Quizzo News and Notes

Hey kids, I had a doctors appointment this morning and have a private gig tonight, so I haven’t had time to post final scores from this week. I’ll try to get that up tomorrow morning. I do want to acknowledge this week’s finest performance (other than the Exhausted Nihilists win over the Steak on Sunday). On Tuesday at O’Neals, the Missing Heads got a remarkable 39 out of 40 correct, their only mistake coming in the speed round, and finished with a 119. Another impressive performance came at the Black Sheep on Tuesday as I saw something I had never seen before. We’re Totally F***ed (above) really knew their International cuisine, as they got all ten questions correct. However, the rest of their international knowledge was lacking, as they shot the moon in Round Four. It was the first time I can ever remember a team getting every question right in Round Three and every question wrong in Round Four.

Let’s Talk About Sex in My Basement, Part Two

Let’s Talk About Sex in My Basement! Part 2 from Johnny Goodtimes on Vimeo.

Here is the second part of my interview with Timaree. In this one, we discuss why the Eagles make you horny, why people break up in the spring, and what Timaree’s #1 piece of sexual advise is. This one gets kinda funny towards the end. Check it out. And here’s a link to her website.

RELATED: Part One of our interview with Timaree.

International Week Continues on French Fry Thursday with All New Questions!


International Week keeps on rocking tonight, and what could be more international than French Fries? That’s why we’ll be giving them out free to several teams tonight at the quizzos. And speaking of culture, what about the corn dog, which was invented in ancient Greece?** Because corn dogs are a mere $1 at our first quiz tonight at the Ugly (South) American. That in addition to all drafts being a dollar off during the quiz. Action starts at the Ugly at 8 p.m. It is also your best shot of winning tonight, as the Ugly has achieved an amazing amount of parity. We have had 8 different winners in the past 9 weeks at the Ugly American. And if you played earlier this week, no worries…all new questions tonight.

On to the Bards, where you go if you want to test your mettle against the best of the best. Both Steak Em Up and Duane’s World are expected tonight. All Lagers are $3. We’ve been rocking at the Bards the past few weeks…Let’s keep it going tonight. Action starts at the Bards at 10:15 p.m.

**not true. The Corn Dog was invented in Springfield, IL in 1946.

International Quiz Rolls on Tonight

miss-universe-20101The International Quiz seemed to go pretty well last night. A huge night at O’Neals for the Missing Heads, who apparently know more about the rest of the world than they do about the US. They only missed one question the entire quiz. Of course, we’ve got a slight scoring change that is also rather interesting. Where the bonuses once counted towards JGTAI points, they now count toward actual points. Don’t worry, going 40 for 40 still earns you a perfect game, but your score might be different. We’ll see how it works out. It went well last night.

On to tonight! We kick it off at the Locust Rendezvous at 6:15 p.m. As usual, the specials are incredible. Winter Bourbon Cask Ales going for $3 and Shock Top Belgian Whites going for $2. Soco and Lime shots are also a mere $2. We then head on over to the Black Sheep at 8 p.m., where we’ve had 3 different winners in the past 3 weeks. Can your team make 4 for 4? We’ll see ya tonight!

Impossible Round Questions from the JGTAI


  1. In what book and movie would you find a magazine editor named Miranda Priestley?
  2. This author was working on his masterpiece called Weir of Hermiston when he died of a cerebral hemmorhage in 1894.
  3. Crop rotation farmers often alternate their grains with soybeans to help fix what element in the soil?
  4. This pessimistic German philosopher, born in 1788, believed that humans were motivated only by their will to live, and that the human will was inherently evil.
  5. Who retired in 2004, 18 months after telling George Bush that WMDs in Iraq was a slam dunk.
  6. This 1994 film starred Bruce Willis, Dan Akroyd, and Reba McIntyre, but is most famous for Ebert review of it, which read, “I hated this movie. Hated, hated, hated, hated, hated this movie. Hated it. Hated every simpering stupid vacant audience insulting moment of it.”
  7. Peyton Hillis is on track to rush for 1,000 yards this season. The last white running back to rush for 1,000 yards in a season did so in 1985. Who was he?
  8. An oenophile is a lover of what?
  9. From 1945 to 1998, this country had two presidents, Sukarno and Suharto.
  10. Fawn Hall was this man’s secretary.

Continue reading “Impossible Round Questions from the JGTAI”

Changes at the Westbury

Mike’s got a few changes to his quiz on Monday night to tell you about.

Don’t worry folks; these changes are all for the better. First, the starting time for the quiz is now 10 PM, not 10:30. Several teams have expressed a desire to play more often, but didn’t want to be out so late on a Monday evening. Those of you who have played the Monday quiz know that I start on time, and things move quickly. This change will allow us to finish up no later than 11:30.

