Friday Night Quiz!

uglyamA very rare treat tonight, as I’ll be hosting a Friday night quiz at the Ugly American! We kick off at 7:30 p.m. and I’ve got a couple of rounds that aren’t baseball related, but will get you fired up for Games 6 and 7. And of course the Rangers-Yankees game will be on. Dollar off all drafts during quizzo. And hey, it’s our first ever French Fry-day!

Pre-Game Quizzo Tonight at Bards!

NLDS Reds Phillies BaseballThe Phils rally starts tonight, and we’re doing a pre-game quiz at the Bards at 6 p.m. Happy Hour specials followed by game specials. Come for the quizzo, stay for the first game of the Great Comeback of 2010. Gonna be a good night. And a very appropriate wild card round. If you played on Tuesday you are welcome to play again today. All new questions. Hope to see ya there!

RELATED: Let’s get fired up!

Sorry Folks. Parks Closed. Moose Outside Shoulda Told Ya

parksclosedNo Quizzo tonight due to the Phillies, folks (To read why the Phillies are likely to score a lot of runs tonight, click here). But keep in mind, you can still score points for the JGTAI by getting your physical challenge done today. And I need a few regulars to make me avatars (Barristers, Savage Ear, and Magnus, I’m looking at you.)

As for last night’s inaugural quiz at the City Tap House, it was a huge success. Over 40 people played, which is terrific for a first night, and lots of big teams, which is always fun. And the first team ever caught cheating at CTH? A team comprised entirely of Yankee fans. No kidding.

Things had been kinda off and on at O’Neals the past few weeks, but last night was packed. That was great to see. Hope we can keep it up.

Keep in mind, we have very special quiz times planned for the rest of the week. Thursday night, a pregame quiz at the Bards. We kick off at 6 p.m., then hang out after to watch the Phils take on the Giants. $3 Yards, $3 UFOs and 50 Cent Wings. Wanksta Wings I call ’em. Get it? Because 50 Cent is also…oh, never mind. Then a very special Friday night quiz at the Ugly American. 7:30 p.m. I think this one is gonna be a lot of fun.

The Fall Classic at City Tap House: Featuring Musical Guest Anthony Riley

anthony rileyMost of you remember that incredible video I posted a couple of weeks ago with the one guy singing Motown and the other two guys dancing wildly. (If not, this is “must-see” video.) Well, guess who I got to perform between rounds at the Fall Classic? No, not the two crazed dancers. Anthony Riley, the remarkably talented singer heard here, and most often at Suburban Station during the week. You might also remember him as the man whose remarkable voice got him arrested in Rittenhouse Square a few years ago. You can listen to him interviewed and singing “A Change Is Gonna Come” on NPR here.

In other news, the event will be held at City Tap House. Yes, the same City Tap House that will be playing host to my upcoming quizzos. They have a large back room that will fit 150 people, and a few more can sit at the bar, if need be. So here’s how we’re gonna run it. The Top 21 teams will earn invites, plus the two most successful teams in the next 4 weeks at City Tap House quizzo. That means that your team better get its act together if you hope to play, and hear one of Philadelphia’s most beautiful voices live! Hope to see ya this week!

RELATED: Friend Anthony on Facebook.

RELATED: The JGTAI Scoreboard.

Westward Quiz-Ho! JGT Heads Into West Philly Tonight!

City-Tap-House-PhiladelphiaThat’s right, kids, I’m hosting my first ever West philly quizzo tonight at the City Tap House. The prizes and specials are both spectacular. First off, $10 gets you a can of beer and a margarita pizza. $3 Sly Fox cans throughout the quiz. And winner gets a 2-hour happy hour for 10 people…FREE. You heard me correctly. Yeah, I know it’s insane. That’s why I like it. That’s gonna get started at 10:15. And since their Autumn Invitational Season is going to be cut short, I am going to invite the top two teams over the next four weeks at CTH to the Invitational (More on the Invitational shortly).

But first, we begin at O’Neals, where things have been running wide open for the last couple of weeks. 5 different winners in the past 6 weeks. What does that mean? It means that O’Neals is, without question, your best shot to earn 5 points toward the JGTAI, and your best shot at winning a $50 gift certificate. Action starts at 8 p.m. sharp (I gotta get to West Philly by 10:15 p.m.) And hey, with the game on at 4:15, why not stop by O’Neals for the game too?

