Congrats Steve-O

Eagles Vikings FootballSteve-O adds another feather to his cap, winning the Donovan’s Fault September contest with a score of 4.45, and proving a valuable point: making fun of K-Fed always pays off. Steve wins a $25 gift certifiacte to the Good Dog and a $25 gift certificate to the Swift Half. Nate finished 2nd, and wins a $25 gift certificate to the Locust Rendezvous. We are starting all over again in October, so be sure to get your entries in!

Gervase Sighting!

GervasePic Needless to say, we hadn’t heard much from Gervase in the past few years. The Survivor contestant who made a fortune by being a former Survivor contestant had seen the clock tick away on his 15 minutes of fame. But now he’s back…bartending at the bar of former Q102 personality Diego Ramos. Diego and Gervase? This is a duo that brings to mind some of the greats, like Redford and Newman, Simon and Garfunkel, MC Rob Base and DJ E-Z Rock. Yes, this looks the start of something special.

RELATED: I hope Gervase brings back reality show quizzo. Now is the time!

When Hip Hop Is Beautiful

While hip hop has largely become a mockery of ignorant morons saying “Che-ya”, bragging about smacking bitches and shooting people, there are occasionally wonderful exceptions to the rule. One of them was in the music round this week. This sentimental paean to a difficult childhood (by RZA) still gives me chickenskin every time I hear it. A great reminder that this form of music can inspire wonderful poetry.

Quizzo News and Notes

Getting the party started tonight at 6:15 at the Locust Rendezvous, where the Jams look to keep the ball rolling. Then we move to Black Sheep at 8 p.m. Music round last night was a lot of fun, and yes it covers several genres, so it should keep the playing field fairly even.

We are still on for Fall Slam on Saturday, October 17th at the East Falls Marketplace. Kickoff will be 5 p.m. Should be a lot of fun. There is a free beer tasting going on beforehand, so feel free to swing by early. It is also across the street from Laurel Hill Cemetery. If you’ve never been, be sure to check it out. Unless cemeteries freak you out like they do the Lovely Ginger.

Finally, we have two trivia questions over at isportacus that still need to be answered, one about the Eagles and one about the Phillies.

Happy Birthday Frankie Lymon!

The singer of “Why Do Fools Fall In Love” was the first black teenage pop idol. As with so many child stars, his life was full of tragedy. He was married three times, developed a heroin habit by the age of 15, and was dead at age 25. He would be turning 67 today.

But here’s something amazing I found out today as I was researching: one of the Teenagers, Jimmy Merchant, is currently living on Virginia’s Eastern Shore! Wow, I need to get an interview with this guy next time I go home. This is incredible.
RELATED: A very good history of Frankie Lymon in a 1998 Ebony article.

Ugly Jerseys, Stephen Starr Graphs, and Contest Ending


Thought you kids might get a kick out of this. Whether you like sports or not, you should enjoy the ugliest jerseys of all time, inspired by the Seahawks.

Trivia Art made a pretty Stephen Starr Timeline graph over at Foobooz I thought you might dig.

Last day to get a suggestion in for Send your suggestions to me. For those who have already sent them in and had them posted, get your friends to vote. Highest score wins a $50 gift certificate!

Johnny Goodtimes Reviews Road House

I just saw Road House for the first time. Road House is not one of the greatest films I have ever seen, but it is certainly one of the most amazing films I’ve ever seen. It is one of those rare films that is so unintentionally insane that you wonder if maybe it wasn’t unintentional.

Patrick Swayze is Dalton, a big time bouncer with a Zen approach who is hired to come to clean up a crazy bar in a small town called Jasper. It has all the makings of a “flashy big city guy moves to small town and slowly falls in love with the folksy ways of the natives, while learning a little something about himself along the way” kind of film. It isn’t. It is, again, sheer insanity, a film whose eccentricities keep you glued to the screen. There is a blind musician, a bad guy who hits the brakes on his dirtbike just long enough to laugh maniacally, boots with razor blade tips, and boobs. Lots of boobs. But don’t worry, ladies, the director (Penn State grad Rowdy Herrington) wanted to make a film that appealed to all audiences, so there are lots of scenes with a chiselled Patrick Swayze with his shirt off, including an awkwardly long scene of a greased down Swayze doing yoga in the yard while “The Bad Guy” Brad Wesley watches from his house across the lake. (Swayze and his arch enemy lived across a small lake from each other.)

One thing the town of Jasper is short on is an effective police force. Despite numerous knife fights at the Double Deuce, no officer ever makes an appearance. Despite several explosions, there are no investigations. When a Bigfoot truck destroys an auto dealer, there are no questions asked by the local authorities. Even after Dalton (spoiler alert) kills a man with his bare hands, no police show up to ask him any questions. Jasper truly is a vigilante town. 

It is also a small town with a hot doctor. Needless to say, despite their apparent differences, the hot blonde doctor who wears short skirts to work and the tough guy bouncer fall in love. Or at least lust, despite the pain she must have been the morning after (spoiler alert!) having sex against a jagged stone wall. The love story endures its ups and downs, as the doctor doesn’t really approve of her boyfriend ripping another mans jugular vein out of his neck (women can be like that). But after Dalton proves his love by killing several men by more traditional means, she falls in love with him all over again. Love can be funny sometimes. 

The film also had one of my favorite taglines ever: The dancing’s over. Now it gets dirty. I am not making that up. Another interesting note is that two of the stars of the film also starred in the Big Lebowksi. Sam Elliot, who starred as Wade in Road House, was the Stranger in Lebowski, while Ben Gazzara (Brad) starred as Jackie Treehorn in Lebowski

The writing in the film is delightfully awful, and one has to wonder if some of the writers maybe one day moved on to writing for Silk Stockings. If you have not seen this film, it qualifies as a MUST SEE. I am giving it a B+, so brilliantly bad that it’s great.
PREVIOUSLY: JGT reviews 12 Angry Men.

Quizzo Power Rankings

philadelhia-sheesesteaks#1. Steak Em Up. They are just straight rolling through the competition. The Bards desperately needs a nerd infusion to challenge these guys. Last week #1

#2. The Jams. One H away from perfection, they have now won three in a row at the Vous and 6 of the last 8. Last week #2

#3. L. Ron Hubbard’s Diabetics. Not a lot of movement at the top this week, as all of the favorites took care of business. Last week #3

#4. The Ear: Not Your Typical Orifice. They add one new team member and suddenly go from cellar dweller to powerhouse. The new guy is either a genius or adept at hiding a Blackberry. Last week #4

#5. Duane’s World. Finally, the World gets off the schnide and records a win at the Black Sheep. This is perhaps the streakiest team in quizzo. Will this win start a hot streak? Last week #7

#6. Eschaton/Satan’s Minions. Different team name, same result: 2nd Place finishes at Black Sheep and Ugly American. Last week NR

#7.  Lambda. Finally emerge from the depths of the earth to finish 2nd at O’Neals. There are rumors of them coming after the bounty this week. A win over Steak Em Up could send this team rocketing up the charts. Last week NR

#8.Unusual Suspects. A third place finish at the Black Sheep keeps them on the charts, but they’ll have to do better this week to stay there. Last week #6

#9. Quiz On Your Face. This team is like the Dodgers of the 40s and 50s; they’d a won a ton if it wasn’t for the Yankees, and these guys woulda won a ton if it wasn’t for the Jams. Last week: NR

#10. Why’s John’s Rum Gone. Only two of them played this week, but they still medaled. That keeps them in the Top 10. Last week #10.