French Fry Thursday…And Corndogs…And Craziness?


Yes folks, French Fry THursday is back in full effect, with a special twist at the Ugly American. In addition to the free fries we give away each Thursday, Ugly American has a pretty badass special they’ve started rolling out: $1 corndogs during Phillies games. And since the Phillies will be playing tonight…you do the math. This may be the most badass deal in town. Action starts at UA at 8 p.m. On to the Bards, where things got a little bit AWESOME after the regular game on Tuesday. We are not allowed to say what happened for legal reasons but it included Steak Em Up losing money and Team Friendship screaming about “Pride” and “All or Nothing”. We’ll just leave it at that. Action starts at 10:15 p.m. and if Look Up Look Down plays, we have a feeling things are going to turn crazy at the end. But that’s just between you and me. See ya tonight! (Oh, and nobody has answered the question of the day yet on facebook.)

Bad TV Show Description Round

We had a lot of fun with this wild card round this past week. Special shout out to Denver Dicker for giving me this idea (and a few of the questions). I give you the year a show debuted and description not of the show but of the show’s title. For example if I said “1978-An explosive expose of the private life of Philly’s favorite quizmaster” you would answer “Good Times” (since that’s the show that came out in 1978.) Got it? Good. Here ya go. Answers after the jump.

  1. 1978-Two rival artist debate proper painting techniques.
  2. 1957- Anthropomorphized forest animals party all day and night, letting a lone freshwater mammal do all their work.
  3. 1982- A loving couple tries to balance parenthodd with their succesful neckwear business.
  4. 1985- A hospital show about patients with rapidly expanding malignant tumors.
  5. 1988- (Hint: it debuted on the BBC) A mockumentary following a midget during his work at a Soviet Gulag.
  6. 1998- This show follows the unlikely pairing of Oklahoma’s favorite son and the Princess of Monaco.
  7. 1984- A man starts up a neighborhood basketball league that plays all of its games after the sun goes down.
  8. 2005- A community tries to deal with the death of a local wide receiver who made the winning TD in the homecoming game but was killed by a vicious tackle at the goal line.
  9. 2003- Two men are haunted by the specter of their long lost buddy, who was sawed in two in a tragic mill accident.
  10. 1968-A couple decides to spend their golden anniversary in the town of Hilo.

Continue reading “Bad TV Show Description Round”

Toughest Questions From Last Week

  1. HowardCatherine02Five masterpieces were stolen from a French art museum today. One of them was Le pigeon aux petit pois or Dove with the Green Peas, which was painted n 1911 by whom?
  2. The first modern King of Greece shares the same first name as a character on the Simpsons. What is it?
  3. There are two predominately Roman Catholic countries in Asia. One is rather large and one is tiny. The tiny one finally gained it’s independence from Indonesia in 2002. What are they?
  4. Who played Sally’s Best friend in When Harry Met Sally?
  5. This expensive cut of steak, when including the bone, is known as a cowboy variety.
  6. What popular girls name is also the name of a female donkey?
  7. A male mallard has the same name as a rapper. What is it?
  8. Niacin is also known as B what?
  9. Anne Boleyn was beheaded on this date in 1540. Which of Henry VIIIs other wives was also beheaded?
  10. This eccentric singer and actress was friends with Andy Warhol and released the album Slave to the Rhythm in 1985.

Continue reading “Toughest Questions From Last Week”

The JGT Power Rankings

power_girl_1A lot of upsets last week makes for a lot of movement up and down the rankings. (If you are proud of your team’s ranking among the nerd power elite? Post “like” below to let the world know.)