And Mike Minion hosts at Terrace Taproom at 8 p.m. The theme round is British Rock. Hope to see ya tonight!

JGTAI Scoreboard at the Midway Point

autumninviteHere ya go, the scores at the midway point of the JGTAI. Teams in blue are in the Top 10, and thus eligible for the $100 bonus “Top 10” drawing. Teams in yellow would earn an invite if the season ended today. Teams in orange have scored but are not yet in the Top 25.

Several interesting things to note. First of all, a lot of team that just miss the cut are going to be cursing themselves later for not earning the bonus points I’ve put on the table. Since I am such a sweetheart, I am keeping the team avatar opportunity up there until Friday, since that is when I will be posting them for this week’s winners. 3 points for making a team avatar. We’ve had numerous teams get in the mix so far, with some fun results. Do not blow this opportunity to score 3 easy points!

There is a new physical challenge up now. As for making the cut, over 80 teams have scored so far. Any team, even one that hasn’t played yet, is still only one win and a physical challenge away from entering the Top 25, who will get invites. Do not give up hope, but also do not wait around any longer. Make sure you get your team out this week! Action starts tonight at the Westbury.

Quizzo Tonight

Mike Minion hosts at the Westbury tonight, and has a pretty interesting theme round. “Philadelphia Theater”. Action starts at 10:30 p.m. I have a meeting now at City Tap House but will be back this afternoon with JGTAI scores. And I’m giving you until 3 p.m. to achieve your physical challenges, so get on it! The avatar thing is an easy 3 points. And you can make a more complex one later. Just give me any avatar for 3 points today.

The Decision

jgtlebronNeedless to say, people all across Philadelphia have been wondering where Johnny Goodtimes will land on Tuesday nights at 10:15 p.m. But instead of just announcing it, JGT decided to get interviewed by Jim Gray so he could talk a bit more about himself. Here is the transcript of that interview, with the decision after the jump.

Thank you very much. Everybody is on pins and needles across the country, particularly those bars who are in the running for Johnny Goodtimes. Are you ready to go Johnny? Where is the powder?

What powder?

The baby powder you throw into the air before each quizzo.

I don’t do that. Someone could slip and fall on the powder and then I’d find myself in legal trouble.

What have you thought about this process?

This process has been everything I’ve thought and more. I enjoy any process that revolves around me, Johnny Goodtimes. Did I mention that I’m donating all of the money earned from this interview to  the Orphans of Oddfellows?

You weren’t able to be recruited because you went straight to Quizmaster from a job waiting tables while dressed in a colonial outfit. Have you enjoyed this recruiting process now?

I have enjoyed it. It’s been an unbelievable experience, a real humbling experience to be even to be in this position. But I’m sure it’s even more humbling for the bars that have had a chance to talk to me. 

How many people know your decision right now?

Not many. It’s a very, very small number. I probably could count them on my fingers.

One hand or two hands?

Well, I would use one hand to count the fingers on the other hand, so would that count as one or two?

When did you decide?

I think I decided this morning. I mean, I decided this morning, but I went day to day. I wake up one morning, it’s this bar. I wake up another morning, it’s this bar. I wake up another morning, and I can’t find my toothbrush. So then I go to Walgreens and buy a new one. And while I’m there I pick up some dog food. What was the question again?

So the last time you changed your mind was yesterday?

The last time I changed my mind was probably in my dreams. As real as it may seem. It was only in my dreams.

Who in this process, Johnny, have you taken advice from and who has had the biggest influence?

I’ve taken a lot of advice from my friends and family. And there was a guy in Rittenhouse yesterday that was mumbling something about government mind control. He seemed to know what he was talking about, so I took some advice from him. 

Would you like to sleep on it a little longer, or are you ready to make this decision?

That depends. Who would I be sleeping with?

Are you still a nail biter?

I’ve never bit my nails.

You’ve had everybody else biting their nails. So I guess it’s time for them to stop chewing. The answer to the question everybody wants to know: Johnny, what’s your decision?

In this fall, this is very tough, in this fall I’m going to take my talents to…

Continue reading “The Decision”