Final Scores from Quizzo Bowl VII


Here ya go, the Final Scores from Saturday night (Top 10 teams are yellow, top 20 are green, top 30 are blue, top 40 are orange, and last place is grey). Went back and checked some scores and had to change a few things, and everything has been adjusted as best as possible. There was one major scoring change, and I have contacted both teams, who were both incredibly gracious about it. Further re-enforces what an awesome community this quizzo crowd is.

2 1/2 Kilos (aka The Jams) in fact finished 2nd, and Dorksided finished 3rd. It was a grading error, not a scoring error, and I am going to put some further safety guards in place to make sure we get things right next year. Trust me, by far the hardest thing about Quizzo Bowl is trying to grade all of those papers checked in such a short amount of time with 100% accuracy, and unfortunately, there is no way of guaranteeing that, even when things are triple checked. Not making excuses, we REALLY should have caught that, but I assure you that I will do everything in my power to prevent this from happening again. I have tried my best to make it up to Dorksided by upping their 3rd Place haul, and I again want to thank the Kilos, who knew they finished 2nd but didn’t say anything because they didn’t want to make a stink about. Doesn’t get much classier than that (I found out when I double checked the scores this morning.)

If your score seems off, let me know and I’ll double check for you. But I’ve spent all morning double checking things, and scores should be about right. Gonna work on editing the celebrity round now to make it more smooth for the internet. Hope to have it up this afternoon.

Quizzo Bowl Pics Are Now Up

Picture 9For four straight years, DJ Starr has shot Quizzo Bowl from every conceivable angle, and the results have been incredible. This year is no exception. Click here to see his incredible photos of Quizzo Bowl VII. And good news: I believe there are even more to follow, as one of the guys from Denver’s team took a ton of them too. I have to start getting ready for tonight’s comedy show, but rest assured: all final scores, questions, a write up, and the celebrity round will be posted in the next couple of days.

RELATED: DJ’s photos from Quizzo Bowl VI.

DJ’s photos from Quizzo Bowl V.

DJ’s photos from Quizzo Bowl IV.

Kristy and Koob’s Quizzo Starts Tuesday Night!

PhillyPopQuizadjpKristy and Koob are starting their own quizzo, but without all of those pesky questions about history and science. If you love movies, music, and modern literature, you’re going to love this quiz. The very first one is at the Raven Lounge Tuesday night @8 p.m. They then kick off their first quiz at the Khyber next week as the opener of a very special Old City doubleheader, as I will be hosting an awesome Comedy show across the street at Plough and the Stars as soon as their quizzo is completed.

Congratulations to Sofa Kingdom, Winners of an Action Packed Quizzo Bowl VII

sofakingdomSofa Kingdom finally wrested away the James Buchanan Memorial Trophy from Lambda Lambda Lambda at Quizzo Bowl VII at the World Cafe Live Saturday night, edging Dork Sided, 128-123. As you can see above, I was thrilled with their win. There will be a ton of video, photos, and scores posted right here on the site in the coming days. Today, I am going to lay on the couch, drink Bloody Mary’s, and eat things that are bad for my health. I want to thank everyone who spent their Saturday night playing quizzo, and thank all of the people who went out of their way to help me make this crazy show a reality. Cheers, and I’ll have plenty of fun stuff posted tomorrow.

1 p.m. Update: There Are About 20 Tickets Remaining

Just a heads up that I just talked to WCL and there are about 20 seats left. Order them online! If you wait until tonight and order them at the door it’s just a roll of the dice. If 20 people get there before you, you can’t get in. You do not want to miss this quiz! The band is rehearsing the music round right now, Fastball Pitcher Bob Gutierrez is warming up in the bullpen, and there are some surprises in the celebrity round you do not want to miss.

Schedule for Quizzo Bowl

worldcafeThis is a rough schedule. We could go a little long, we could go a little short. Count on more or less 3 hours. Yeah, I know it’s longer than your normal quiz…but this ain’t your normal quiz. Relax, it’s Saturday night.

Also, very important: we are starting at 8 p.m. real time, not 8 p.m. JGT time. Teams of 4 or less, please be there no later than 7:30! We need to get smaller teams organized into larger teams, and the earlier we can get that done the better. That will be a great help in having us start on time. If you are a team of 6 or less, you will almost certainly


7 p.m. Doors
8 p.m. Opening Number (There will be no rapping or dancing during this portion of the program.)
8:10 Quizzo Bowl begins.
8:25 End of Round One, Haulin Oats takes the stage
8:40 Haulin Oats finishes, Round two begins
9:00 Round Two ends, Intermission
9:10 Angry Man Bing Supernova
9:15 Magician Norm Klar
9:35 Round 3 begins
9:50 Round 3 ends, Haulin Oats plays
10:05 p.m. Haulin Oats finishes, Round Four begins
10:20 Round Four ends, Haulin Oats begins
10:35 Haulin Oats ends, Scores announced
10:50 Show over.
11:15 Afterparty at City Tap House

FAQ About Quizzo Bowl VII (Updated)

Quizzo Bowl VII Promo from Johnny Goodtimes on Vimeo.

There are about 50 seats left. Do not wait until tomorrow night! Get your tickets today!

WHO: You, me, Fastball Bob Gutierrez, Chip Chantry, Haulin’ Oats, magician Norm Klar and numerous local celebrities, who are going to be helping me host Round Three, which is going to be OFF THE HEEZY! There are also rumors of an Anthony Riley appearance.

WHAT: Quizzo Bowl VII, the most prestigious quizzo event in the country. Hundreds will enter. 8 will win. And I’m sure as hell hoping it’s not Lambda.

WHEN: February 19th, 2011 at 8 p.m. sharp. Doors at 7. The event will start at 8 p.m. sharp, not 8 p.m. JGT standard time, so be there before 8 p.m.!

WHERE: World Cafe Live (30th and Walnut). Where it all began at Quizzo Bowl I.

WHY: Sure, there will be over $1500 in fabulous prizes given away to our winners (and the James Buchanan Memorial Trophy), not to mention the glory that goes with being Quizzo Bowl Champions. But it ain’t all about the questions. It’s about taking part in a Philadelphia tradition, seeing an awesome show with your friends on a Saturday night, and seeing if maybe, just maybe, this is the year the questions fall your way. Not only will the top teams be vying for the win, but I will be giving away tons of prizes throughout the evening.

HOW: Tickets are now on sale online only. You can buy them here (There is a $2 surcharge). It is going to be a downright incredible show, one of the best in Philly in 2011, guaranteed. And you’re gonna be part of it. Do not wait until the night of the event to buy your tix. The previous 6 Quizzo Bowls have sold out, and I suspect this one will as well. So don’t wait too late to purchase your tickets.

PRIZES: I have $1500 worth of prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishers, a $75 gift certificate to City Tap House for Best Dressed team, and gift certificates to give away to Fergie’s, Bards, Good Dog, Locust Rendezvous, and free tickets to upcoming comedy shows at Helium.

Holy Unbelievable

Quizzo Bowl VII Promo from Johnny Goodtimes on Vimeo.

I don’t want to spoil the surprise, but the local celebrities I got on tape today…I think some of them are going to blow  your mind. If I posted them on here, it would be a cheap way to sell tickets (and they would sell quickly). But I don’t want to ruin the surprise and I want my regulars to have first dibs on the tix. If you love quizzo, PLEASE do not miss this Quizzo Bowl. There will never be another one like it. Seriously, guys, if you’re on the fence, go for it. It makes me nervous to hype something up like this, because I’m scared of cursing myself, but wow. Just wow.
RELATED: FAQs about Quizzo Bowl.