The Final Quiz of 2012

It’s tonight! The final quiz of the year. If one of your New Year’s Resolutions was to play at least one JGT Quizzo in 2012, this is your last chance to achieve your goals. Goals are so important. You really need to do this for your own peace of mind. Furthermore, I’m giving away free french fries. Ugly American at 8 p.m. Bards at 10:15 p.m.

It’s an interesting quiz. The first round is a picture round, then a great 50/50 round, and I’ll tell you right now that the wild card round is a 2012 Year in Review round. And I know that Duane’s World won last night only because one guy on the team (Anthony) studied and it got him an answer they wouldn’t otherwise have gotten. Just throwing that out there. Oh, and no question of the week this week. Hope to see you tonight!

Christmas Christ-Mystery Round

Here’s a really good one I did last week. The questions aren’t all Christmas related, but at least one word in each answer ties in with all of the other answers, and the theme for what they all have in common is Christmas. See if you can figure out what it is. Answers are after the jump.

1. In what state will you find the town of Santa Claus?

2. What president died in office in August of 1923?

3. In what year did Michael Jackson unveil the moonwalk, Return of the Jedi was released, and Kate Bosworth was born?

4. What kind of sauce used in Chinese restaurants is usually made from apricots, sugar, vinegar, chilies, and ginger?

5. This teen sitcom aired on FOX from 1990 to 1993 and starred Corin Nemec.

6. This man , whose last name is Couture, is widely credited with bringing UFC into the mainstream. What’s his first name?

7. In what sport will you find practices known as “Two-a-days”?

8. Formerly Bic’s slogan, it’s also the name of their website.

9. One of the most notorious stagecoach robbers of the 19th century, it’s also the nickname of a pirate and the name of a pro wrestler.

10. If you mix sugar, butter, milk, and chocolate to the soft ball stage at 240 degrees, what do you get?

Bonus. What does at least one word in each answer have in common with all of the others?

Continue reading “Christmas Christ-Mystery Round”

JGT Top 20 Power Rankings

These do not include last night’s quizzes. A lot of movement in the standings, with several upsets last week.

1. Steak Em Up. They win on Tuesday at CTH, but not on Thursday. With confidence lagging, they add Carl and Sandman for Sunday’s City vs. City event. Cowards. They did win, but didn’t have the high score in the country. Last week: #1

2. Duane’s World. A tough Wednesday-Thursday quiz last week, and Duane’s World won a defensive battle to move up a spot in the rankings. Last week: #3

3. The Jams. Finish out of the top 3 last week, but they’ve won 10 out of the past 13 weeks, so they only drop a notch. Last week: #2

4. 5-Finger Assprint. Back to back wins at the Sidecar launch 5-Finger Assprint into the top 5 for the first time ever. Last week: #7

5. Savage Ear. Finish 2nd at O’Neals, but don’t drop in standings. Why not? They still scored 111 in the loss. Last week: #5

6. Happy Birthday to the Ground. While their status as “Most Obnoxious” team has long been acknowledged, it’s now time to acknowledge that they’re pretty smart too. They’ve won 3 out of the past 4 weeks at North Star. Last week: #11

7. Interim Team Name. WHOA! 118 points? Where in the hell did that come from? Last week: NR

8. Hooter and Chuff. A third place finish at O’Neals drops them a few notches. Last week. #4

9. Underground Bard. Another week, another 2nd place finish to Steak Em Up. Actually, two second place finishes. They also finished 2nd Sunday night. Last week: #14

10. Mr. September. Huge win for September at Vous on Wednesday. Last week: NR

11. TalkSmackers. Huge upset over Steak Em Up (ok, so it was only Kenney. Still.) on Thursday. Last week: NR

12. Bears are Scared of Jazz Hands. Been a while since they got a win, but they locked it down on Thursday at UA. Last week: NR.

Rest of the Top 20.

13. Mysterious Mr. Mapother
14. Snapjack
15. Sidecardigans.
16. Why Can’t Us.
17. Clown Question Bro.
18. Andy Reiding Railroad.
19. Blazing Sea Nuggets
20. Puppy Puppets

City Vs. City Quiz This Sunday

Philadelphia will be trying to defend her crown of “America’s Smartest City” this Sunday, and we need your help! We will be taking on quizzo teams from 8 different cities across the country. Here’s how it works…We’re going to take the exact same quiz that teams in these other 8 cities are playing. We will then add up the scores of the Top 5 teams. Whatever city has the highest score wins the Tycho Brahe Cup, and gets to claim the title of America’s Smartest City until next year’s cup.

