TO? Von Hayes? Lindros? Eskin? You decide in our first ever Philly Sports History Bracket Challenge. We’ve matched up the 64 most hated athletes, managers, and personalities in Philly history, and now you’re going to determine who advances to the next round. Here are the full brackets. You can vote for 8 first round games today by going to the Philly Sports History Bracket page. Some of our Round One matchups include McNabb vs. Gregg Jefferies, Howard Eskin vs. Lance Parrish, and Billy King vs. Ed Wade.
Category: Happenings
The 15 Funniest Things Bobby “The Brain” Heenan Ever Said
This is neither here nor there, but I was working on a 50-50 round, and thought about using Bobby the Brain Heenan for it. Well, I decided I couldn’t really use The Brain because too many of his lines contained wrestlers names, but I was laughing my head off at some of his one-liners, so I thought I’d share. He and Gorilla Monsoon were the greatest 1-2 combo is announcing history for any sport, if you ask me. Keep in mind, he was the ultimate bad guy wrestling manager so he wasn’t particularly politically correct.
- “Hulk Hogan’s entrance music is my second favorite song of all time. All the rest are tied for first.”
- “Tito Santana is like a cue-ball. The more you strike him, the more English you get out of him.”
- On Kerry von Erich: “He is the only man I know of who can hide his own Easter eggs.”
- On Lou Ferigno’s speech impediment: “Hey, he speaks pretty well for a guy who just ate two pounds of crackers.”
- “That was a legal move. It was a Greco-Roman hair pull.”
- “Brass knuckles come in handy at the movies when that guy behind you can’t shut up his ugly kid.”
- “His Dad’s Italian, his Mom’s a German Shepherd.”
- “If women were meant to be wrestlers, why do we have kitchens?”
- “She was voted Best-Looking at the Indiana School for the Blind.”
- “You ever see Old Yeller, Monsoon? I love a good comedy.”
- “The main difference between Boss Man and his Mother is the beard. His Mother’s is much thicker.”
- “She should get arrested for impersonating a lampshade.”
- “If they made brass knuckles legal, it wouldn’t be cheating!”
- “Next week I’ll be on the Cartoon Network with pictures of your last date.”
- “The biggest difference between kids and dogs is that you can’t put kids down. It’s illegal.”
Question of the Week
Question of the Week
Who Said It, Rick Santorum or Adolf Hitler?
A few days ago, Santorum compared Obama to Hitler, but in fact it is Santorum who has a few political ideals shockingly similar to Hitler’s. Don’t believe me? Take this 50/50 round and see if you can figure out who said what.
A Behind the Scenes Look at “The Engagement Heard ‘Round the Nerd World”
Koob first came up to me a couple of months ago to throw it out there that he’d be up for dropping the question at Quizzo Bowl. I thought it was a terrific idea. After all, Kristy and Koob met at quizzo, they’ve hosted some quizzes themselves, and it’s no secret that Koob is part of the famous quizzo team in the country, Sofa Kingdom (aka Steak Em Up). So I was honored to be a part of the proceedings, and I quickly had a plan in place for how we could do it. Chip and I regularly host a game called the Beeramid at our comedy shows, which is a lot like the $25,000 Pyramid, except Chip is a dips*** who gives terrible clues. So I thought we could do that and then have Koob ask the last question.
But Quizzo Bowl is a beast to prepare for, especially now that I’ve started doing the celebrity round. Between that, shooting promo videos, writing questions, preparing an opening song…as the event got closer we still hadn’t done much with the engagement. Koob called me a week before, and said, “Maybe we should just call it off. I’m scared I’m going to get nervous and not be able to speak. Maybe I should just do something mellow, just me and her.” I told him we were doing it, no questions asked, and that he would be fine.
But as we got closer to the event, we still didn’t have much of a plan. I talked to Chip about how we could get “Yes” up on the screen as an answer. He said, “Let’s do all bands.” Brilliant. On Friday, I put the rest of the round in his hands. I contacted our buddy Carl (Specific Jawns), telling him we needed a slideshow of 4 different bands on the screen. He proved tough to get ahold of…on Saturday at 2 p.m. (less than 6 hours before kickoff) I finally got word that he could do it. At that point, I could only hope that a computer could be hooked into the World Cafe system. If not, the whole thing was down the drain. By the time Carl got to Quizzo Bowl, it was too late to test it. We were going to have to just hope that it would work.
Then there was the matter of the ticket. We were supposed to do a different signup for the game where people entered their names, so it would be easy to fix. But there was a mix up about what time to arrive (you may have seen me and lovely Cookie arguing about it shortly before the show began) so by the time Cookie arrived it was too late for that. We had to steal the ticket number off of Kristy’s orange ticket to fix the final game. Cookie had Sarah take Kristy to the bathroom and then stole her ticket number. Incredibly, when I announced the first winner of a raffle that evening, it randomly was Koob, whose ticket number was directly beside Kristy (545 to 546). When he got up on stage, he said, “I think this is a good sign.”
I hoped so. Like I said, we still hadn’t tested the computer and we had no backup plan. Finally, the 5th round wrapped up. I had Carl come downstairs from his team and fire up the computer. Thank God! It worked!
I called out Kristy’s number. She came up on stage. Chip started rattling off his inane hints, and Kristy (who had seen this skit before, though with different clues and answers) played along. I asked her afterwards if she knew what we were up to. “No, I had no idea until you took off the blindfold and there was Koob. Then I knew.”
