Quizzo Tonight


Not much time to chat. Got to get ready for the broiled lobster and jazz we’re getting down by the water in a couple of hours. Yeah, I know you hate me. I know, and I understand.  It’s fine. Anyways, all new questions tonight from Mike Minion, so if you played earlier in the week, you are welcome to play again tonight. Action starts at Ugly American at 8 p.m. and moves to Bards at 10:15 p.m.

In other news, wow, judging by the 38 facebook likes I got over on isportacus, looks like people are digging my smartass comments about L&I yesterday. If you haven’t already, go over and check it out.

As for the lobster above, it was enjoyed on Monday night. Tonight, I’m leaning toward boiled but could always veer at the last minute over to sauteed. Man, it’s decisions like these that keep you up nights.

Quizzo Tonight!

peaksislandWell, you clowns blew the chance of a lifetime last night, as Steak Em Up didn’t play and anyone could have won at Bards, but only 5 teams showed up. Oh well, you can redeem yourselves tonight at quizzo, as Mike Minion hosts at Locust Rendezvous at 6:15 p.m. and Black Sheep at 8 p.m. You trivia geeks are gonna dig Mike’s quiz. It’s the 2nd best quiz in town (besides mine, of course)

As for Maine, well, it’s going great. Just plopped down on the couch after a brunch of Bloody Mary’s and lobster omelet. Don’t think I’ll be moving from here for a while. Strangely, been getting more exercise on vacation than I do when I’m not on vacation. We left the car in Portland and have just been riding bikes everywhere all week. But no bike riding today, as it’s been pouring rain all day. Just gonna chill out at the cottage. The cottage we got is off the hook. Thank you craigslist! We got an awesome place for $600 for the week and we are loving it.

Sounds like I picked a crazy week to leave the city. Bloggers getting taxed, L&I stealing cupcake trucks, Roy Oswalt playing left field. Next thing you know Mcnabb will get interviewed in GQ and the whole town will go batshit crazy about him puking in the Super Bowl again! Just kidding, our populace is way too sophisticated to worry about something that probably didn’t even happen 6 1/2 years ago.

Hope you’re enjoying life in Crazytown. Things here on Peak’s are pretty damn mellow.

Kristy and Koob Hosting Quizzo Tonight!

kristykoobAs you kids probably know, I decided to get a head start on fall by heading up to Maine for the week. But I have left the empire in good shape, as Koob and Kristy take over quizzo tonight, and then Mike Minion hosts it Wednesday and Thursday. Tonight, the Double K Duo hits up O’Neals at 8 p.m. and Bards at 10:15 p.m. There is no bounty at Bards, since Koob is hosting, but that means that your team might actually have a chance of winning. I suspect a few Steakheads will be there, so remember the Shaker rule…while team size remains 8 everywhere else, you can play with as many people as you want at the Bards.

As for Maine, it is awesome. we are staying at a place called Peak’s Island, which is off the coast of Portland. 4 restaurants and a small grocery store. Went into Portland yesterday and walked around, then got the awesome lobster stew at Norm’s East End. Came back to the Island and got steamed lobster for dinner (Only $18!) Now we’re off for a bike ride around the island. And then I’m guessing something involving lobster for dinner. Just a hunch.

FUN LOBSTER FACT: This was actually in a quizzo question a couple of weeks ago, but I thought this was kind of funny. A Texas A&M professor says in this column about the history of seafood prices, “It was considered a trash fish — it was not something you’d want to be seen eating. In colonial America servants negotiated agreements that they would not be forced to eat lobster more than twice a week.”

Quizzo Tonight!

Mike Minion returns to action tonight. He starts off at the Taproom Terrace at 7:30, where he has been getting huge crowds. Minion is becoming a fan favorite in Manayunk. Sounds about right. Then he hops on the train and heads back to the big city, where he’ll be hosting at the Westbury at 10:30 p.m. If you have not been to the Westbury in some time, I highly recommend it. Quizzo legend JohnniE is behind the bar and the draft and bottle lists are both very impressive. Alright, I’m hopping on the ferry to Portland. Holler at ya soon! -JGT

Phils Tix to Give Away at French Fry Thursday

frenchfryAs you may have noticed, I’ve already started posting pics of winners. That’s because I’m heading on vacation tomorrow to Maine and I don’t want to spend my vacation uploading photos of you nerds. More details to follow later, but now, just to give you a heads up, Mike Minion will be taking over some of my duties next week on Wednesday and Thursday, and Kristy B. will be taking over on Tuesday. Gonna be a good week of quizzo, so I hope you can make it out. I think it’s important that you play quizzo next week as long as, while you’re playing, you are keeping a mental image of me eating lobster. Because that’s what I am about to do nonstop for the next week. Holla!

But first, we are in action tonight. We kick it off at Ugly American at 8 p.m. We’ve had a lot of fun there lately with some nice crowds, and keep this in mind: the Phils are on TV tonight, and just like always at UA when the Phils play, hot dogs are $1. No, that is not a misprint. No they are not tiny corn dogs. They are good, hearty corn dogs and this may be the best food deal in town.

We move to the Bards, where the specials are none too shabby either. $2.50 Lagers is tough to beat. And what’s even tougher to beat is the fact that I’m giving away Phils tickets tonight at the Bards. Action starts at 10:15. Hope to see you there!

Quizzo Tonight

becks_lager_canA very interesting quiz this week that I think you’re gonna like. Due to the groundbreaking surgery I had on Monday, I have decided to give the ol’ voice a rest. Therefore, this week’s quiz is full of puzzles, speed, and photos (ok, and one round of old fashioned questions). We kick it off at the Vous at 6:15 p.m., where 16 oz. Beck’s cans are an insanely cheap $2 a pop, and Magic Hat #9 Pints are only $3 a pop. We then move to the Black Sheep at 8 p.m., where hopefully I won’t have to cuss anyone out for shouting out answers. Hope to see ya tonight!

Bounty Bowl Tonight and Other Quizzo News

bigmoneyFirst of all, in case you haven’t heard, I had to undergo fairly major surgery yesterday. However, due to my “pluck” and “toughness” I am going to fight through the pain of wisdom tooth removal and host quizzo tonight, against doctors orders. This is a lot like when TO played in the Super Bowl on a bad ankle. Of course, I will make some concessions to the wisdom tooth, and therefore I would expect many, if not all, questions to be in the picture, music, and crossword/word search variety. Should make for a rather interesting quiz. Will it be enough to unhinge Steak Em Up? We’ll see. Action at Bards starts at 10:15 p.m. and if you can knock off the Steak you win like $60. I don’t even know what it is now. Regardless, it’s ridiculous money if you win. Before that, we get started at O’Neals, home of the $50 gift certificate for the winners. That buys a lot of $3.50 margaritas.

As for other news, it seems that the Summer Invitational was a big hit. Therefore, we may very well make this a seasonal event, and do it again in the fall. I’ll keep ya updated. Also, a heads up: I’ll be hosting a special quizzo at the Franklin Institute on September 10th. Winners will get free passes to see the Cleopatra exhibit. That’s an over $200 prize (assuming you have a team of 8.) And it will be in the planetarium, meaning that you’ll get to see a planetarium-style show as well. And yes, there will be a bar. So mark it down in your calendars. September 10th. People who went to these on past years will tell you that they’re a lot of fun. Finally, if anyone is interested in doing some sports writing for isportacus, shoot me a line.