The earlier time has two other benefits. Since the kitchen will still be open, you can get food at The Westbury quiz now. And more importantly, we can institute a time-honored JGT tradition, the French fry question!! That’s right folks; starting next week, the first round will have an 11th question, with a big basket of fries going to the team that comes closest to the correct answer. Danny (the chef) has also promised to keep the kitchen open as long as people want to order.

The bonus rounds I told you about yesterday were a HUGE success. I gave away some books and CD’s, and the challenge round ended in a tie, so the prize pool for next week will be that much bigger. These new, fun features will be part of the quiz from now on, and will debut at the Westbury next Monday. I’m hoping JGT will guest host the pre-quiz “Mike Minion Gives Away His Library and Record/CD Collection” segment. Negotiations are underway as we speak. We’re close on price, but the #&^!@ wants an unlimited supply of lime Jello shots as well, and that could be a sticking point. Let ‘s just say, I’ve seen JGT when he’s had too many shots, and leave it at that.

Anyway, next Monday should be lots of fun. Hope to see you there.

Your Last Chance to Win a Free 2-Hour Happy Hour on Big Money Tuesday!

bigmoneyThis is it, folks. Your last shot to score a free two hour open bar at City Tap House is tonight. And yes, you have a great shot of winning. The winning score last week was a 89. Don’t worry, even after this week, the prize will be crazy awesome, but this is your last shot at a 2 hour Happy Hour at one of the best beer bars in Philadelphia. This is a phenomenol prize. Action starts at 10:15 p.m.

But first, we kick it off at O’Neals, and the prizes ain’t too shabby there either. $50 gift certificate, and that’ll earn you a lot of $3.50 margaritas. Action starts at 8 p.m. It was crazy busy last week, with lots of good teams, but I suspect things will quiet down a bit this week and your shot of winning this week will be excellent. Hope to see ya tonight!

International Week at Quizzo!

Picture 9A few weeks ago, a team of foreigners decided to play quizzo at City Tap House, and they got totally crushed. I then realized how American-centric that week’s quiz was. So I thought, “Why not mix things up a little bit one week?” This is that week. You might want to call that buddy that studied International Law or the cute girl you know from Luxembourg this week to help out the quizzo team. All questions will be based on countries other than the US. Don’t worry, I don’t think they will be particularly more difficult, just a little different. Instead of football and baseball, sports questions will be about futbol and cricket. Instead of Jefferson and Nixon, political questions will be about Mitterand and Berlusconi. And instead of Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears, questions about celebrity drug whores will be about Tila Tequila* and Pamela Anderson**. Gonna be a lot of fun. See ya this week!

*from Singapore

**from Canadia

Exhausted Nihilist Pull Off Shocker at Johnny Goodtimes Autumn Invitational

IMG_2194They were packed to the rafters at the City Tap House on Sunday, and when the dust settled, we had ourselves an upset victory that sent shockwaves through the local nerd community. The game seemed all but over when the villainous Steak Em Up crew took the lead after 3 rounds. Going into the 4th with a lead is usually Mariano Rivera time for the Steak, who almost never lose a lead late. It looked like the winners of the Summer Invite were going to take the Autumn Invite as well and burnish their legend.

But the Exhausted Nihilists had other ideas. The Nihilists, who had finished 9th in the Final JGTAI standings, got 9 out of 10 right in the final round to come from behind and edge the Steak 103-102. It was a startling upset, though perhaps it shouldn’t have been…the Nihilist had knocked off Steak Em Up this past Tuesday at O’Neals. Nonetheless, it was a memorable final round, as they were the only team to answer both the white running back question and the Ebert question correctly (I’ll post 4th round questions later today.) In fact, the one they missed was one a lot of teams got right, the “Slam Dunk” question. Nonetheless, they got the other 9 right, Steak missed the Running back and Ebert question, and we had ourselves a shocker.

They were far from the only winners on this afternoon however. Look Up Look Down won a free Happy Hour for 10 friends at the City Tap House for earning the most physical challenge points. Insert Topical Team Name Here won a $150 gift certificate for winning the drawing. The Inglorious Barristers won a $75 gift certificate for knowing how tall K2 was. But the finest prize went to the last place team, who earned one of the hottest VHS tapes on the market today…It Takes Two, starring the Olsen Twins, Steve Guttenberg, and Kirstie Alley. You want to talk about some wacky misadventures! You don’t even know the half of it!

And of course, it goes without saying that Anthony Riley was a total hit. Philadelphia’s best known busker proved that he has as fine a voice as anyone in the city. And he was happy to do a vocal round, even though I didn’t even hit him up with the idea until Sunday morning. A splendid performance. It’s always awesome to work with someone that talented and gracious.

Finally, I just want to thank everybody for coming out. It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon, and the fact that you guys came out to play a little quizzo and listen to a few tunes was really awesome. One of my favorite things about doing this for a living is that we have a really cool community, and it’s always really fun when everybody from all 6 bars are together at one place. Thanks again. Scores are after the jump.

Continue reading “Exhausted Nihilist Pull Off Shocker at Johnny Goodtimes Autumn Invitational”