Quizzo Tonight

carpenterHere’s the latest from Mike Minion on tongiht’s quiz. I will have Thursday photos up as soon as my computer stops acting up. And I’ll have the JGTAI scores up this afternoon, so be sure to check back.

Week 3 of the Fall Invitational kicks off this evening at The Westbury.  Tonight, the theme round will be carpentry and carpenters.  That’s right, time for you eggheads to learn something practical.  Or maybe I’ll just write lots of questions about Karen and Richard.  Either way, it will be a difernt type of round and one that should frustrate the regular winners.  Once again, I’ll be offering 2 bonus points in the Invitational to any team that can place ahaed of our two perrennial powerhouses, Duane’s World and Group W.  Last week, The 4 C’s took home the points; can they do it again? Can you?  Come find out if you’re on the level tonight at 10:30 PM.  There will be lots of beer and shot specials, plus  plenty of big screens TV’s to watch the game.  Hope to see you there!



  • Terrace Taproom 7:30 p.m.
  • O’Neals 8 p.m.
  • Bards 10:15 p.m.


  • Locust Rendezvous 6:15 p.m.
  • Black Sheep 8 p.m.


  • Ugly American 8 p.m.
  • Bards 10:15 p.m.

If This Don’t Make Your Day, Your Day Can’t Be Made

The word magical comes to mind. I got off the subway on Sunday after the Phils loss, and was greeted by this. Needless to say, it cheered me up considerably. There are a number of things to note in this video. First of all, the guy dancing subtly in the background is what really makes this number pop. Secondly, I am quite confident this was not a prepared routine. I think the singer thought he would go out, sing a few Motown numbers, and make a few bucks. I don’t think he envisioned this…brilliant madness that followed. Furthermore, if anyone choreographed this, they would be considered a genius. And don’t think they just did a quick number and moved on. Oh no, they were dancing like this when I arrived, and still dancing like this when I left after about 20 minutes, with no indication of slowing down. Third, beyond all the insanity of the whole thing, I want to acknowledge something else: isn’t music just awesome? I mean, there is no question that these three men probably don’t have a lot in common, but damn if the Four Tops don’t make them all want to move. Fourth, I think if your friends ever ask you what Philadelphia is like, this video should answer all of their questions. Crazy, black, white, beautiful, soulful, hilarious, sad, sublime, and insane. And finally, a quick note to my mom: sorry you missed this. I know you would have loved to have been the 4th dancer.

French Fry Thursday Tonight!

frenchfry1-1Ok, so I posted the pics a day early because I am headed to Asheville at 5:30 a.m. tomorrow to do a wedding. No kidding. Anywho, we’ve got all new questions tonight and if they haven’t already, your team has a chance to break into the scoreboard. Also, there is a new facebook physical challenge. I’ll tell you here because I want everyone in on this one…2 points for anyone who gets their photo taken with a SEPTA employee. (If you don’t have facebook, you can email it to me at johnny@johnnygoodtimes.com and I’ll post it for you. Luddite.)

Anyways, tonight’s quiz. We kick it off at Ugly American at 8 p.m., where all beers are a buck off. We then move to Bards at 10:15 p.m., where Lagers are $2.50. And of course it is French Fry Thursday. We are also wrapping up cheaters week, so we will ahve a very interesting Cheaters Round tonight. Gonna be a fun quiz. Hope to see ya tonight!
JGTAI in the News: Article on NBCPhiladelphia about it.

Article on Phillyist about it.

Things Are Getting Crazy in the JGTAI

insanity-despairWow, an insane night last night! Steak Em Up loses by 25* to a heretofore unheard of squad and the Missing Heads return to action after a 4 year hiatus with a win at O’Neals, and iphones were even allowed for a few brief seconds of the match. The craziness continues tonight at the Locust Rendezvous at 6:15 p.m. ($3 Saranac Pumpkin Ales and $2 16 oz. Pabst) and the Black Sheep at 8 p.m. Competition at the Vous is tighter than ever, while things at the Black Sheep are wide slam open. And don’t forget to get your bonus points JGTAI points on facebook! This physical challenge is delicious!

