Scoreboard, Brought to you By the President Elect


  1. Whimsey McCloud 105
  2. Perfidious Knaves 91
  3. Old Rum 81
  4. Joshi 64


  1. Western Omelette 104
  2. Partisan Hacks 81
  3. I Want Johnny Goodtimes to Nail Me 74
  4. Functioning Alcoholics 52
  5. War on String Unwinnable, Says Cat General 51


  1. Theo Huxtable 113
  2. Grover Cleveland 108
  3. The Jams 106
  4. Trust Us We Know 92
  5. 1022 82


  1. Sarah B’s Wasilla Warriors 113
  2. Duane’s World 110
  3. World Ph***ing Quizzo Champions 99
  4. Electoral Knowledge 85
  5. I Can See Russia From My House 84


  1. Fort Awesome 94
  2. Forgetting Sarah Palin 91
  3. Zorro Ps in Zs 90
  4. Touched by Wong 89
  5. Don’t Blame Me, I Voted for Wong 87


  1. Single People Eat Crackers 104
  2. Sofa Kingdom 100
  3. Happy Wrong Number By the Sea 97
  4. Aruba Kitty 97
  5. Hurtin Bombs 96

Johnny and Ginger Solve the Mystery of the Basement Hole!!!

You may remember that a few weeks ago, when I was hunting for a strange cat in my basement, I came across an even stranger hole. I finally got around to investigating it on Sunday, with Ginger there to help me out. If you have a mystery that needs to be solved, or just have a basement, shoot me a line and Ginger and I will come investigate. I am totally serious. We’re looking for more mysteries. And this one, how did it turn out? Did we find dead bodies? Did we find treasure? Watch the video to find out.

Giving Away Tickets to Tomorrow’s Event!

Hey gang, I’ve got a few tickets to give away to tomorrow night’s charity event at the Racquet Club! These are a $50 value, with free food and drinks. I will give 2 tickets to each of the first five people to send me an email with “Free tickets” as your subject header. That’s a total of ten tickets, and the five duos will play together as a team. If you would like to have a full team play, contact me as well. It should be fun, and it’s gonna be for a great cause.
UPDATE: Tickets have been given away. If you’d like to have a full team, let me know. Winning team walks away with $1,000.

Evil Women

Here’s the questions from last week’s Wild Card Round…Evil Women:

  1. This queen of England from 1553-1558 wanted the country to be entirely catholic, so she burned more than 300 Protestants at the stake.
  2. What was Kathy Bates characters name in Misery?
  3. In what New England state can you visit the house where Lizzie Borden took an axe and killed her parents with 40 whacks?
  4. What evil movie character is actress Louise Fletcher best known for playing in the 1970s?
  5. This female moved from Norway to America in 1881, and commenced the killing of her husbands, her children, and her suitors, ostensibly to collect their life insurance. Who was she?
  6. Who played bunny boiling Alex in the film Fatal Attraction?
  7. What evil woman was played by Charlize Theron in 2003?
  8. Betsy Palmer is best known for playing an evil mom in this 1980 classic.
  9. She is credited with expelling the Jews and Muslims from Spain in 1492 and with helping to set up the Spanish Inquisition.
  10. What kind of creatures does the Wicked Witch of the West encourage to Fly! Fly!

Continue reading “Evil Women”

Johnny & Chip to Perform Comedy, Discuss Their Many Failures Tonight at Shubin

Hey kids. You ever wanted to see Johnny Goodtimes crash and burn with a tired old comedy routine that has caused awkward silences all across this great land of ours? Well now’s your chance. And remember that 24 hour film festival disaster? Where we did one that was incredibly stupid and then we did one that we thought might be construed as offensive, so we didn’t turn it in? Yeah, we’ll be showing that tonight. And you know how essentially everything Chip Chantry and I have done together has been a complete and total train wreck? From the story behind our getting fired at the Trocadero to the open mic at Finn McCool’s where we got made fun of by homeless guys to the humiliation at a film festival that led to our production title Wet Firecracker Productions? Yes, we’ll be discussing many of our epic failures tonight on a show hosted by the man named Philly’s Funniest Comedian, Kent Haines. It’s called Why Am I Not Famous and it starts at 10 p.m. tonight at the Shubin Theatre on 407 Bainbridge Street. It should be a blast.

Hey, Remember Those Race Riots We Almost Had in Philly a Couple of Months Ago? Me either.

Michelle Malkin does. You knew this stupid troll was going to say something unbelievably idiotic before the end of the day, and sure enough she did. For those of you who haven’t heard, two geniuses claiming to be from the Black Panthers (great job helping the cause, guys) apparently tried to stop a couple of white people from voting. Well, Michelle Malkin jumped all over it, then went on to describe how Philadelphia almost had a race riot a few months ago. You guys remember that, right? I think it was right after all those white people voted for that black mayor. Well, Michelle Malkin remembers it. She also remembers how we had riots and violence “after the Phillies won, after they won!” Yep, something tells me the Black Panthers were behind the looting of that luggage store. I hear that Black Panthers just looooove to travel. I think Michelle Malkin is a worse human being than Kim Jong Il. I really, really do.