Your Last Chance to Buy Tix Off Me is Tonight

We’re almost down to the 48 hour-to-go mark, and it is astounding how much more needs to be done. But it will be done, because, quite frankly, it has to. That said, there will be an ALL NEW quizzo tonight to give you one last chance to sharpen your skills. I wasn’t going to write a new one, but then I remembered I still had a couple of rounds of the quiz I did in VA this past weekend on standby, so I might as well use ’em. Action starts at 8 p.m. at Ugly American and 10:15 p.m. at the Bards.

As for tickets, get them from me tonight if you want to be guaranteed a spot at Quizzo Bowl. I will have the physical tickets on me tonight at both quizzes. After that, you gotta just hope that they’re will still be enough online. This is going to be a Quizzo Bowl for the ages, so don’t wait until it’s too late to get your team together.

Just got a question from someone that is going to blow the minds of pretty much everybody 30 and over. If I don’t screw up this wild card round, it’s going to perhaps the most epic in Quizzo history.

Quizzo Bowl After Party at City Tap House

CITYTAPHOUSE_LOGOQuizzo Bowl afterparty will be just a short cab ride away from the venue. We’ll be throwing down at the City Tap House after all is said and done. 3925 Walnut. Andy has promised us some great drink specials and we’ve got a side room all to ourselves where we can sit and mock the Penn undergrads who will be in the main bar area. Gonna be a great way to celebrate. (Or if the winners are Lambda or the Denver team, mourn.)

Quizzo Tonight

I’ve got a crazy day, getting three new local celebrities to record questions for Quizzo Bowl. Gonna be running all over the city, but all three of these guys are gonna be really good. This wild card round is gonna be one for the ages. Assuming of course, there are no technical difficulties, or the electricity goes out, and then I just stand on stage hollering out questions off the top of my head and the whole thing is a total disaster and people storm out the doors angry and my quizzo career is ruined. Not that I’m getting anxious or anything.

As for quizzo tonight, we start at the Locust Rendezvous at 6:15 p.m. $3 Magic Hat Vinyls and $2 Mich Ultras. Always a good quizzo crowd, and some of my favorite teams. The Jams and 1022 are in for Quizzo Bowl. Let’s see if any other Vous teams are gonna take their shot at ultimate glory (Barristers and Magnus, I’m looking at you.) Then on to the Black Sheep, who are going to be repped by Duane’s World. Who else? We’ll see. I’ll have tickets on me tonight. I’m telling you, folks, this wild card round alone is gonna be worth the cost of admission. It’s gonna be insane.

Best Dressed Team to Win $75 GC

watering holes-thumb-404x303Just a heads up that the best dressed team at Quizzo Bowl is going to walk away with a $75 gift certificate from the City Tap House. And by “Best Dressed”, I obviously mean, “Most ridiculously or creatively dressed”. A good example would be the Watering Holes, who won Best Dressed two years ago, each going as a different Philadelphia bar. Of course, teams that dress up will get VIP seating as well.

Quizzo Bowl Free Agents

FreeAgentNationBKI know that there are several of you who want to play at Quizzo Bowl but don’t have a full team, or are even just free agents. No worries. The best way to pull a squad together is to go to the Johnny Goodtimes Quizzo Facebook page and list on the wall how many players you have (even if it’s just 1) and say what your specialty is. Then teams looking for players can pick you up. If not, I’ll try to team up teams that night. If you have a team of 5 or less, expect to be teamed up with some drifters. Wanna fit as many people as we can, and to make things easy on my graders, want to keep the number of teams reasonable.

Celeste DiNucci Beats Watson, Gets Crushed at Quizzo

celesteThe world of trivia is a strange one indeed. Some of you may remember Celeste DiNucci, who won $250,000 on Jeopardy a few years ago. Well, she was one of the contestants who was invited back to take on Watson, the IBM computer that will be appearing on Jeopardy starting tonight. Though her match with Watson was not televised, she did receive an award (above) for knocking him off. And she gets major badass points for doing so while wearing a John Henry shirt.

Not long after knocking off Watson however, she ran into the buzzsaw that was the Adam Sandler round at quizzo. I think we’ve found Celeste’s weakness. After crashing hard in the Sandler round, her team finished last at O’Neals. And so, not long after earning an award for knocking off the most advanced trivia computer in the world, she won some Double Platinum Wild Honey blunt rolling papers for finishing last at O’Neals (below). I don’t think blunt rolling papers are ever a prize on Jeopardy. That said, she’ll have a shot to redeem herself this Saturday…rumor has it she’s putting a kickass team together for Quizzo Bowl.
