April Madness is Here!

And so we enter a brave new world, one that takes place not behind a bar but behind a computer screen. But the more things change, the more they stay the same: we’ve got a lot of familiar faces, teams like the Jams, Zodiac Killer, Covid’s Metamorpheses, the Sofa Kingdom, Queefer Sutherland, the Missing Heads, and Duane’s World, who have been playing for over 15 years now. Then we mix in some new teams like the Tiger Queens, guys in Virginia who are friends of a friend of my sister. We’ve got former beloved Bards regular Pong, whose career as captain of Look Up! Look Down! ended with a move to Chicago, now able to get the troops back together. They’ll all be aiming at the early betting favorites, Boyz II Menehune, who have been destroying the competition so far in virtual quizzo. Lots of storylines, lots of excitement, as we head into battle. If you’re tweeting or posting about this to IG, FB, twitter (and you should be!), please use the hashtag #Aprilmadness. Let’s make a little history, shall we folks?

Virtual Quizzo This Week!

What’s up, gang? We had a great week of quizzing last week, and decided to let everybody who played last week have a shot at the tournament. At the end of the day, we’ve got TWO slots remaining, and would love to fill them this morning so we can post the brackets for the tourney! This is gonna be really cool. Go to the spreadsheet here, fill in your slot, shoot your team’s $30 to @jgtquizzo on venmo, and you’re good to go!

If you don’t want to play in the tourney but still want to get some quizzing done this week, worry not: we’ve still 10 slots left with Chip and J. Michael. Hope to see ya this week!

Special Quiz Sunday at 7 PM!

Hey gang, we’ve been having a ton of fun over on Zoom with the quizzes these past few weeks. But that’s not the end all when it comes to online quizzing. I really want to try a number of online quizzes out. So tomorrow we’ll experiment with one on Facebook Live. Thanks to my buddy Noah at Big Quiz Thing, we’ll have a “virtual scoresheet” for this one as well. Here’s how it works:

Tomorrow afternoon I will give post an Event Key on the JGT Quizzo Page on Facebook. You will then go to playbigquiz.com and sign in. It’s pretty daggone user friendly. Then we’ll start the quiz at 7 pm. You can communicate with your teammates any way you want. I recommend zoom, but you can text them, call them, scream at them, whatever. We’ll do a round, you’ll have a couple of minutes to finalize your answers, then you’ll submit them and we’ll move to the next round. This is a beta test, it could be a train wreck, but what the hell, let’s play some quiz.

This Week’s Scores…and Standings

Ok, gang here are the scores for this week. As I said during the week, these will also act as seedings: starting this week we’re running a 48 team tournament. I’ve sent your captain an email so you can fill in your team slot. Any empty slots after 24 hours we’ll fill in with new teams.

If you didn’t play this past week, worry not: we’ll still have plenty of openings this coming week for regular quizzes. I’ll have slots posted Sunday at 3 pm. Here were our final standings last week:

1. It’s Raining Menehune51
2. Synchronized Trampoline50
T-2. Lamination Nation50
4. Look Up Look Down, I’m on a Tiger49
5. Zodiac Killer47
6. Sofa Kingdom45
T-6. L. Ron Hubbard’s Diabetics45
T-6. Covid’s Metamorphoses45
9. Carole’s Husband44
T-9. Babysitters Fight Club44
T-9. Careless Fister44
T-9. Balls Hollywood44
T-9. Carole Fucking Baskin44
14. Cark in a Whig43
T-14. Non-Sporting Class43
T-14. Hallmark Hot43
T-14. Art’s Team43
T-14. OK Doomers43
19. FFSF42
T-19. Queefer Sutherland42
T-19. In The Lead (For Infections)42
22. Covideo Killed the Radio Quiz41
T-22. Not Last Place41
24. There’s No I In COVID40
T-24. Quick Question40
T-24. Underground Bard40
T-24. Tuesday Night Quarantine Quizzo Club40
28. Alone Together39
T-28. Lambda Lambda Lambda39
T-28. Cool Cats and Kittens39
31. QuizYo38
T-31. Going the Social Distance38
T-31. Testes Factory38
T-31. El Tigre38
35. 1666 and All That37
T-35. Encyclopedophiles37
T-35. Jan’s Exotics37
38. The Quarantiners36
T-38. Roosevelt Refugees36
T-38. Pop Fit Studio36
41. Meat Sweats35
42. Chasing Olive34
43. Jawn of the Dead33
T-43. Social Fistancers33
45. Below Basic32
46. The Tiger Queens29
T-47. Socially Distant28
T-47. The Non-Essentials28

Sign Ups for This Coming Week!

