Johnny Goodtimes Vs. Reef the Lost Cauze; Rap Battle on Thursday

I can’t put in words how excited I am to introduce our guest host at Bards Quizzo on Thursday night. Reef the Lost Cauze is not only one of my favorite rappers in Philly, he’s one of my favorites in the country. If you are not already familiar with his music, do yourself a favor and check him out on Myspace. I’ve also posted 5 of my favorite Reef songs below.

Reef’s gonna take some time out from his busy schedule to host a round of quizzo on Thursday…and there are rumors of a rap battle between Johnny Goodtimes and the best battle rapper in Philly. Needless to say, I’m bringing my A-game. Been working on my rhymes all afternoon. Action starts at the Bards at 10:15 p.m. You’ll also be able to win fries by knocking off Reef in a trivia challenge. This is gonna be a lot of fun.

5 of my favorite Reef songs:

1. Commander in Chief. “The hottest MC in your house is not ya, and you live alone with a puppy named Sasha.” Now that’s some funny shit.

2. Nat Turner.

3. Philly Cousins

4. I Wonder.

5. Humble Beginnings.

Right Now on Philly Sports History

Big Money Tuesday Kicks Off Week 8

We kick into our final week tonight. We start at O’Neals at 8 p.m. The most parity in quizzo. 8 different winners in the past 9 weeks. $3.50 Mexican beers.

On to the City Tap House. Another great chance to win, as things have quieted down a bit for summer. $3 Sly Foxes and $10 for a personal pizza and a beer. Action starts at 10:15 p.m. All music questions. Hope to see you tonight!

JGTSI Scores With One Week Left

Here they are, the updated scores on the scoreboard. (Does NOT count the new musical physical challenge). Brown Betty is cruising in total points, helped along by not just physical challenge points but by a couple of wins. Steak Em Up has finally given in and started doing physical challenges. Their foolish pride was obviously taking too much of a hit to keep seeing themselves in 7th place. Remember, the top 10 teams (teams in yellow) are in the drawing for a $100 gift certificate bonus. It looks like spots 1-10 are pretty much locked up, so I will have invites this week.

There is still plenty of opportunity to make the cut however, if you want to represent Philly against Denver on August 7th. Each season, we have a few teams make the cut but drop out of the running, so I expect a few slots to open up.  Further, you can help yourself by doing the latest physical challenge. And finally, next week is wild card week. If you can’t make the cut but want to play, a Top 2  finish next week will earn you a spot.


Music Week This Week

All questons this week will be music related. And we’re talking alllllll music. Rock, reggae, rap, classical, jazz, country, etc. But no house music. That’s not music. Saying house is music is like saying banging your head against a brick wall is exercise. It’s stupid, and I refuse to acknowledge its existence.

And no, it won’t be all audio rounds. There are plenty of great questions about their about musicians, instruments, producers, music magazines, etc. There are also rumors of a rap battle at the Bards on Thursday. But those are just rumors at this time. JGTSI scores and a new physical challenge coming soon.

Simpson’s Quiz Tonight

Koob and Kristy are hosting a Simpson’s quiz tonight at Chenango in Northern Liberties. Action starts at 8 p.m. If you’re a Simpsons fan, tonight is your chance to show your stuff. And keep in mind, points will count in the JGTSI. If you’re a Simpsons fan, this will probably be the easiest quiz to win all week.