The lovely Cookie and I are headed on vacation (attention would be burglars: the dog will stay at the house, and housesitting will be performed by Mike Minion, who owns at least two machetes that I am aware of). We leave tomorrow morning for Hawaii, which is where we met many years ago. Should be a pretty awesome vacation. While we’re gone, you will be in capable hands. I host quizzo tonight, then Mike Minion takes over for the rest of the week. Please be sure to
make his life a living hell treat him with care and respect. Next week, the Sandman takes over for the week.
I will occasionally be updating the site during the trip, but not often. There is a question of the week this week but not next week. I’m trying to stay offline as much as possible. I haven’t decided yet on what I’ll do about winners pics. I’ll get them up when I can but won’t be in a huge hurry to do so (I’m on a freaking vacation to get away from you nerds, not to post your frikkin’ pictures on the internets!) Basically, expect the site to be run fairly loosely while I’m gone, but there will still be good quizzes. Vaughn and Mike are both experienced at this and both run a good quiz.
Also, I want to thank you guys for putting up with me the past few weeks. To afford a vacation I took on a 40-hour a week job for a few weeks in addition to quizzo and needless to say, as a man of leisure, such labors put me in a foul disposition. So sorry if I was a bit grumpy this past few weeks. Something tells me two weeks on a beach without a trivia question in sight should work wonders for company morale.
Also, I definitely want to thank everyone who came out to the City Tap House last night for the Invitational. We were bestowed with a beautiful night to be outdoors and were treated to some great music by the Toy Soldiers. Steak Em Up won, but everything else went well.
Alright, well I’ll be at quizzo tonight but by tomorrow night I will be drinking mai-tais while wearing ridiculous shirts and listening to steel drums. Aloha!