Buddy Holly would be turning 75 on September 7th if he were still alive. In what city was he born in 1936?
Category: Happenings
Let’s Talk About Sex in My Basement
Welcome to My Basement! from Johnny Goodtimes on Vimeo.
Today we debut a new show on the website called Welcome to My Basement!, in which I will be bringing lovely young women (and perhaps the occasional man) of Philadelphia down to my basement and then discussing various topics. Creepy yet captivating, the first episode is pretty damn good if I do say so myself. In the video, I am interviewing Timaree Leigh who has a great blog called sexwithtimaree.com (which is actually fairly safe for work.) The interview was so great that I split it into two parts, and this is part one. We discuss lesbians, animal sex, and whether or not humans are naturally monogamous. Part two will be up in a few days. If you like, please post on facebook or click “Like” below. Enjoy!
RELATED: Here’s part 2 of that interview.
Things We Learned at Quizzo…The Creepy Ghost Town of Pripyat
One of the questions last night at quizzo was, “The city of Pripyat is a ghost town because of something that happened in the 1980s. What was it?” Pretty easy question. The answer was Chernobyl. But while everyone knows the word “Chernobyl”, not everyone knows Pripyat. It was quite a bustling city, with 50,000 residents at the time of its evacuation (about the size of Harrisburg). There were schools, restaurants, cafes, playgrounds, a bus system, and even a ferris wheel (above). Of course, the accident didn’t just destroy the cities of Chernobyl (pop. 14,000) and Pripyat, but numerous nearby cities and towns. Ultimately about 350,000 people were evacuated (That would be the equivalent of evacuating Pittsburgh and Harrisburg.) And while it makes for an interesting trivia question, it is important to be reminded that all of those people had a story. Here is an excellent short film, called The Door, that reminds us of that. It is also worth noting that there is still a lot of controversy about what long-term effects the radiation had on first responders (known as liquidators), and how much money they should get from the government. Sound familiar?
Here are some incredible photos taken of Pripyat in 2006 by photog Tom Bossi. Well worth a look. Extremely creepy. Speaking of creepy, check out this video of Pripyat before, during, and after the disaster.
JGT Releases New Rap Song: “I Grew Up in the 80s”
I Grew Up In the 80s by johnnygoodtimes
Here’s a song I did with the Jim Fab Five about growing up in the 1980s, with singing done by Adam Schultz. Enjoy, and if you like it, spread the word. As for the rap battle on Thursday…well the less said about my performance the better. I’ll have video posted later this week.
I Heart the 80s Wild Card Week at Quizzo
It’s “I Heart the 80s Wild Card Week” at quizzo. Here’s how it works. All questions will be about the 1980s…styles, celebrities, world events and much, much more. Furthermore, if your team is hoping to play in the JGTSI City vs. City Smackdown and did not score enough points to earn an invite, there is still hope…you just need to score a 1st or 2nd place finish this week to earn an invite. As for teams who did make the cut (in yellow and blue), you will be receiving your official invite today.
North Star Bar Quizzo Starts Next Monday
Big news in the JGT Quizzo world. Next, week I’m going to take my talents to North Star Bar. I will be hosting a quizzo there every Monday at 7 p.m. More details coming later in the week. And after the quizzo, there will be live music. Should be a fun night out. If you have peeps in that area that are looking for a good quiz, let ’em know.
Win VIP Phils Package Tonight at the JGT Super Sports Quiz Spectacular
Got some sick prizes to give away at the JGTSSQS tonight at City Tap House. The winning team of our sports quiz will walk with 4 Phillies tickets, plus a ride to and from the game in a fully stocked limo, plus a $50 gift certificate to City Tap House. Going to be a very fun quiz. As a huge sports fan, I love writing sports quizzes and am really looking forward to this one. Questions will be primarily football, baseball, and basketball, with just a dash of hockey and soccer thrown in for good measure. Max team size is 4. Action starts at the City Tap House at 7 p.m. this Sunday. Gonna have some great beer and food specials. Hope to see ya there.
