JGT Power Rankings, Week of September 9th


1. Jesters of Tortuga (City Tap) At least they blew a lead and lost the Lebowski quiz on Sunday. Last week: #1

2. Sharktoberfest (Industry) How does a team launch from out of the rankings to the #2 spot in just a week? Well, when the Underground Bard, Duane’s World, Savage Ear, and the Jams all lose, and you pull off a come from behind win at Industry and then come from behind to beat the Jesters at the Lebowski quiz, anything can happen. Last week: NR

3. Blazing Sea Nuggets (Black Sheep) What a way to go out, with two wins in Woody’s last three weeks, to end up with the highest ranking in team history! Last week: #18

4. Hooter and Chuff (O’Neals) An explosive 15 point win over the Savage Ear for their 2nd win in 3 weeks vaults Hooter and Chuff up 9 spots. Dames still needs a haircut. Last week: #13

5. Synchronized Trampoline (Locust Rendezvous) Two wins in the past three weeks at the Vous, this one in OT. Since Magnus ver Magnusson’s retirement, there hasn’t been a team to consistently push the Jams. We may have just found one. Last week: #10

6. Inkspot (North Star) Cruise to an easy win at North Star to jet up the rankings. Will Careless Fister make a return to the Star soon, or will Inkspot have the top of the mountain all to themselves? Last week: #9

7. Duane’s World (Black Sheep) Have lost the last three weeks by a combined total of 11 points. THe last time Duane’s World lost in 4 straight weeks? March, 2012. Gotta think they get back on top this week. Last week: #4

8. Underground Bard (City Tap House) Once you hit a 130, as they did two weeks ago, there is only one way to go. A 107? Pssshaw. Last week: #3

9. Sidecardigans (Sidecar) Finally! Last week: NR

10. Savage Ear (O’Neals) Might a Savage Ear-Hooter and Chuff rivalry be heating up at O’Neals? Last week: #2

11. Jitney Spears.

12. Popesack.

13. Twerkin for the Weekend. 

14. The Jams.

15. Missing Heads. 

16. Mysterious Mr. Mapother.

17. Cat’s Pajamas.

18. Always Finish 4th. 

19. 300,000 Twerks.

20. The Missing Heads. 

The Other Guys in the Seattle 7 Knock Off A Stranger in the Alps at Lebowski quiz

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The Other 6 Guys in the Seattle 7 (nee Sharktoberfest) knocked off A Stranger in the Alps (nee Jesters of Tortuga) at the Big Lebowski quiz on Sunday night at the City Tap House. A pretty interesting quiz, with a lot of ins, a lot of outs, a lot of what-have-yous. In the end, The Oher Guys recored a perfect round 5 (including knowing how many times The Dude said “Man” in the movie to knock off Stranger in the Alps 155-152. My favorite team name:  Shut the F*** Up Johnny. 

More importantly, we were able to raise $422 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Great cause, great film (we watched it afterwards), and as always the City Tap House took really great care of everybody.

If you want to take part in the big Dude Hates Cancer Bowling Event on September 21st, here is everything you need to know to get involved. Should be a lot of fun.

Lebowski Quiz and Viewing on Sunday!

Screen shot 2013-08-22 at 11.32.13 AMWe’re gonna play Lebowski quizzo and watch the movie outdoors on Sunday at 5 p.m.! Hope you can join us! All of the money goes to a great cause. Please help spread the word to any of your friends that are Lebowski fans. We’d like to get a good turnout for this and raise some money for the Dude Hates Cancer. Here’s the invite page on facebook.


Week in Review


With Labor Day on Monday and then Jewish Labor Day on Wednesday, we were a bit slow this week. But though the crowds weren’t out of control, the results were. Switching back to the 4-round quiz for the latter half of the week really made for some thrilling quizzo, as we had not one but two 15 point comebacks in the final round this week. We’ve never had two comebacks that big in one week ever in JGT quizzo history. The Synchronized Trampoline, who seem to establishing themselves as the hot new team on the block, made a spectacular comeback at the Vous, while Sharktoberfest made their mark at Industry.

The week started with our only real blowout, an easy Inkspot win at North Star. It was nice to have Always Finish 4th back in the building after a summer off.

Also nice to see was the Sidecardigans getting back on their game with a win at the Sidecar.

When Hooter and Chuff brings their A-game, they really come to play, scoring an impressive 117 at O’Neals and leaving the mighty Savage Ear in their wake.

Screw the Jesters of Tortuga.

A happy send off for Woody at the Black Sheep, as the Blazing Sea Nuggets won in Double OT over Jitney Spears, and Duane’s World learned that they needed to start adding bacon to their Elvis sandwiches.

Gonna be interesting to see how the JGT Power Rankings look after a week in which the Jams, Savage Ear, and Duane’s World all went down.

JGT Power Rankings


As we head into Fall, things on the JGT Power Rankings are pretty wide open. Lots of upsets and good new teams lately.

