The Deal on Quizzo Tonight

OK, kids, in case you hadn’t heard, the Black Sheep quiz is cancelled for tonight due to the Phils. The Rendezvous quiz is on, BUT IT WILL BE STARTING AT 6 P.M. SHARP. I am guessing that people are going to start pouring in to watch the Phils game around 7:30, so I want to be done by then. (Plus, I’m going to go to the game tonight, so I wanna be on the subway by 7:40.)  Hope to see ya at 6 p.m. tonight, and hope to see a few hours later on Broad Street. Lets go Phils!

Quizzo For the Cause

freelibraryIn conjunction with the city, the Philadelphia Library runs a number of excellent literacy programs. Mike Minion of Duane’s World has long been a volunteer in the Mayor’s Commission on Literacy, and asked if I’d help raise funds for a book donation for the program. I said yes, so I am asking that anyone who can afford it to please donate a dollar towards buying new books for the Mayor’s Commission on Literacy, which focuses on teaching adults to learn how to read to improve their lives, be better parents, get a GED, and advance in the workplace. They are always looking for volunteers as well, so if you’d like to help an adult learn to read, call 215-686-5256 to register for tutoring training, or you can email

For more info on the program, click here.

Thank Toissant L’Ouverture for the Louisiana Purchase

toussaint1It was on this date in 1803 that the Louisiana Purchase was ratified. Of course, the fun thing about history is that it doesn’t occur in a vacuum . It’s not like Napoleon just woke up one morning and said (in French) “What the hell? Why don’t I just give the damn thing away?” The background to the Purchase is in fact fairly fascinating.

Napoleon’s ambitions in Louisiana involved the creation of a new empire centered on the Caribbean sugar trade. By terms of the Treaty of Ameins of 1800, Great Britain returned ownership of the islands of Martinique and Guadaloupe to the French. Napoleon looked upon Louisiana as a depot for these sugar islands, and as a buffer to U.S. settlement. In October of 1801 he sent a large military force to retake the important island of Santo Domingo, lost in a slave revolt in the 1790s…Meanwhile, Napoeleon’s plans in the Caribbean were being frustrated by Toussaint L’Ouverture, his army of former slaves, and yellow fever. During ten months of fierce fighting on Santo Domingo, France lost over 40,000 soldiers. Without Santo Domingo Napoleon’s colonial ambitions for a French empire were foiled in North America. Louisiana would be useless as a granary without sugar islanders to feed. Napoleon also considered the temper of the United States, where sentiment was growing against France and stronger ties with Great Britain were being considered. Spain’s refusal to sell Florida was the last straw, and Napoleon turned his attention once more to Europe; the sale of the now-useless Louisiana would supply needed funds to wage war there. Napoleon directed his ministers, Talleyrand and Barbe-Marbois, to offer the entire Louisiana territory to the United States – and quickly.

No Black Sheep Quiz on Wednesday

philliesHey kids, just a quick heads up that Quizzo at the Black Sheep has been cancelled for Wednesday due to the Phils game. However, there will be quizzo at the Rendezvous. It will be starting at 6 p.m. sharp! Need to get done by 7:30 before it turns into a madhouse. All other quizzos are on as scheduled this week. Hope to see some of you Black Sheep regs at a new bar this week. Go Phils! 

Sofa Kingdom Wins Fall Brawl

IMG_1058A great night at the East Falls Marketplace on Saturday, as the Sofa Kingdom came from behind in the final round to defeat Lambda and the Champs, 110-97-97. Lambda won the tiebreaker. Every bar on the JGT circuit was represented with the exception of O’Neals. The Kingdom, who saw the return of The Swan, found themselves down four going into the final round, but aced the final round to cruise to the win. Lambda finished 2nd after a tiebreaker. In a move that made many recall Deion Sanders playing for the Braves and the Falcons in the same day, Steve-O of Lambda hopped back and forth between the playing field and the keyboard, where he jammed on the keyboard between rounds. 

I want to thank the East Falls Marketplace for having us, want to thank all of the teams for making their way out to a new spot, and want to thank Sly Fox for supplying us with their terrific beer. 

Final results and pics of all the teams after the jump. 

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