A new era in JGT quizdom begins tonight. We kick off a new quiz at the North Star Bar. Action begins at 7 p.m., and in addition to the questions you all know and love (no more Denver questions about Crispin Glover and home run derbys, for the love of God), there will be some live music between rounds, courtesy of Brian Walker. Prizes for first and 2nd, as well as free tix for upcoming shows on the line. (As for questions, I’ll be using the same ones on Monday and Tuesday, and then Wednesday and Thursday this week. I may change it back in the future, however.)
Month: August 2011
Philly Proves Its Mental Supremacy Yet Again.
Last year, Travel and Leisure listed their Top 20 smartest cities in America. DC was #1. Austin was #5. Denver was #8. Nashville was #15. Dallas was #25. Philadelphia was #31. Well, the next time you run into someone who writes for Travel and Leisure magazine, do me a favor and invite them to take said mag and shove it directly up their ass. Because last night, instead of just taking random polls as to which cities are smartest, we took it to the test. And for the 3rd consecutive time, Philly came out on top. And while the first two quizzes were played using Philly rules, this time we did everything the way they do it in those other 6 cities. We gave them home field advantage, we asked their questions and played by their rules. And we still came out on top. So next time someone tells you about some meaningless poll where they rank us below all of these other cities, ask them what criteria they use. Because when it is determined objectively, Philly is smarter than any other city in America. Time and time again.
But yeah, Travel and Leisure, good job with those “polls’. They’re also a great way to determine intelligence, I’m sure. Maybe this year you can throw darts at city names to determine rankings! But while you’re drawing names out of a hat, we’ll be kicking ass.
The real beauty of winning this event? Denver now has to present us with the Cup, which we get to name. So start thinking about what we should name this Cup, as it will retain this name in perpetuity.
And if any other nerds in any other city are reading this and want a piece, give us a time and date. We’ll be there. With bells on our feet and shanks in our pockets.
Here’s the final scores. (And yes, Dallas is just as dumb as we thought they were. To be fair, though, judging by their scores I assume that half of the teams in Dallas didn’t get to play because they couldn’t figure out how the front door to the bar worked.)
Scores determined by averaging scores of the Top 5 finishers in each city. The same quiz was asked last night in 7 different cities, including Philadelphia.
- PHILADELPHIA. AVG. 78; High Score 82
- DENVER. AVG 76; High Score 82
- AUSTIN. AVG. 71; High Score 82
- ALBUQUERQUE. AVG. 69; High Score 77
- ALEXANDRIA (Aka DC). AVG. 60; High Score 69
- NASHVILLE. AVG. 51; High Score 66
- DALLAS. AVG. 45; High Score 58
Specific Jawns Pull Off Shocker at JGTSI
As my old hometown paper used to say, “A fine time was had by all.” Well, except perhaps for Steak Em up, who, after beating the Specific Jawns by 34 points on Thursday night, lost to them by 2 on Sunday night at the JGTSI. The quiz, which was also played in 6 other cities in across the US, and had Philly taking on those cities, was done in Denver style. That way, if Philly won, there could be no excuses from those Mile High morons who have quickly become our fiercest nerd rivals in the US. Final scores from other cities are coming soon. The Denver style quiz (which is a little heavier on pop culture and a little lighter on sports than mine) seemed to work out just fine for the Jawns, who played almost every week of the JGTSI without getting a single win. But they brought their A-game on Sunday night, and when the dust settled, had a shocking 82-80 shutout of Steak Em Up. In addition to the questions, there was also a terrific performance from the Terrence Brown trio, and National Mechanics was a terrific venue for the event. I definitely want to do another event there soon. All of the scores are after the jump.
Topics for Tonight’s Quiz
Here are some of the topics for tonight’s event: Acting Like Musicians, Ape Shit, Literary Before and After, Oscar vs. Emmy, and This Round Will Change Your Life I Swear. For the 6th topic, it’s posted on twitter. Action starts at 7 p.m. Bring your brains. It’s important that Philly kick some ass tonight.
Quizzo News and Notes
All the teams have received their JGTSI Summer Invitational invites, and Sunday at 7 p.m. at National Mechanics will represent Philly against our
mortal enemies dear friends in Denver, Dallas, Albuquerque, Nashville, DC, and Austin. 8 rounds, 8 questions each, with the winning city accepting their trophy either in Austin or Philly, depending on who wins. We’ve got some top flight squads doing battle, and I’m hoping they all bring their A-game. We’ll average the scores of the top 5 teams and compare them with the top 5 teams in the 6 other cities to determine a winner. I’ll post the winning city on the site Monday. If you want to know instantly, follow me on twitter, as I’ll post it on the results the instant I get them on Sunday night.
New quiz starts Monday night! In addition to the bar tab prizes, I’ll have tix to give away and live music between rounds! Gonna be a great new quiz. Mondays at North Star Bar. If you have friends in the Fairmount area, spread the word please. Thanks!
Jams Win on ALF Question at the Vous
Steak Em Up Wins at City Tap House
Savage Ear Wins at O’Neals
Things We Learned at Quizzo…The Creepy Ghost Town of Pripyat
One of the questions last night at quizzo was, “The city of Pripyat is a ghost town because of something that happened in the 1980s. What was it?” Pretty easy question. The answer was Chernobyl. But while everyone knows the word “Chernobyl”, not everyone knows Pripyat. It was quite a bustling city, with 50,000 residents at the time of its evacuation (about the size of Harrisburg). There were schools, restaurants, cafes, playgrounds, a bus system, and even a ferris wheel (above). Of course, the accident didn’t just destroy the cities of Chernobyl (pop. 14,000) and Pripyat, but numerous nearby cities and towns. Ultimately about 350,000 people were evacuated (That would be the equivalent of evacuating Pittsburgh and Harrisburg.) And while it makes for an interesting trivia question, it is important to be reminded that all of those people had a story. Here is an excellent short film, called The Door, that reminds us of that. It is also worth noting that there is still a lot of controversy about what long-term effects the radiation had on first responders (known as liquidators), and how much money they should get from the government. Sound familiar?
Here are some incredible photos taken of Pripyat in 2006 by photog Tom Bossi. Well worth a look. Extremely creepy. Speaking of creepy, check out this video of Pripyat before, during, and after the disaster.
A Few Notes About Sunday
Just a few quick reminders about Sunday. First of all, looking forward to hearing tunes from the great Terrence Brown Trio. Secondly, National Mechanics is hooking us up with some great specials. Here they are:
- $2.50 Lagers
- $3 off all pitchers (other than Lager)
- $7 National Burgers (veggie or beef)
The quiz will start at 7 p.m., so I’d plan on being there a little earlier than that. We are doing a Denver style quiz. 8 rounds, 8 questions each. You saw how it worked a few weeks ago, but just as a refresher…don’t even think about jokering anything but rounds 2 and 8, since they are worth double the points. I’ll explain the rest that night. National Mechanics is located on 3rd, between Chestnut and Market. Great bar, great tunes, and at the end of the day, we’re going to make people in Dallas cry. What could be better than that?