1. Jesters of Tortuga. A 2nd place finish at the JGTSI followed by a 2nd place finish at CTH. Hold onto the top rank thanks to a Duane’s World loss and an idle Popesack. Also maintain top spot in “Scourge of Humanity” rankings.

2. Popesack. A huge win at the Invitational, and would have been easy to take the top spot with the loss JoT sported last week, but didn’t follow up with a regulation appearance.

3. Underground Bard. Set a new JGT quizzo record with a 130 to propel themselves up the charts.

4. Duane’s World. Also had a shot at the top spot, but an upset loss to the Missing Heads has catastrophic consequences.

5. The Savage Ear. After a prolonged slump, get back on top at O’Neals this past week. Can they get the ball rolling again, or have they passed their prime?

6. Missing Heads. This is where the standings get a bit murky, but any team that goes into the Black Sheep and knocks off Duane’s World has to get props.

7. 300,000 Twerks Per Minute. A Sidecardigan offshoot wins big at Sidecar this past week. Is this a flash in the pan or the team to fill the power vacuum at the Car?

8. The Jams. Only two wins in the past six weeks have the Jams tumbling from the top.

9. Inkspot. An impressive 4th place finish at the Invitational puts the quizzo world on notice, but they fail to capitalize the next night at North Star.

10. Synchronized Trampoline. Won at the Vous last week, then was in the mix after 4 rounds at the Invitational with only 3 players. A DNP this past week at the Vous keeps them from moving up further, but certainly have seem to have the talent to be a top 5 team.


12. Twerkman’s Comp.

13. Hooter and Chuff.

14. Kitty Bombardment.

15. Mapother.

16. Jitney Spears. 

17. L. Ron Hubbard.

18. Blazing Sea Nuggets.

19. Exhausted Nihilists.

20. Ghoul McLanahan.

Quizzo In Afghanistan

Screen shot 2013-08-27 at 3.29.51 PMMatt is a former quizzo player (he typically played with his girlfriend at the North Star) who is currently stationed in Afghanistan. A couple of months ago, some of his friends chipped in on a care package and asked if I wanted to contribute a couple of things. I said sure and shot him a JGT t-shirt, a quiz written for him (plenty of questions about Afghanistan and Famous Matts), and a scoresheet. This morning the above photo and following message appeared on the JGT facebook page (I know some of you kids don’t do the whole facebook thing, so I thought I’d share it here):

Tonight, there will be Quizzo in Afghanistan. Thank you for your support Johnny Goodtimes, Amy Berger, and Erik Berger! 

Quizzo in Afghanistan? Pretty freaking cool. Hope they enjoy the quiz!

Popesack Fights Off Injuries to Win the Summer Invitational for 2nd Straight Year


The Popesack team took a tough shot when they found out that D-Mac had hurt his ankle running and wouldn’t be able to attend the Summer Invite. But they were able to fight through the ensuing adversity and hold off the Jesters of Tortuga, 156-155, in a thriller on a beautiful outdoor evening at the City Tap House.

The night kicked off with a hip hop medley from JGT including Ice Ice Baby and the Humpty Dance, and went straight uphill from there. The band, O-20, was tremendous, rocking out 90s hit after 90s hit. After two rounds, the competition was extremely even, but the wheat started to separate from the chaff during round 3 (The Obsolete Technology Round) and then we were on to the “Instant Classic Round”, Round Four, where Johnny rapped the lyrics to classic rock songs and hits of the 2000s, all with the live instrumental of “Paid in Full” by Eric B. and Rakim playing in the background.

After 4 rounds, there were really only four teams in the running…Popesack, the Jesters, Jitney Spears, and Duane’s World. In the final round, Popesack and the Jesters both went perfect, while Duane’s World finished in 3rd. Jitney Spears fell short in their quest for a monumental upset. The rest of the rankings are below. Thanks everybody for coming out, and I hope you guys had a good time!

  1. Popesack 156
  2. Jesters of Tortuga 155
  3. Duane’s World 136
  4. Inkspot 133
  5. Hooter and Chuff 133
  6. Mapother 129
  7. Jitney Spears 124
  8. Synchronized Trampoline 120
  9. Exhausted Nihilists 119
  10. Ghoul Mclanahan 118
  11. Blazing Sea Nuggets 107
  12. Tempura Shack 91


Invitational Update


Here are the invites as of now for Sunday night. Teams in peach are confirmed. Teams in light grey are either undecided or haven’t responded. Teams in black are out, and teams in purple I do not have contact info for. (If you’re in purple and you wanna play on Sunday night, shoot me a line at johnny @ johnnygoodtimes.com or friend me on facebook and then shoot me a line). If your team made the cut but only has a few players, let me know and I’ll team you up with another squad. Gonna be a great show, with performances from old school hip-hop cover band O-20. Hope your squad can make it!