Quizzo Bowl News and Notes

worldcafeWow, where to even begin? Been spending all day trying to get a hold of local celebs. Things are incredibly hectic and yet starting to come together at the same time. I’ve got 4 recorded, and 4 I’m lined up to record. Just gotta find 4 more in the next week. Meanwhile, if you haven’t tweeted Bill Cosby yet, what are you waiting for? Come on people, let’s do this! Nonetheless, the local celebs I’ve gotten so far have been really cool and this is gonna be a really, really fun round. (Assuming, of course, I can finish pulling it off.)

As for tickets, they’re moving quickly, and this thing hasn’t even hit the papers yet. Next week, there will be write-ups in the Daily News, Philly Mag, and Weekly. DO NOT wait until the night of the event to purchase your tickets. Please get them from me next week. About 100 have sold already, and I know of another 75-80 people who are definitely attending. Which means there are about 100 tickets left. This is going to sell out before next Saturday, so be sure to either get your tickets from me or get them online. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. Not trying to be a jerk about it, I just want the regulars to get their tickets before it’s too late.

In regular quizzo news, I’ll get scores and avatars up as soon as I can. I’m headed down to VA for a gig tomorrow and then right back on Sunday. The next week is gonna be a whirlwind, but it should pay off with a fun event. Have a great weekend, everybody!

Mike Minion to Host a Lover’s Quiz on Monday

lovegonewrongWhat’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Valentine’s Day? Probably answering questions about superconductors at Mike Minion’s quiz. But since this weeks quiz falls on Valentine’s Day, Mike is going to mix it up a bit. His going to do  a very special “Love Gone Wrong” quiz. It sounds like fun. Here’s the details.

Love is in the Air! And so is influenza.  In honor of Valentine’s Day, the theme of next week’s Mike Minion quiz will be “Love Gone Wrong”.  Doomed couples, bad love songs, sappy movies — they’ll all be there.  If you’ve ever fallen victim to perils of the heart, this quiz is for you. There will be some hints on Monday, so be sure to tune in..

Also, due to a scheduling conflict, the All-Star quiz has been moved from this Sunday to Sunday March 3.  It’s gonna be a big quiz with BIG prizes for all you Star Trek/Star Wars fans.  Details next week.

Have a good weekend, everybody!

French Fry Thursday Tonight!

frenchfry1-1All new quiz tonight! We kick it off at Ugly American at 8 p.m. $2 Lagers and perhaps the most parity in the quizzosphere make this a great spot to play. Of course, I’ll then be moving on to the Bards at 10:15 p.m. Was a little out of control for a few weeks, with teams playing way in the back but it’s quieted down a touch the last couple of weeks, so if you’re a team that got frustrated by not getting a table, you should be good tonight.

IN OTHER NEWS: Man, this is getting insane. Have some great celebrity guests lined up to ask questions at Quizzo Bowl, and still looking for more. Meanwhile, I just spoke with the band’s leader and I think the most popular move in the history of my quiz is going to be changing the 50-50 round to a music round. This music round is going to be incredible. I’m already getting nervous about it, and it’s 9 days away. I still have a million things to do before this wild card round becomes a reality, but I think it’s gonna pay off in spades. Let me just put it this way: Schoolly D dissed one of our quizzo teams while asking a question on video last night. It’s gonna be that type of insane.

UPDATE: A very fun picture round tonight at quizzo.

Let’s Try to Get Jazzy Jeff on Board for Quizzo Bowl

03_jazzyjeff_lg-1Yesterday I asked people to please tweet Bill Cosby to try to get him to ask a question at Quizzo Bowl VII. If you haven’t done so already, please do so! Meanwhile, today we are aiming for another local legend. I think we should see if we can get Jazzy Jeff to ask a question at Quizzo Bowl. To request it, just send Jeff a tweet. Let’s see if we can make this thing happen! Meanwhile, I already have a REALLY great lineup of celebrities and local legends lined up for the wild card round. This is gonna be awesome.

Help Me Get Bill Cosby to Quizzo Bowl

cosbyThings are starting to come together for Quizzo Bowl, and they’re getting really, really interesting. I don’t want to give a whole lot away about what I’ve got percolating, but I do want to ask a favor: please shoot a note to Bill Cosby on twitter and see if we can get him to ask a question at Quizzo Bowl. Now, I know we can’t actually get him there physically, but I just want to see if we can convince him to ask a question at Quizzo Bowl on video. I can’t do this without your help, so if you are on twitter PLEASE send him a note asking him to record a Quizzo Bowl question on video. And even if we can’t land Bill, trust me, we are still going to have a wild card round FOR THE AGES. My guarantee of this being the greatest Quizzo Bowl ever is starting to look like it could be a reality. To be honest, I’m getting a little nervous about how crazy this whole thing is getting. I hope I can pull it all together in the next 10 days. And if there are any local celebrities you’d like to see on the show, let me know. No guarantees, but I’ll give it the ol’ college try. To get your tickets to Quizzo Bowl, you can buy them from me at my various quizzos throughout the week, or you can purchase them online here. Tickets are $25 a pop if you buy from me, $27 if you buy online.

