1931. What was he better known as?
  8. Jay Berwanger won the first ever one of these awards.
  9. Before departing in a hot air balloon, who does the Wizard leave in charge of Oz?
  10. The play A Man for All Seasons is about this 16th century saint.

Answer after the jump…

Continue reading “Toughest Questions from Last Week”

Quizzo Tonight

Just got back from Ol’ Virginnie, where I spent two straight days sitting on the beach and drinking Miller High Life Light. It doesn’t get any better than that. I am starting to put together the questions as we speak. The day after holidays tends to be a little slow, so your chances of getting a table tonight are excellent. Oh, and I have wrestling tickets to give away at quizzo. Seriously. See ya there! O’Neals kicks off at 8 p.m., and Bards kicks off at 10:15 p.m. Hope to see ya tonight.

Roger Ebert Hates Movie Trivia

rogerebertThink you guys might get a kick out of this one: Roger Ebert talks about movie trivia and how much he loathes it: The fatal flaw in the concept of trivia is that it mistakes information for knowledge. There is no end to information. Some say the entire universe is made from it, when you get right down to the bottom, under the turtles. There is, alas, quite a shortage of knowledge.

Thanks to Rene for sending this in. See any trivia related news stories? Please send them to me.

Power Rankings


  1. Duane’s World. They didn’t cover themselves with glory on Wednesday, but rebounded with an impressive performance on Thursday night. They were also helped along by the performance of last week’s #1 team. Last week #4
  2. Steak ‘Em Up. A nice win on Thursday (their 4th straight Thursday night win), but a crushing 33 point loss to the Dysfunktion on Tuesday drops them out of the top spot. Last week #1
  3.  The Jams. A two point loss two weeks ago, a one point loss this past week. They lose more close games than Temple. Last week #2
  4. Narcotyzing Dysfunktion. A dominant victory at the Bards Tuesday propels the ‘Funk’ to the front of the pack. Another big win over Steak ‘Em Up this week could very well launch this team into the top spot. Last week NR
  5. Why is John’s Rum Gone? Off the schnide, a nice win on Tuesday propels them into the top 5. Last week: #9
  6. Quiz on Your Face. Wanna make the top 10? Beat the Jams. You’re in. Last week NR
  7. I Heart Giraffes. Where did these guys come from? They dominate the field at Black Sheep on Wednesday with only 4 players. Last week NR
  8. L. Ron Hubbard’s Diabetics. The once unbeatable Diabetics have one win in the past five weeks, but a strong 2nd place finish at the American keeps them in the Top 10. Last week #8.
  9. My Dog Peed on my Eagles Jersey. A 2nd place finish after two stragiht wins. They are establishing themselves as a perennial Top 10 program. Last week #5
  10. Axis of Evil Knieval. Still riding off the high of last week’s win at Black Sheep, they need an impressive performance this coming week to stay in the Top 10. Last week #3

Also receiving votes: But My Mom Says I’m Cool, Urban Achievers, Hurtin Bombs, Dorksided, Lambda

Quizzo News and Notes

img_0912Losses by Steak Em Up, The Jams, and Duane’s World are certainly going to make Monday’s power ranking fairly interesing. A pretty wild week overall, with several major upsets. We’d also like to take a moment to offer best wishes to quizzo regular Molly (above) who is moving to Chicago today. 

In other quizzo news: The weekend of October 3rd, either on Saturday or Sunday, we are going to hold a Fall Quizzo Smackdown at the East Falls Marketplace. More details coming soon. 

Another interesting thing I came across today: video of Pedro Martinez engaged in a cockfighting match. In light of the Vick uproar, I find it interesting that nothing has been made of this. 

In case you missed it, here’s a few cool things we learned last week at quizzo

Finally, be sure to vote for your favorites at Donovansfault.com, and be sure to shoot me some entries! Highest voted entry at the end of the month wins a $20 gift certificate.