  1. Steak Em Up. 3 wins last week puts Steak Em Up miles ahead of everyone else. We’ll see if a Bounty Tuesday night brings more competition to the Bards.Last week: #1
  2. The Jams. Rarely does a loss move you up in the rankings, but the fact is that out of the top 6 teams, everyone lost except the Steak. At least the Jams lost in overtime. Last week: #3
  3. Duane’s World. A rough week for the World (One 2nd, two 3rds, all by less than a question) would have been worse if more top teams hadn’t fallen this week. Last week: #2
  4. Tooth Wind and Fire. Being idle pays off, as Tooth Wind and Fire keeps the #4 slot by standing still. Last week: #4
  5. Look Up, Look Down, Now I’m a Horse. Continue to climb the ranks of the elite with a big win at Black Sheep on Wednesday. Last week: #7
  6. Inglorious Barristers. Finally get that elusive first win, and with it, an entrance into the Power Rankings. Last week: NR
  7. Why Can’t Us. Shocking upset at Ugly American. Will they be able to repeat and move up the ranks without Audra? Last week: NR
  8. L. Ron Hubbard’s Diabetics. For the first time ever, they fall out of the top 3 at the Ugly American, and continue their slide from the top. Last week: #5
  9. 4th Estate. Come up a mere two points shy of a win at Black Sheep, and sneak into the power rankings. Last week: NR
  10. Narcotyzing Dysfunktion. 8 straight 2nd Place finishes is, in some, ways, even more impressive than 8 straight wins. Last week: #10

Other receiving votes: Catdog, Magnus ver Magnusson, The Four Cs, The Awesomes, the Sandy Faux Ginas, Lambda, Same Name as Last Week, The Savage Ear, The Champs, 1022

Quizzo News and Notes

jgtlogo5First off, mark Tuesday on your calendars. It just got even bigger. There is a $15 Bounty on Steak Em Up, so now there is $150 worth of prizes on the line Tuesday. Yes, O’Neals will be back in action on Tuesday night. I am praying that the Flyers finish this thing in Five so they don’t wreck any more of my quizzes. If not, check back next week and I’ll let you know what we are going to do about Game 6 (which would be on Wednesday at 7 p.m.) I suspect we’d be fine at Black Cheep, which isn’t really a sports bar, but we’ll see what happens with Rendezvous. We’ll have a plan in place by early next week. They hate to cancel quizzo, so I suspect the show would go on, but stay tuned.

Good week this week. Three big upsets, which is always good news, and four of the six quizzes came down to less than one question. Big ups to Inglorious Barristers, who after months of trying and several 2nd place finishes, finally claimed their first win. Also, congrats to Look Up, Look Down, Now I’m a Horse. They are playing well and seem to be having a lot of fun doing it. Finally, a big shout out to Why Can’t Us. Team member Audra’s last quiz was on Thursday (She’s moving to San Fran), and they came away with a big win in her final quiz. Also moving, Team #Friendship member and renowned local comic Kent Haines, who is headed to Chiacgo. Want to wish both Audra and Kent Happy Trails and best of luck in their new spots.

Westbury quiz is going well. We have four regular teams and a few newbies every week, but could certainly use another team or two if you’re thinking about playing. Their drink specials are always ridiculous and it’s a good (albeit difficult) quiz.

Working on a Wild card round for Tuesday that will be unlike any we’ve ever done. It’s going to be insane.

Finally, be sure to join me over on Johnny Goodtimes Quizzo on Facebook. Gonna be doing some fun stuff with it in the near future, once we get enough people on there.

Have a great weekend everybody. See ya next week.

Let’s Celebrate the National Day of Hatred!

hatredNow here is a holiday we can get behind. May 20th in Cambodia is their National Day of Hatred (also translated as “Day of Maintaining Rage”.) It makes total sense, as it is a day when intellectual Cambodians pretty much just hate on Pol Pot. However, we think that this holiday should extend to the United States. We want to kick off the celebration with a short list of things we hate, and ask that you please celebrate this holiday by posting things you hate in the comments. It’s kind of like the airing of grievances in Festivus. 

  • Jose Reyes
  • Celine Dion
  • The movie “Step-Brothers”
  • skinny jeans (on guys)
  • House music
  • The Fox and Hound (the bar, not the movie. We love the movie.)
  • The Philadelphia Parking Authority
  • Red Sox fans
  • Scones
  • Sean Hannity