Big Money Tuesday

bigmoneyWe start at O’Neals at 8 p.m., then move to City Tap House at 10:15. $50 gift certificate to the winner at O’Neals, $100 GC to the winner of City Tap House. If you’re looking for a place to get your team warmed up for Quizzo Bowl, I’d suggest O’Neals. We’ve had good crowds but haven’t been slammed the past few weeks. Should be some room for your squad. On to the City Tap House, where things have been jumping off the hook the past few weeks. Please note: we are moving the quiz to the dining room starting tonight. Oh, and you might want to bring your pop culture person out for tonight’s wild card round. Finally, Mike Minion hosts his quiz at the Terrace Taproom tonight at 8 p.m. Hope to see ya out tonight!

Geek Bowl Questions

geek bowlJohn Dicker of Geeks Who Drink was kind enough to provide me with a few rounds from the quiz so you nerds can test your mettle on the Geek Bowl in Denver. Answers are below.

Round One: On the Street Where We Quiz: a Colfax round on Cold Facts

  1. Anthony Minghella directed it, Renee Zellweger starred in it and Charles Frazier wrote the novel. What’s the title?
  2. Need the first and last name of the character responsible for the following quote: “Fact, bears eat beets. Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica.”
  3. The lowest recorded temperature in history: Was it closer to the North Pole or the South Pole?
  4. Leonard Snart, aka Captain Cold, is a member of what superhero’s rogues’ gallery?
  5. The murder at the center of In Cold Blood occurred in the home state of Melissa Etheridge and Kirstie Alley. Name the state.
  6. Colfax Avenue takes its name from Schuyler Colfax, the 17th vice president of the United States. The president he served under has been portrayed by Kevin Kline & Aidan Quinn. Who is it?
  7. Charlotte Rae played Edna Garrett in another show before The Facts of Life. Name the show.
  8. Spelling counts: What is fax, as in fax machine, short for?

Round Two: A round on Pop, Culture

  1. In e-mail terminology, what does POP stand for?
  2. What is the name of the nation’s oldest youth football and cheerleading organization?
  3. Ironically enough, the expression “When I hear the word ‘culture,’ I reach for my gun” has its origins in a play script. Is it from Nazi Germany or Revolution-era Cuba?
  4. Stonyfield Farm yogurt originated in which state, whose sole area code is 603?
  5. What Spanish-created lollipop gets its name for the Spanish word for “suck”?
  6. Fill in the blank: In 1979, Christopher Lasch published The Culture of BLANK: American Life in an Age of Diminishing Expectations.
  7. In 2001, the US military airdropped 2.4 million of what Kellogg product on Afghanistan?
  8. What sugar-related polymer is used as a growth medium for a bacterial culture?

Round Three: Random Knowledge

  1. According to the most recently published censuses, what is the 2nd-most-populous CITY in the world’s 2nd-most-populous country AND what is the 3rd-most-populous CITY in the world’s 3rd-most-populous country?
  2. Toy Story 3:  Jodi Benson played Barbie, some 20 years after getting her start in what other animated Disney film?  Which deceased cast member from the first two films was replaced by his friend Blake Clark for the third?
  3. Name Nick Hornby’s first published novel and Kurt Vonnegut’s last published novel?
  4. On which two islands would you find wild orangutans?
  5. I’ll name a spot in a battlefield from a US military conflict, you name the battle:  Hornet’s Nest; Elsenburg Ridge.
  6. I’ll name a trophy, you give the FIRST name of its namesake: Heisman Trophy. Stanley Cup.
  7. I’ll name an IPA you name its brewer: Raging Bitch, Long Hammer.
  8. What city is the most recent season of Top Chef in? AND: name the author of Tender at The Bone who was Gourmet magazine’s final editor.

Continue reading “Geek Bowl Questions”

Mike Minion Hosting Tonight at Westbury

Mike Minion will be rocking the mic tonight at the Westbury tonight with his latest quiz. Action starts at 9 p.m. Great drink specials and a damn fine quiz. I plan on playing tonight. Hope to see ya there. In other quizzo news, Kristy and Koob are going to be hosting a Pop Culture Quizzo starting later this month. They’ll be at the Khyber on Mondays at 7 p.m. starting on February 28th and they’ll be at the Raven Lounge on Tuesdays at 8 p.m. starting on February 22nd. For more info, click here.