The event will go down at the Trestle Inn this Sunday at 6:30 p.m. We’re playing by Denver’s rules, so they won’t any excuses when we beat them. It will be an 8-round quiz, and max team size is 6 people. I really, really want our top teams there, because I really want Philly to win this. Hope you can make it!

JGT Power Rankings

Alright, these are a day late BUT NOT a dollar short. A really wild week last week, with only two of our previous Top 10 being victorious. Really makes for quite a mixup with the QCS Computer (above), which calculates these rankings. And while the top 10 get write-ups, the list now extends to 20. These rankings do not include last night’s results.

1. Steak Em Up (Bards). Blah blah blah nerds blah blah blah freaks blah blah blah. Last week: #1

2. The Jams (Rendezvous). 10 wins in the past 12 weeks have assured the Jams of a spot very near the top of the rankings. Last week: #3

3. Duane’s World (Black Sheep). A third place finish at the Sheep drops them out of the #2 spot. Last week: #2

4. Hooter and Chuff (Multiple). A 116 point performance launches them not only back into the power rankings, but into the Top 5. Last week: NR

5. Savage Ear (O’Neals). A Triumphant return to O’Neals. Are they ready to compete with Mysterious Mr. Mapother for King of O’Neals status, or was this just a one time reunion? Last week: NR

6. Mysterious Mr. Mapother (O’Neals). An 18 point loss at O’Neals drops them two spots in the rankings. Last week: #4

7. 5-Finger Ass Print (Sidecar). A top 3 finish in each of the last three weeks, including a first place finish last week. This is a team on the rise. Last week: NR

8. Chick-Fil-Atio (Black Sheep). This team burst on the scene last week with a convincing win at a packed Black Sheep. Did Duane’s World just gain a new rival? Last week: NR

9. Ruby Tuesday (Ugly American). Every once in a while, these guys really blow if out of the water at UA. This was one of those weeks, as they won by 18 points. Last week: NR

10. Sidecardigans (Sidecar). A tough two point loss to the Asspring causes them to further slide down the rankings. Last week: #6

The rest of the Top 20.

11. Happy B-Day to the Ground
12. Puppy Puppets
13. 407 Primrose Yellow Jackets
14. Underground Bard
15. Snapjack
16. FFSF
17. Why Can’t Us
18. Blazing Sea Nuggets
19. Zombea Arthur
20. Andy Reiding Rainbow

Quizzo Bowl News!

Believe it or not, folks, it’s approaching. Quizzo Bowl is just over 2 months away. It will be on February 23rd, 2013 and the venue will be…the World Cafe Live. It looked for a minute like we might have to look elsewhere, but then things fell into place and we’ll be able to make it happen at WCL, which has been a terrific venue every time we’ve done it there. Tickets will go on sale at the start of January. I also got the band confirmed today. Not gonna give it away quite yet, but let me just leave it at this: they are going to rock your freaking face off. This is gonna be a great show. Looking forward to it.

Sports Quizzo Sunday!

The Eagles season is a train wreck, Bynum is hurt, the Phillies can’t land any free agents, and the Flyers aren’t even playing. But in a desperate effort to raise the spirits of Philly sports fans before the end of the year, Pat Gallen of the excellent blog Phillies Nation and I are hosting an All-Sports quizzo this Sunday. Action will start at the Field House at 6:30 p.m. Gonna have some great beer specials, great trivia questions, and awesome prizes to give away. Here some FAQs below about the event.

Is this Philly sports, or all sports? This will be an All-Sports quiz, though there will be on local sports round. Primarily focused on the Big Three sports (thanks to the strike, we’re no longer including hockey as a major sport). But yes, there will be a few questions on hockey, boxing, tennis, etc., but the quiz will be primarily on baseball, basketball, and football.

What time does it start? Starts at 6:30 p.m. at the Field House (1150 Filbert Street).

Can I still watch the evening NFL games there? Absolutely, we’ll have the upstairs to ourselves and there are plenty of TVs up there.

Isn’t the Field House a place for people whose biggest dream in life is to high-five Paulie Dee? Nope, totally different now. They recently got a great chef and Andy from City Tap in charge of their beer list. 60 great beers on draft.

Will there be food and drink specials? Yes. $5 hummus and $5 bacon fat popcorn. As for drink specials, we’ll have $4 Troegs pints in plenty of different flavors.

What do the winners get? Winners get 4 tickets to a Phillies game next year with limo service to and from the game. We will also have gift cards to give away to both Public House and City Tap House.

How many players to a team? Up to 4 players per team.

Does it cost anything to play? Nope.

Do you like the Michael Young signing? Not really. Not sure the team really needed another over-the-hill infielder.