Koob grabbed the mic, didn’t lose his voice as he had feared, the crowd started going nuts, and he popped the question. I don’t remember Kristy actually saying “Yes”, just nodding her head. (In hindsight, perhaps I shouldn’t have given her the gift certificate to the Vous for winning.) Chip and I went nuts (“She’s going to the Locust Rendezvous!”), the crowd went crazy, and the confetti cannon (which was supposed to be used earlier in the show but hadn’t worked) went off, and the band played the theme to Love Boat. It’s hard to kick off a lifetime together with a bigger bang than that.
RELATED: In 2005, a couple got engaged via quizzo answers.
In 2009 another couple did the same.
Scores and Pics from Quizzo Bowl VIII
Here they are, the final scores to Quizzo Bowl VIII. As for the photos, you can click here and it will take you to DJ Starr’s terrific photos from Saturday night. DJ has been our photographer for the past 5 years straight. If you want to check out his excellent photos of past Quizzo Bowls, click here.
Quizzo Bowl Afterparty at JG Domestic
Oh, we fancy huh? Yep. The Quizzo Bowl afterparty is gonna be going down just a 10 minute walk from the World Cafe Live at one of the coolest establishments in the city. JG Domestic is gonna be hooking us up with their beautiful space, happy hour drink specials, and our good buddy Andy B. behind the bar*. It’s gonna help make a great night even better. Do not wait until the last minute and miss the greatest quizzo night on earth! Buy your tickets today! You can either buy from me at quizzo tonight or you can buy them online here.
*Quick heads up: there will not be food service, just some light snacks, so be sure to get dinner at WCL.
On Tap for Quizzo Bowl Halftime? Breakdancing!
We’re gonna keep the energy level high at this year’s Quizzo Bowl, with a breakdancing troupe from famed local dancer and choreographer Rennie Harris. Not quite Caribbean, but just a heck of a lot of fun. I kind of threw a few different halftime ideas past a few different people, and every time I said “breakdancers” their eyes lit up. So I’m pretty sure we’re going to have a lot of fun with this. Of course, there will also be performances from the Cavatino Calypso Band between rounds, and plenty of prizes to give away throughout the night. And yes, Fastball Bob will be in the building. For more info on the best quizzo event in the country, click here. I will have tickets for sale on me tonight.
Everything You Need to Know About Quizzo Bowl VIII
WHO: You, me, a calypso band, and 300 of our closest friends. Oh, and some punks from Denver and Philly’s new quizmaster darling, Johnny Greattimes.
WHAT: Quizzo Bowl, the most prestigious quizzo event in the country.
WHEN: February 18th, at 7:30 p.m. Doors will open at 6:30, show will start at 7:30 sharp. (Unless the scoring computer crashes right before the show like it did last year.)
WHERE: World Cafe Live. 30th and Walnut.
WHY: Because you like hanging out with your friends, drinking beer, listening to music, and trying to make yourself a quizzo immortal.
HOW MUCH ARE TICKETS? HOW DO I BUY THEM? Tickets are $25 a pop if you buy them from me or $28 a pop if you buy them online. You can buy them from me at each of my regular quizzos or buy them online here.
WHAT KIND OF ENTERTAINMENT WE GOT? We’ve got the Cavatina Calypso Band performing between rounds, we’ve got Fastball Bob Gutierrez acting as my co-host, and there are rumors of my arch-rival, Johnny Greattimes, making an appearance and trying to sabotage the show. As for halftime, we’ve got breakdancers from Rennie Harris Puremovement.
IS THERE A DRESS CODE? Yes, please wear something tropical. Aloha shirts and flowery dresses, and of course grass skirts.
WHAT WILL THE FORMAT BE? There will be 5 rounds of 10 questions each. There will be an easy round, a surprise round, a celebrity round, a music round, and an impossible round. Point values will go up by 1 in each subsequent round.
WHAT WILL THE QUESTIONS BE ABOUT? It will be like a regular quizzo, with various general knowledge questions. Someone asked me the other day if it was all questions about the Caribbean. No, though I’m sure there will be a few. But like I said, this will be a general knowledge quiz, though since most teams will be playing with a full squad, the questions will be a little bit harder than usual.
HOW LONG WILL IT LAST? It lasts a little longer than the normal quiz. I’d say that normally we come in at around 3-3 1/2 hours. There is an extra round, and grading 40 teams papers ain’t all that easy, so it’s a little longer than usual. But the live music and entertainment will make it go by quickly.
CAN WE JUST WATCH AND NOT PLAY? No, there’s no reason to just watch. Why not join the fun? My goal is for the team in last place to have as much fun as the team in first place, so don’t worry if your team isn’t comprised of rocket scientists. You’ll still have a good time. Promise.
WHAT CAN I WIN? I have $1500 worth of prizes for our top 4 finishers, as well as numerous gift certificates to give away over the course of the night. Of course, if you take first place, more important than the prize will be the fact that you will become a quizzo immortal, and your team name shall ring from the mountaintops, forever exulted by nerds across this great nation. Furthermore, we’re going to be having our annual raffles, though this year with a twist: this year we’ll pick two people, who will them compete in a little nerd faceoff for the gift certificates.
HOW MANY PEOPLE CAN BE ON A TEAM? The max is 8 people. If you have a team of 5 or fewer, there is a decent chance I will team you up with another small team. (We’ve got to maximize space, plus it gives you a better chance to win.)
CAN I BUY MY TICKETS AT THE EVENT THAT NIGHT? Probably not. The last 7 of these have sold out. I doubt there will be any tickets left by that night.
IS THERE AN AFTERPARTY? Yes, it will be at JG Domestic. They’re going to hook us up with happy hour specials.
If you have any more questions, please contact me on facebook or leave them below in the comments. Oh, and do me a favor and click “Like” below so we can spread the word. Grass roots as always. We’re going to have a hell of a time. Don’t miss it!