Have at it, folks! Price went up just a touch, to $30 per team. Not trying to jack the price up, just trying to keep it as cheap as possible while also trying to make up some of what I’m losing each week at the bars. Hope you guys understand. We’ll keep it here at $30 for awhile.

We’re also going to be trying out a tournament Next Week (April 6th-9th) and seedings for that tourney will be determined by how well teams do this week…your score will determine your seeding next week. We’ve got 39 slots for this coming week: top 32 teams make the tourney. We’ll have more details soon. Looking forward to quizzing again this week!

Our topic for the coming week? Tigers and Kings.

Final Scores This Week

Whoa, a big week of virtual quizzo. I’ll have more info about this past week and our game plan for next week later this weekend. But in the meantime, let’s look at our final scores for the week:

  1. Boys II Menehune 49
  2. Zodiac Killer 49
  3. Feral Pogs 48
  4. Babysitters Fight Club 47
  5. Covid’s Metamorphoses 47
  6. Not Last Place 45
  7. Cark in a Wig 45
  8. Encyclopedophiles 44
  9. L. Ron Hubbard 44
  10. Sofa Kingdom 44
  11. Testes Factory 43
  12. Tuesday Night Quizzo Club 43
  13. Meat Sweats 42
  14. Going the Social Distance 42
  15. There’s No I in Virtual 41
  16. Hallmark Hot 41
  17. Social Distance Warriors 41
  18. Synchronized Trampoline 41
  19. Lambda 40
  20. Covideo Killed the Radio Quiz 40
  21. El Tigre 40
  22. Underground Bard 40
  23. Dare to Be Stupid 39
  24. Dat Rona 36
  25. Homeschooled 33
  26. Jawn of the Dead 32
  27. Socially Distant 31
  28. Non Sporting Class 29
  29. Big Ben 28

Virtual Quizzo Sign Ups for This Week

Hey gang, you are now able to sign up for this weeks quizzes. Pretty simple: go to this sign up sheet, put your team name, captain’s name, and email in the time slot you want your team to play. It’s a $25 entry fee per team, and the money can go to @jgtquizzo on venmo or johnny@johnnygoodtimes dot com on Paypal. Once you’re paid, your team is locked in for that time.

Each quiz lasts about 30 minutes. They are all done through Zoom, so your team does NOT need to be in the same location to play. You don’t have to even be in Philly to play…we had a player last week in Oregon. We did it last week and it was a ton of fun and a great way for teams to hang out…several of the teams that played last week have already signed up for this week’s quiz. Team size that I highly recommend is 5 players (though you can go up to 8). There are spaces open for both Carl and myself, so plenty of chances to play this week.

Hope to see ya this week!

UPDATE: Slots filled up extremely quickly, so I’ve added Philly comedian Chip Chantry to the team, opening up 9 more slots if your team is still trying to join in. He’s on the spreadsheet!

Last Week’s Final Scores

Hey gang, we had a lot of fun with virtual quizzo last week. We’ll be doing it again this week (sign ups coming soon). Here are the final scores of the 9 teams that played last week. Congrats to Boyz II Menehune, who pulled off the win.

  • Boyz II Menehune 46
  • Specific Jawns 41
  • Sofa Kingdom 41
  • Not Last Place 34
  • Social Distance Warriors 34
  • The Sandmen 32
  • Jawn of the Dead 24
  • Jerry’s on the Mat 24
  • Testes Factory 15

Interview with Philly Mag’s Victor Fiorillo

We’ve gone from a twice a month podcast to a three times a week live show on Facebook. We hope you’ll join us. On Wednesday, we sat down with legendary rocker Kenn Kweder. Friday night we spoke with Philly Mag’s Victor Fiorillo. Fascinating to hear various Philadelphias talk about how they’re dealing in these extraordinary times. Hope you’ll check them out.