French Fry Thursday Tonight!

frenchfry1-1Ok, so I posted the pics a day early because I am headed to Asheville at 5:30 a.m. tomorrow to do a wedding. No kidding. Anywho, we’ve got all new questions tonight and if they haven’t already, your team has a chance to break into the scoreboard. Also, there is a new facebook physical challenge. I’ll tell you here because I want everyone in on this one…2 points for anyone who gets their photo taken with a SEPTA employee. (If you don’t have facebook, you can email it to me at and I’ll post it for you. Luddite.)

Anyways, tonight’s quiz. We kick it off at Ugly American at 8 p.m., where all beers are a buck off. We then move to Bards at 10:15 p.m., where Lagers are $2.50. And of course it is French Fry Thursday. We are also wrapping up cheaters week, so we will ahve a very interesting Cheaters Round tonight. Gonna be a fun quiz. Hope to see ya tonight!
JGTAI in the News: Article on NBCPhiladelphia about it.

Article on Phillyist about it.

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