Play the Sunday Quiz, Promote Charity for Young Dads

Carl’s gonna take the reins on Sunday night for this week’s quiz. Which, as several of you have rubbed in my face lately, is JUST FINE. If I hear one more time, “Carl would have given us credit for that” or “Carl’s quiz is so much more fun” I’m going to lose it. Jerks.

Anyways, if you want to sign up for a special Father’s Day edition of the quiz, you can do so here. I’m psyched about the charity we’re raising money for on Sunday as well. Young Fathers United works with young fathers in the Philadelphia area, some of whom have never had a father figure in their own lives but who want to be good dads. 50% of tips this Sunday night will go to YFU.

I spoke with the gentleman who runs the organization, Archye. They run three 13-week programs each year and he told me that due to COVID, funding was becoming an issue, and he was incredibly thankful that we were reaching out. If you’d like to donate and aren’t playing the quiz you can still donate by venmoing me at @jgtquizzo and posting YFU in the note, or you can go directly to their website and donate there.

Last week our baseball quiz raised over $600 for the Anderson Monarch baseball program, we raised $200 for the Nourished Nurse Program at Penn, and we have raised over $1000 for the Poor People’s Economic Human Rights campaign in the past three months. I cannot thank you guys enough for your generosity! I’m pretty damn lucky to be surrounded by such an awesome group of people. (Except for those of you who heckle me about Carl. Come on, he’s not THAT good. Geez.)

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