JGT Makes an Appearance on the Podcast of Awesome


Had a great time on the CSN Podcast, hosted by John Finger, called the Podcast of Awesomeness. It was a lot of fun. I talk about Quizzo, ask a bunch of trivia questions, and we talk a bit about sports, including one of the guys impersonating Phils PA guy Dan Baker doing porn. This is a pretty funny show. Check it out. I’d talk more about it but it’s 2 in the morning and I have about a 27 hour day to put in tomorrow, so I’m gonna hit the hay. Let me know what you think.

Tonight the Last night to Get Tickets

This is it, folks. I’m up to 220 tickets sold. I’ll have tickets for sale tonight (Thursday) at quizzo at Ugly American. After that, it’s every man for himself. We’re going to sell out before Saturday night. So don’t wait until Saturday night to get your tickets! Come see me tonight at quizzo. If that isn’t possible and you want tickets, shoot me an email and we’ll see if we can work something out.

RELATED: Writeup on Quizzo Bowl VI on NBCPhiladelphia.com.

The QBVI Ticket Run Has Begun

qb6_728Tickets started flying off the shelves last night. We’re up to 190 sold, meaning there are a mere 110 left. If you are going to buy them, again I would encourage you to not wait until the day of the event. There is a very decent chance we will be sold out by then. Buy your tickets from me tonight at the Locust Rendezvous or tomorrow at Ugly American or the Bards. I can assure you I’ll have tix left at those two locations. After that, you’re on your own.

Ok, today is questions day. Working on Quizzo Bowl questions all day long. If you’ve got any requests for topics to be covered in a question, leave them below in comments. I may or may not heed your advice. Oh, and be sure to get your brackets filled out before tomorrow to win your share of $150 in prizes. Password is goodtimes.

Irish Quiz Bomb Week Starts Tonight

Ireland_flagIrish Quiz Bomb starts tonight. All questions this week about Ireland, though as I said before, that covers a lot of territory. In addition to the Bounty Bowl at O’Neals tonight, there will be a dollar off Guinness at the Bards and plenty of Guinness giveaways. The Bards has been kinda quiet on Tuesdays lately, so you should have a good shot at a table. And be sure to get your Quizzo Bowl tix tonight. If you wait until the day of, the price goes up $5. Hope to see ya tonight!

Denver vs. Philly: The Nerd Rivalry Continues

jesustequilaIf you read this website (and odds are, you don’t) you are probably aware that me and a group of other nerds went out to Denver for their Geek Bowl. We finished a disappointing 4th, one point out of the money. Nonetheless, the animosity we (and “we” I mean “I”) engendered with the Denver crowd will make us legends in the Mile High City long after we pass on from this world.

Well, Denver had decided to respond in kind. Several members of Jesus and Tequila, the winners at Quizzo Bowl, will be in attendance at Quizzo Bowl VI, adding a whole new level of intensity to the proceedings. While Vegas has Lambda Lambda Lambda as a slight favorite over Sofa Kingdom, this Denver team has certainly got to be considered a top contender. They have been a powerhouse for years on the Denver Quizzo Circuit, and they pretty much whipped us at Geek Bowl.

Therefore, I need to share a few words with you, Philadelphia: YOU MUST WIN QUIZZO BOWL VI. I mean, it is imperative. If a team comes from some backwoods town out west and takes our trophy, it will be nothing short of disastrous both for the quizzo community and the city at large. You cannot let this happen. So study, Philadelphia! Waste countless hours on wikipedia like you’ve never wasted them before. Because this isn’t just about you any more. This is about your city, this is about your honor. Could you imagine what Ben Franklin would say* if a Denver team came in and took away our title? Everything all of our forefathers fought for to make this the smartest city in America would go right down the drain if some penny ante group of Mile High geeks from a 2nd World city came in and claimed our crown. Come on Philadelphia! This is your night! This is your time! Let’s do this!**

*Yes, I know he’s dead and would say nothing. That’s not the point I’m trying to make here.

**Also, I will not be rapping at this event.

The 6th Annual JGT/iSportacus Bracket-tacular

That’s right folks, we’re doing it again. The JGT/iSportacus Bracket-tacular has become an annual event that causes me even more stress right before Quizzo Bowl is one of the highlights of the year. Just click here and enter the password goodtimes (group # is 83655). You need to get a yahoo account to play (It’s simple, takes 5 minutes) and the winner walks away with $100 in gift certificates to local restaurants. 2nd place hauls in $50. So get your picks in, then stand by and get slaughtered. My 95th place finish last year was a mirage. I went with my heart instead of my brain. This year I’ve crunched the numbers and studied the game film, and am guaranteeing a first place finish.  Eat ’em and smile.