Johnny Goodtimes Vs. Reef the Lost Cauze; Rap Battle on Thursday
I can’t put in words how excited I am to introduce our guest host at Bards Quizzo on Thursday night. Reef the Lost Cauze is not only one of my favorite rappers in Philly, he’s one of my favorites in the country. If you are not already familiar with his music, do yourself a favor and check him out on Myspace. I’ve also posted 5 of my favorite Reef songs below.
Reef’s gonna take some time out from his busy schedule to host a round of quizzo on Thursday…and there are rumors of a rap battle between Johnny Goodtimes and the best battle rapper in Philly. Needless to say, I’m bringing my A-game. Been working on my rhymes all afternoon. Action starts at the Bards at 10:15 p.m. You’ll also be able to win fries by knocking off Reef in a trivia challenge. This is gonna be a lot of fun.
5 of my favorite Reef songs:
1. Commander in Chief. “The hottest MC in your house is not ya, and you live alone with a puppy named Sasha.” Now that’s some funny shit.
2. Nat Turner.
4. I Wonder.
Five Cool Things We Learned This Week
After cleaning himself up, Todd Bridges saved a woman from drowning.
- Barbie dolls were based on an “adult” gag gift in Germany known as a Bild Lilli doll. “Early fashions are noted for their particular seductive design. Originally this doll had been produced as an advertisement gag for adults.” In 1956, an American woman named Ruth Handler, whose husband was one half of the Mattel ownership team, went to Germany on vacation. She came across the Bild Lilli doll, purchased three, and gave one to her daughter, whose name was Barbie. Her daughter loved the toy, and Mattel decided to take a chance on the first adult doll for kids. Needless to say, it paid off handsomely.
- The Etch a Sketch was invented by a Frenchman in 1959, who originally called it L’Ecran Magique. Here’s how an Etch-a-Sketch works.
- The first video game to reach mainstream popularity was PONG, released in 1972. Here is a really cool history of video games, and you can play PONG online by clicking here. 39 years later, and it’s still a pretty damn fun game.
3 Philly Funnymen You Should Be Following on Twitter, Part 3
On Monday we brought you part one, on Tuesday we brought you part two, and today we bring you part three of our funniest Philly folks to follow on twitter. First, I must give credit where credit is due. I got the idea from Larry Mendte, who I steal all my great ideas from. Some of his suggestions for funniest were spot on with mine (Chip Chantry, Blake Wexler, Mary Radzinski, Paul Triggiani) and some were a bit off the mark (No names, but some of the ones on his list were pretty bad). But Larry also included some people with like 40,000 followers, where my goal is m0re to show off people that not a lot of people follow, but should be following. So here are our next 3.
Blake Wexler. He’s young, he’s dumb, and he’s full of fun. And I was just kidding about the dumb part. He’s pretty smart. He goes to some fancy pants college up north. I won’t bother to look up which one, but I think it’s one for smart people. And he’s funny. Here’s a small sample.
Going to see Harry Porter tonight, where I plan on making a HUGE deal about bringing my own 3D glasses.
My ex treated her body like a temple. And by that, I mean every Friday night she’d fill it with Jews.
At a bar. Just walked up to a married women, sensually removed her wedding ring, and swallowed it. #nowwhat
Doogie Horner. A brilliantly quirky local comedian and master of the flowchart, though he is best known by suburbanites for appearing on America’s Got Talent. As great as he was on AGT, he’s even funnier when non-idiot audiences let him actually tell his jokes. Go see him live. He is also damn funny on twitter.
A lot of people ask me how I write my jokes. Let me tell you: I write them at the piano in an empty house, tears streaming down my face.
If someone is about to beat you up, but stops and says, “You’re not worth it,” what they mean is, “only valuable people deserve beatings.”
How many brazen, up-and-coming pan flute novices have challenged Zamfir for his title?
Christian Alsis. One half of the laugh-out-loud Feeko Brothers, perhaps my favorite sketch duo in Philly. If you ever get a chance to see these guys, DO IT. Seriously, they never disappoint.
Amish people are just hippies without the shitty jam band music.
Buying a bran muffin is like paying $1.75 to poop at work.
The way that nomadic tribes move from place to place is unsettling.
I’ll be back tomorrow with 3 more funny folks.