Liberty, Comedy, Harry Potter, and Transvestite Golfers


  • First of all, does anyone remember who won at the Rendezvous and Black Sheep last week? I haven’t been able to get a hold of the old scoresheets, and after investigating on Wednesday night, I found out who finished 2nd and 3rd but not first. Apparently we had upsets at both bars. If you’re team won, please give me a heads up so I can give you your just rewards.
  • Also, let me know who won Liberty 360 tickets at the Autumn Invitational. I have your tickets, I just forgot to hand them out after the event. Let me know and I’ll bring them to quizzo this week. It is a pretty cool show. I went a couple of weeks ago. And if I owe you any other prizes, whether from here or isportacus, let me know. I want to get caught up on all that stuff. Hit me up at or on facebook.
  • The Chip Chantry One Man Show returns this Monday! Chip and I will be hosting the fun at a new location, the Shubin Theatre on 4th and Bainbridge. We have a great lineup and it’s gonna be an awesome show. Here’s some more details.
  • A quick reminder to you Harry Potter geeks. Mike Minion will be hosting his Harry Potter quiz on Monday, December 12th at the Ugly American at 8 p.m.
  • If you want to upgrade your team avatar just put one together and hit me up on facebook. If you haven’t sent me one, I’ve made one up, but you are still welcome to make one yourself and send it to me.

Quizzo and Football: Together Tonight

frenchfry1-1 Well, I suppose you’ve got a choice tonight. You could go to some modern day Gomorrah of a bar and repeatedly spell a 6-letter bird hundreds of times, or you could actually use your brain while enjoying football. A radical notion, I know, but hey, the future is here. Climb aboard.

We start at Ugly American (Front and Federal) at 8 p.m. Every time the Eagles score a touchdown, I ask a new French Fry question. If this game is anything like the Redskins game a few weeks ago, we could have dozens of french fry baskets throughout the bar. Also, Lagers are a mere $2 and Kenzingers are $3. At the Bards, action kicks off at 10:15 p.m. We had last week off for the holiday but hopefully can back to the packed houses we’ve had in the month leading up to that. Their awesome projector TV will of course be showing the game. Hope to see ya tonight!

Neither Rain, Nor Sleet, Nor Snow, Nor Hail Shall Stop the Quizmaster

Things are looking rough outside. Howling winds, driving rain, a practical monsoon. Can the quizmaster possibly make it through this mess? Of course he can. He must. Because it’s Wednesday, and these questions aren’t going to ask themselves. Therefore, I shall storm though these brutal conditions that would make the average man cower in fear. You’re welcome.

We start at the Locust Rendezvous at 6:15 p.m. Perhaps the most impressive collection of teams on the tour. The Barristers, the Jams, Magnus, 1022. Any of them could win on any given week, and there are rumors of a Missing Heads sighting this week as well. If you want to test your mettle against the big boys, this is a good place to do it. And needless to say, the drink specials are among the best in the city. 16 oz Rolling Rock cans are $2 and $3 Magic Hat Howl pints.

On to the Black Sheep. Important Note: Black Sheep quiz is pushed back an hour tonight due to a private party. We will be starting at 9 p.m. Duane’s World and Catdog are the perennial favorites there, but there is plenty of parity as well. So put on your rubbers and get out to quizzo! The quizmaster will not let you down! Oh, and I’ve got some sweet last place prizes this week as well.

UPDATE: Uh, nevermind about that sleet and rain bit. It’s pretty sunny and clear right now. But um, I’m still pretty brave.

German Christmas Village Changes Name to “International Non-Denominational Unicorn Freedom Rainbow Village”

unicorn_rainbow1Earlier today, managing director Richard Negrin decided he should change the name of “German Christmas Village” because a few people complained. In an effort to make the village more palatable to all comers, he decided to change the name to International Non-Denominational Unicorn Freedom Rainbow Village.

“I think we can all agree that there are very few things that people love more than unicorns, freedom, and rainbows,” said Negrin. “Therefore, in an effort to make 100% of the people happy 100% of the time, we have changed the name to that.” He said that he also considered adding the word “Cuddly” to the name, but thought it might offend large, hairy people. Most people visiting the village were ecstatic about the name change.

“I decided to bring my non-denominational friend whose ancestors are from an undisclosed nation to Christmas Village,” said Sally McJackson, “And I was expecting her to be humiliated by that outrageous and filthy word ‘Christmas’ being thrown in her face. So you can imagine how pleased I was when I saw they had changed the name. And she felt right at home. She loves rainbows.” Added McJackson, “Although I do wish they had made it a double rainbow“.

Not everyone was pleased. “I like the idea, but I’m worried about people thinking that unicorns aren’t dangerous by glorifying them in this manner,” said Corie Collar. “If they do indeed exist, one has to think that those horns are a safety hazard.”

When told of Collar’s complaint, Negin sprang into action. “He’s right! Someone could get hurt! Let’s get rid of the unicorns!”

They’ll also be getting rid of the Christmas tree at the Village and replacing it with a “Multi-cultural Majestic Happiness Bush.” When told that the word “happiness” might offend those with symptoms of depression, Negrin said that the word would be removed from the bush.

Double Bounty Tonight at Westbury

Mike is back in action tonight at the Westbury. I’m putting together a team now. Hope to see ya there! Here’s Mike:

Tonight’s quiz starts at the new time of 10 PM.  We had a quite a few new teams come out, so it looks the 10 PM starting time is what the people want.  Best of all, a new team (Tainted Spiderman) won the inaugural challenge round. But it was business as usual in the main event, where Group W and Duane’s World finished one and two.  To shake things up, I’m putting out a DOUBLE bounty on both teams.  Here’s how it works: Beat either team for 2nd place – get $10 extra bucks from yours truly. Beat them both for 1st and get an extra $20. Here’s the kicker – DOUBLE bonus prizes are up for grabs. That’s right, if Group W and Duane’s World both finish out of the money, the first place team get a $40 bonus and the second place team gets $20 extra greenbacks!!  That means if two teams can knock off the big boys, a total of $120 will be awarded. Try to find a prize pool that size at ANY quizzo; go on, I dare you.

I’ll also be giving away some books, CD’s and a real vinyl record before the main event. The newest hit on the quizzo circuit, the Challenge Round, will follow the quiz.  And it’s French Fry Monday.  What more could you want?

All Harry Potter Quiz – A Fortnight Away

In other news, the All Harry Potter quiz at The Ugly American is two weeks from today.  Monday, December 13th at 8 p.m. Save the date; it’s going to be a very special event.  I have some great bonus prizes and an interesting format.  Potter fans are going to LOVE this quiz!  Tune in to this channel tomorrow for all the details.