*Announcing their disappointing and humiliating 3rd place finish was one of the highlights of my quiz career.

“Cheaters Always Win” Week Continues at Big Money Tuesday

bigmoneyBig prizes and legalized cheating at both the Bards and O’Neals highlight the opening of Week 2 at the JGT Autumn Invitational. Legalized cheating? That’s right, I’m going to let teams use their cell phones for one minute at the conclusion of one of tonight’s rounds.  IF the city can legalize gambling, then I can legalize cheating. We’re going to turn this city into a damn Sodom and Gomorrah in no time. I will also give away some JGTAI Tourney points via cheating. One week only, folks, I am encouraging you to bring your iphones. That being said, my punishment for those who use their phones at unsanctioned times will be dealt with in a way that will be both swift and severe. It would be like running a roulette wheel now that the casino is open. Me and the city will not stand for this type of behavior!

Action starts at O’Neals at 8 p.m., where margaritas are $3.50, the prize for the winner is an impressive $50 GC, and where there is no clear cut favorite (i.e. a great place to get on the scoreboard). On to the Bards at 10:15 p.m., where there is certainly a clear cut favorite (Steak Em Up) but you can earn 3 bonus points (and the $40 prize) if you knock them off. Oh, and I’ve got tickets to Ring of Honor Wrestling to give away at quizzo tonight. I’ve been to these matches before and they are a lot of fun. (One of the wrestling managers on Friday’s card has the amazing name of Truth Martini.)

Autumn Invitational Standings after Week One


Here they are folks, the standings after one week of play. Remember, Top 25 qualify for the Fall Classic, Top 10 (in blue) have a shot at a $100 drawing. Needless to say, with 7 more weeks to go there is still plenty of time to get your squad on the scoreboard, but I wouldn’t wait too long. You can earn an easy point tonight, just by showing up at Cheaters Quizzo. All teams who play gain a bonus point. And if any of our Westbury teams are reading this, worry not…it will be over in plenty of time for you to make it a doubleheader. All points tonight double, so that the winners get 10 points, 2nd place gets 6, and 3rd Place gets 2. Action kicks off at the MarBar at 6:30 p.m. Bring your electronic devices!

Most of you guys really blew it in Week One, not taking all the easy points I placed on the table. Look Up Look Down took the easy 10 points, and it’s put them in 2nd Place, ahead of Steak Em Up, despite nothing but a 2nd Place finish. Furthermore, the $100 prize for most points scored via physical challenges is now theirs to lose. There is a new physical challenge up at facebook, and you’ve got until Thursday to get it done.  Also, keep in mind, I am giving away bonus points for funniest/most creative team names this week, so start getting your creative juices flowing. (All I ask is that if you played last week with a different name, just put an AKA after your new team name w/ the old one.) Gonna be a fun week. Hope to see ya out.

RELATED: Here’s everything you need to know about the Autumn Invitational.

HBO Shows the Theme at Westbury Tonight

Mike Minion is hosting tonight at the Westbury, and he’s offering JGTAI Bonus points to anyone who can knock off perennial powerhouses Group W and Duane’s World. Here’s a few words from Quizmaster Mike.

Tonight quiz at The Westbury starts at 10:30 PM.  The topic for this week’s Wild Card round will be HBO original programming.   The Sopranos, Six Feet Under, The Wire, Sex and the City, and Band of Brothers are just a few of the shows that have become classics of pop culture.  Plus, there will be some gambling questions to mark the opening of Philly’s first casino.  And of course, the Fall Invitational is now in full swing.  In addition to the points you can earn for coming in 1st, 2nd or 3rd, I’ll be asking some bonus questions that will give teams a chance to earn extra points.  Oh, and if any team besides Duane’s World or Group W wins, they’ll earn 2 bonus points for the invitational.  So, come out and enjoy the great beer specials and earn some points for the Invitational.  Hope to see ya there.  P.S.  There’s a rumor that Brother Mouzone, Larry Sanders, Pauly Walnuts, Carrie Bradford, Johnny Drama, and Bill Maher will be playing as a team tonight.  Frankly, I have my doubts.