Giving Away Phils Tickets Tonight at O’Neals; $80 For Winner at Bards

money_1We kick into full gear for Week Two of the JGT Summer Invitational. If you haven’t played yet, no worries. There is still plenty of time left to get onto the Leader board. In fact, only 24 teams have scored yet, and there are 25 spots open, so even if you have zero you are still in good shape.

And as if getting yourself on the board wasn’t enough to entice you to play tonight, there’s this: I have two tickets to give away to the Phillies at tonight’s quizzo. And not just any Phils seats, these are sweet seats in section 136. Gonna give ’em away randomly tonight, so you gotta be at O’Neals to win them. Also, O’Neals has had decent crowds but not huge ones, so your shot of getting a seat there is pretty good, and the competition isn’t quite as fierce as it is elsewhere. Action starts at 8 p.m.

As for the Bards, well, it’s quite simply your best bet to score points. Yeah, Steak Em Up is the perennial favorite, but there is a rotating cast of characters claiming 2nd and 3rd Place most weeks. Furthermore, there is currently a $40 bounty on the Steak, so if you are able to somehow knock them off, you’re going home with 5 points and $80. That’s tough to beat. Bards starts at 10:15 p.m. $2.50 Lagers and Miller Lites.

Thoughts on the New Pee Wee Herman Movie

peeweeI am at once overjoyed and a bit concerned about the new Pee Wee Herman movie. In case you haven’t heard the good news, Judd Apatow has signed on as producer of a new Pee Wee Herman flick. While I am thrilled that one of the most hilarious and remarkable characters ever in film history is returning to the big screen, I am also a bit concerned for a number of reasons. First and foremost is Judd Apatow. I am not really that crazy about his movies. Superbad, Talladega Nights, Anchorman are all way overrated, and Step Brothers is one of the stupidest movies I have ever seen.

Apatow is going to demand raunch, and that could turn this film into a dud. Now, I know that Pee-Wee’s original character on stage was a little crude, and it’s possible that it could translate to the big screen. But there was something sweet about Pee-Wee’s naivete in Big Adventure; when that was taken away we got Big-Top Pee Wee, which did for Pee Wee what Godfather 3 did for the Corleone’s.

However, I don’t want to sound like a negative Nellie. I am extremely excited about this project. Apatow does bring plenty of clout to the project, and it is going to be big time. Furthermore, Pee- Wee is going to be co-writing it. (I am thinking about sending in a spec script myself. Why not? I dare say that few people know the Big Adventure movie as well as I do.) Further, after Pee Wee showed him the scripts he already had and which were a little zany, Apatow pointed him in the right direction.

But after Mr. Apatow read these scripts, Mr. Reubens said, “He was more interested in something closer, in the same vein and the same genre, as ‘Big Adventure.’”

What Mr. Apatow wanted, Mr. Reubens said, was “a reality-based world and a linear road movie.”

This is great news. Pee Wee on the road is a proven formula. Now if we can only get Tim Burton to direct it…

Quizzo News and Notes

jgtlogo5One week done, six more to go. A great week one, and an interesting scoreboard. Still plenty of time to score, so if you didn’t score this week or didn’t get a chance to play this week, don’t sweat it. There is plenty of time left. A few things to keep in mind for next week. Despite the holiday, there WILL be a quizzo at the Westbury Monday night at 10:30 p.m., and you CAN earn points toward the Invitational by playing there. On Tuesday at O’Neals in addition to the already lucrative $50 first prize, I will be raffling off two Phillies tickets in Section 136. These are awesome seats, so be sure to make it to O’Neals. Your best chance to get on the board? Probably Tuesday night. Neither O’Neals or Bards was packed on Tuesday, and a score of 66 earned a team a point at the Bards. Alright, gang, have a great holiday and we’ll see ya next week!

Great Chance to Earn Points Tonight!

french fryAction starts at the Ugly American at 8 p.m., and while L. Ron Hubbard’s Diabetics are the early favorites, they have been in a bit of a slump lately. A 2-person team actually took the gold last week. What does that mean? That means that after a ridiculously packed Black Sheep last night, tonight could be the night where your team has a better chance to score some points and head into the holiday on the scoreboard. All drafts are a dollar off during quizzo.

On to the Black Sheep. Let’s not kid ourselves. Steak Em Up is the favorite. But, a couple of things to keep in mind: first of all, they are not unstoppable. In fact, they lost just last Thursday. Secondly, even if they win, there is certainly a great chance for your team to finish 2nd and still earn 3 points. There has been no consistent team at the Bards other than Steak Em Up, so 2nd and 3rd place are wide open. Also, Lagers are $2.50. Tough to beat.

And of course, ALL NEW QUESTIONS TONIGHT. That means that if you played earlier this week, you are more than welcome to make another go at it. Hope to see you tonight. And of course we’ll be giving away french fries. Assuming someone reminds me.

Summer Invitational Scores Heading Into Tonight’s Action

jgtinvite320 more points were handed out last night, 20 more being handed out tonight. We’ve got an interesting leader board, including a surprise leader. Magnus ver Magnusson not only won last night, they also showed me a picture of their dog before anyone else could. At the Black Sheep, Cornbread Mafia and Unusual Suspects were both able to show me pictures of their cats before anyone else to earn points, while Newman’s Own scored the big 5 points with a narrow win. Here’s the Top 10 teams heading into tonight. All new quiz tonight, so anyone who played earlier this week is welcome to play again and try to earn more points! Full scoreboard coming tomorrow.

  1. Magnus ver Magnusson 6
  2. Steak Em Up 5
  3. Savage Ear 5
  4. Newman’s Own 5
  5. Group W 5
  6. Duane’s World 4
  7. The Jams 3
  8. Where’s Jon’s Rum 3
  9. Catdog 3
  10. Narcotyzing Dysfunktion 3