All New Y2Quiz Tonight

All new questions about the 2000s at quizzo tonight. Looking to get on the big board in an effort to help defend Philly’s honor against Denver? Your best shot is Ugly American at 8 p.m., where there really is no favorite. 3 different winners in the past 3 weeks. On to the Bards, where the Steak holds court. They were upset at 2000s quizzo on Tuesday. Could another upset be in the works tonight? Action starts at 10:15 p.m. Hope to see ya tonight!

UPDATE: Koob and Kristy are hosting a Freddie vs. Jason quiz this week at Drinker’s Old City. Action starts at 8 p.m.

The Raelians Want You to Go Topless

This week we had the question, “What cult of nutjobs claimed to have created a human clone in 2002?” Strangely, almost no teams got this except at the Black Sheep, where most teams got it. The answer was the Raelians. Here is an article about that cloned baby, appropriately named Eve.

The Raelians eventually hope to develop adult clones into which humans could transfer their brains, Rael said. “Cloning a baby is just the first step. For me, it’s not so important,” he said. “It’s a good step, but my ultimate goal is to give humanity eternal life through cloning.”

So these people are obviously bat$hit crazy, but they’re not all bad. One of their big causes is topless rights for women. According to a website they operate called,

“As long as men are allowed to be topless in public, women should have the same constitutional right. Or else, men should have to wear something to hide their chests.”

We couldn’t agree more. They are holding a National Go-Topless Day on August 21st to support the cause. A number of cities are participating, including New York, DC, and Chicago. But thus far, no Philly. I think somebody needs to pick up the torch here. I would do it myself, but something tells me the wife would hit me over the head with a frying pan. So if you’re out there, and you believe in freedom, contact the Raelians immediately.

Quizzo Tonight

A very interesting and unusual 2000s quiz this week. At O’Neals, a team that I thought of as intellectually smart (Brain Delay) proved that they know plenty about crappy pop culture too. The team that won at City Tap House last night almost didn’t play, then decided to give it a shot and ended up smoking both Steak Em Up and L. Ron (and no, this team wasn’t cheating). So a very unpredictable quiz this week.

We start at Locust Rendezvous at 6:15 p.m. $2 Narragansett cans and $3 Abita Purple Haze pints. Solid competition. On to the Black Sheep at 8 p.m. where the field is fairly wide open this week. Duane’s World are the prohibitive favorites, but I’m guessing that the 2000s won’t be their strong suit. That said, they’ve proven me wrong before. We’ll find out tonight.

And if you do poorly tonight, fear not: I’ve got some SWEET last place prizes this week.

Big Money Tuesday Tonight

Week 2 of the JGTSI starts tonight, and a great chance to win at both spots. We had a brand new winner at O’Neals last week, and with the kids out of town, things have gotten fairly quiet at City Tap House. When you consider that winner gets a $100 gift certificate, and 2nd place gets $50, you’d be nuts not to give it a shot. Action starts at O’Neals at 8 p.m. City Tap House at 10:15 p.m. All questions will be about the 2000s. See ya tonight!

Week One Scores and Our First Physical Challenge

Here are the scores after week 1 of the JGTSI2. A bit of a scoring change this season. I am taking your highest finish as your point total for a certain week*. Of course there are still 7 weeks plus a wild card week left, so there is still plenty of time to get your team in the mix. I wouldn’t worry too much about a low finish or missing Week 1. Not only can you score points by playing this week, I have also kicked off the Facebook Physical Challenge, and one team is going to win a $100 prize for scoring the most physical challenge points. There are up to 10 points to be given away this week so you could put yourself high on the leader board for just a few minutes of work. Look Up Look Down won the first two physical challenge prizes, but Brown Betty took the top prize in the spring.

For more info on the JGTSI2, and why it’s important that you help us defeat Denver, click here.

So if you play once, finish 3rd, then play again and finish 1st, I will just take your first place finish.

Drew Lazor’s Questions About Food and Drink

In case you missed it last week at the Black Sheep, Drew Lazor of the City Paper (interviewed here) wrote his own quiz about food and drink. Pretty damn good questions. Here they are. Answers are after the jump.

  1. What are the three ingredients in a Manhattan?
  2. In 1988’s “Coming to America,” what is the name of the signature sandwich at the McDonald’s clone McDowell’s?
  3. What is the term for meat from an adult sheep?
  4. Hamentashen, a triangular filled pastry, is traditionally eaten in honor of what Jewish holiday?
  5. Which of the 50 states is the only one to grow coffee plants commercially?
  6. Star anise, cloves, cinnamon, Sichuan peppercorn, fennel are together known as what?
  7. What literary giant has a drink named after him that consists of white rum, lime juice, grapefruit juice, maraschino liqueur, and sugar?
  8. Which current Philadelphia chef, who runs Zahav, was recently honored with the 2011 “Best Chef Mid-Atlantic” award from the James Beard Foundation?
  9. What writer and TV personality is still considered the chef at large at the New York brasserie Les Halles?
  10. In 1987’s “Adventures in Babysitting,” what food item does a temporarily blind Brenda attempt to buy with a personal check in the bus station?

Bonus: Which pasta variety’s Italian name translates to “little ear” ?

Continue reading “Drew Lazor’s Questions About Food and Drink”

Y2Quiz Week

Not gonna have to go too far back to remember the questions asked at this week’s quiz. All of the questions will be about things that have happened since that morning of January 1, 2000, when we waited for computers all across the world to explode. Questions will be taken from that day to this. Should be a fun quiz…and no whining from anyone of “How should I know that? I wasn’t even born yet.”  I’ll have the scoreboard up later today.