Quizzo News and Notes

Quite a bit going on right now in Quizzo land, so here’s a few updates:

Tonight at 6 PM, we’ll be playing with some new quizzo technology and discussing the film Goodfellas. Wanna join in the fun? Sign up here.

Tonight at 7:30, we’ll be looking at all of our playoff scenarios with two weeks to go in the season, discussing which teams we think could win it all, and letting you know about our next Quizzo season. Tune in on Facebook.

This coming week I’ll be sending out my monthly VIP Quizzo Insiders Deluxe (VIPQID for short) email. It will have ALL of the news that’s fit to print in the quizzo world. If you wanna join that list, just sign up here (Team captains are already on it).

Yes we will have the bonus quiz we promised at the start of the season. Details on that coming tonight on the Big Show.

Got a loved one with a birthday coming up and don’t feel comfortable getting a bunch of people together in the same room? Let us know, and we’ll make a fun virtual quiz to honor their big day amongst friends and family, all for a reasonable rate.

I’m pretty highly active on twitter, so be sure to follow me there if you can stand it. Trying to get back into posting on IG, so follow me there too.

Yes, I have started reaching out to some places regarding outdoor quizzes this spring. I’ll keep you updated.

OK, be sure to sign up for the VIP email and I’ll have lots more to tell you about soon. Cheers-JGT

2nd Half Topics

We spun the wheel with your suggestions last night on Facebook, and above is what we came up with. We also took a look at our standings halfway through the Winter Warz and talked about which teams we expect to make a second half surge. Oh, and we had a visit from Bobby the 38% French and German, which Johanna of Lambda said was “incredibly stupid but kind of funny” which I think might be our new company tagline.

J. Michael’s Movie Club

We had a blast at last week’s Movie Club and Quiz. Here’s how it works: we all watch Goodfellas at some point over the next three weeks (it’s currently on Netflix). We meet up on February 28th on Zoom. Each person takes a short online quiz about the film with the latest in Johnny Goodtimes technology. Then we’ll go around and chat about the film, what you liked, what you didn’t. If you’re interested in joining the club, go ahead and sign up here (it’s a single person deal, not a team deal). It’s totally free, just a fun add-on for Winter Warz players. Hope to see ya on the 28th!

Friday Five: February 5, 2021

Every Friday, I share local places I’ve eaten, great things I’ve read, the best watering holes I’ve visited and great local music I’ve been listening to. Sign up for the JGT mailing list to get them direct to your inbox. In the meantime, check out a couple of this week’s five below.


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Continue reading “Friday Five: February 5, 2021”

Super Sunday Quizzo!

Just because we can’t party in person on this great national holiday doesn’t mean we can’t party together. I’ll be asking all questions about the Big Game: from the most memorable plays to the best (and worst) halftime shows to the funniest commercials. Let’s see how closely you’ve been paying attention all these years.

And as an added bonus, Mike “Real” Major, one of our quizmasters and a longtime industry vet is going to teach us how to make a couple of Super Cocktails…one inspired by Kansas City and one inspired by Tampa. As soon as you buy your ticket we’ll send you a list of ingredients needed to be ready to make your drinks on Sunday. Tickets are $35 per team and can be purchased here. Hope to see you Sunday!

Shibe Super Squares

We’re going to have some fun with Super Bowl squares this year, and we’re going to raise money for a terrific cause. Here’s how it works: It’s $10 a square, payable on venmo to @jgtquizzo (or $jgtquizzo on Cashapp or johnny@johnnygoodtimes.com on paypal…and please put “Sharks pool” in the notes). After we get 100 squares filled in, we’ll randomly assign numbers. At the end of each quarter, the last two numbers of the score will determine our winner (for instance, if the score is 14-7 Chiefs after the first quarter, whoever has the Chiefs 4 and the Bucs 7 will be our winner.). That person will win an Eagles bundle, including our Vet stadium shirt, our Holcomb winter hat, a pair of Eagles socks, a pack of vintage football cards, AND we’re going to throw in a Philly Word Art poster, making this a $115 value. Whoever gets the numbers for the FINAL score will win this beautiful Mitchell and Ness sweater jacket.   

100% of the money raised in these squares will go to the South Philly Sigma Nu Sharks football program. Started in 1992 by the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, the Sharks service over 400 youth between the ages of 5 and 14. The program offers numerous football leagues, a basketball leagues, and offers tutoring services. They are hoping to purchase tackling and blocking sleds in an effort to reduce live contact in practice as part of their concussion prevention efforts, and $1000 will go a long ways towards that effort. So join us in raising money for a great program and a great cause!

To sign up, just go here, enter your info, and pick a box (you can pick up to 3 at $10 a box). Takes like 15 seconds. Once we get to 100 boxes filled, we’ll draw the numbers for the boxes. Good luck!  

And if you want to check out any of our other Eagles gear, this week only it’s ALL 30% off. Click here and use the checkout code eagles30

Topics for the Next Four Weeks

Hey gang, we’re not going to unveil what the topics are each week for Winter Warz BUT I did tell you guys last week that I’d post the remaining topics, in no particular order. So here ya go, these are the topics for the next four weeks. What topics do you want to see for the second five weeks? Let us know on our Facebook page.

  • Latin America
  • Before & After
  • Colors
  • Academy Awards
  • World Religion
  • Obscure Sports
  • Arizona
  • Horror Films
  • African American Culture & History
  • Casual restaurants chains
  • South Pacific
  • Snakes