All-Star Quiz Next Sunday!

Good news, uber-nerds. Mike Minion’s gonna be hosting an “All-Star” quiz at the Westbury next Sunday night! Here’s the details:
An “All-Star” quiz: 5 rounds of questions on Star Trek and Star Wars, with a few questions about astronomy for good measure
Date:  Sunday March 6
Time:  9:00 PM
Place: The Westbury at 13th and Spruce
Prizes: $50 gift certificate for first, plus a whole bunch of Star Trek and Star Wars collectables and DVDs.  $25 GC for 2nd and some cool items as well.  An example of the fun stuff: A complete set of original Star Trek cast Pez dispensers!
Your Host:  Mike Minion
The topics for the rounds and some other info will be posted on the JGT site next week.

Playing Catch Up

Needless to say, the past month or so has been insane. Travelling to Denver, doing a gig in VA, and trying to get ready for Quizzo Bowl has made for a whirlwind, and I am still trying to put all the pieces back in place. So today, I am trying to get caught up on scores from the past two weeks. Last week’s scores I am just going to post, while this week I will also include avatars. THen I’m going to lay on my couch and eat pizza and catch up on the Jersey Shore episodes in my DVR.

Denver Still Whining About Quizzo Bowl Loss

Picture 10After Philly sent Denver back to the bus with their tails between their legs (congrats on that tied for 24th finish, guys), it didn’t take long for their local Weekly of record, Westword, (Get it? West-word? Yeah, that’s what we’re dealing with here.) to fire back some lame volleys.

It’s well known that Philadelphia is a cultural armpit that has never produced anything of value except for Gilbert Lewis, but the town’s community of second-rate trivia geeks is apparently up to speed on random facts as posed by a cross-section of obscure Philadelphia celebrities. Last weekend, a crack trivia team organized by Denver’s Geeks Who Drink, fresh off a win for Denver at Geek Bowl V, journeyed to Philadelphia to participate in that city’s Quizzo Bowl VII, basically a crappier version of the same event.

Never produced anything of value? I know it’s hard to get oxygen to your brain at such a high altitude, but have you ever heard of the U.S. Constitution? You know that inalienable right you have to write trash like this for your 2nd rate paper? You’re welcome.

Rocky Horror Picture Show This Weekend!

Picture 9 I know how many movie buffs we’ve got in this crowd (Mike had a great turnout for his Bad Movies quiz this week), and I don’t think it’s a stretch to assume that many of you are fans of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Therefore, I thought I’d let you know about a very fun event going down this Saturday at the Copabanana South Street. They’re gonna be showing the Rocky Horror Picture Show Saturday Night at 7 p.m. followed by a band performing live music from the film. They’re asking for no rice (those bits are kind of tired anyway, if you ask me), but they are asking for people to dress up. I know that you guys are cheap economical, so the fact that the event is free also makes me think you might be interested. Again, it’s this Saturday at 7 p.m. Just thought you might be interested.

The Celebrity Round at Quizzo Bowl VII

What trivia question did Jose Garces ask at Quizzo Bowl VII? What about Marc Summers? Mayor Nutter? Find out by watching the video above. For those in the loop, the one liners at the end probably make more sense than for others, but for the uninitiated: Lambda had won the last 3 Quizzo Bowls before this year, Sofa Kingdom are the uber-nerds who won this year, Denver and Philly have a serious geek rivalry, and Fastball Pitcher Bob Gutierrez was my co-host at Quizzo Bowl. (Here is some video of me, him, and Chip dancing, if you missed it.) If you like this video, please click “Like” below. Thanks!