Seinfeld, the Wire, and Sports: Quizzo News and Notes

Just a couple of quick notes as we head into the weekend. First of all, I’ll post my wife’s round a little later. In case you were curious, she’s a schoolteacher, not a marine biologist, but she minored in marine biology in college, so that’s why all the sea questions.

She was quite pleased when I told her that people did poorly on the round. She said, “Hanging around all your nerdy friends makes me feel kind of dumb sometimes. I’m glad to find out I know a few things they don’t know.”

Seinfeld fans: Keep in mind that Mike Minion is hosting a Seinfeld quiz this Sunday at 8 p.m. at the Ugly American. I’d wear my beach cologne there if I were you.

Fans of The Wire: I am extremely excited to announce that I will be hosting a Wire quiz at the POPE on Monday, June 6th, as part of beer week. I can’t tell you how exited I am about this quiz.  More details coming next week.

Sports fans: A couple of sports quizzes to look forward to this summer. Mike Minion will be hosting one at the UA in June, and I will be hosting one at City Tap House at some point this summer. No date set yet, but I’ll keep you updated. Also, please check out the latest on There’s a story on the site about Hall of Famer Robin Roberts and a 4th grader that’s gonna make your day.

City vs. City?: Me and Dicker from Denver are in talks about a city vs. city event for the summer. Hopefully we can put something together. I’ll keep ya updated.

Koob and Kristy’s Scores from this Week

Khyber Pass Pub
1st place – The Lesser of Who Cares – 92
2nd place – The End of the World is Topical – 76
3rd place – Bartender – 34
Artful Dodger
1st place – The Weasels – 75
2nd place – Your Mom Went to Quizzo – 68
3rd place – Steak ‘Em Up – 62
Drinker’s Old City – Grunge Quiz
1st place – Seattle Slew Kurt Cobain – 109
2nd place – Dethnicity – 105
3rd place – Two in the Pink, One in the Taco – 56

All New Ladies Quiz Tonight

An all new Ladies Week quiz tonight. This time there will be a picture round and quite a few questions on fashion. Action starts at Ugly American at 8 p.m. We move to Bards at 10:15 p.m. And remember, the power rankings are making a return next week, so if you want to make the top 10, you might wanna get your A-team together for tonight. And of course, there will be a french fry face-off. Hope to see you tonight!

BONUS FUN FACT: The song “Lady” by Styx was written by Dennis DeYoung for his wife in 1973. He and his wife are still together.

This is the Craziest Thing You Will Read All Week

The story of a legendary South Philly boxer who was killed by his girlfriend when she caught him with a transvestite. You don’t need to care about sports to be blown away by this one. A few more things of interest on the site right now:

Be sure to vote for who has the best moustache in Philly Sports History: Mike Schmidt, Sal Fasano, or Sparky Lyle.

Read about the crazy 23-22 game the Phillies won over the Cubs on a windy day in 1979.

Read about the former Phillie who is the only player to ever commit 4 errors on a single play.

And finally, another must read about a local athlete dying young…The Tragedy of Slim Jones.

Famous Females Quizzo Tonight

Well, good news and bad news at the Vous, and they’re both the same thing. The Jams will not be playing tonight. Therefore, there will be no bounty, but it also means that all other teams will have a better shot at winning now that the white hot Jams are out of the picture. Action starts at 6:15 p.m. $2 Miller High Life. On to the Black Sheep at 8 p.m. Definitely a good time to get a table. Things were wild there for a few months, but they’ve quieted down the last couple of weeks. They’ve also added a quite a few new spring items to the menu, and they’ve gotten some great beers on tap lately.

Of course, the quiz is a Famous Females quiz, with a wild card round written by my wife thrown in for good measure. Turns out that it’s a fairly difficult quiz, but a lot of fun. We had a good time with it last night.

As you’ve noticed, we’ve redone the site. Hope you like it. I’m quite excited about it, and feeling fairly inspired. I’m going to start the Top 10 rankings again next week.

Who Said It, Charlie Sheen or Gary Busey?

Here’s last week’s 50-50 round: Who said it, Charlie Sheen or Gary Busey?

  1. There has got to be more to life than being a really, really, ridiculously good actor.
  2. Sober stands for, “Son of a bitch, everything’s real.”
  3. It’s been a tsunami. And I’ve been riding it on my mercury surfboard.
  4. Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body.
  5. Fear is the darkroom where Satan develops his negatives.
  6. Drinking your own blood is the paradigm of recycling.
  7. I’m tired of trying to pretend I’m not special. I’m tired of pretending I’m not a total bitchin rock star from Mars.
  8. Resentments are the rocket fuel that lives in the tip of my saber.
  9. The ocean is your imagination. The ocean is your emotion. The sail on the boat is the golden rule. The wind that sends your boat into the sunset, that wind is your spirit. You have an anchor you don’t know you have. It’s an invisible anchor.
  10. You borrow my brain for 5 seconds and just be like, “Dude, can’t handle it! Unplug this bastard! It fires in a way that is perhaps not from this terrestrial realm.”

Answers are below.

Continue reading “Who Said It, Charlie Sheen or Gary Busey?”

Famous Ladies Week Starts Tonight

I’ve gotten a few comments that my quizzes tend to be a little “dude heavy”, with lots of questions about sports and famous men. Therefore, I’m going to try to mix things up this week, with questions about famous ladies, femme fatales, and fashion. But don’t worry, gentlemen, this quiz isn’t written for ladies exclusively, it’s primarily just questions about ladies. You’ll be fine. More importantly, it will give you an excuse to ask the cute girl at the bar for some help on the question about Coco Chanel. It’s going to be an interesting quiz. Action starts tonight at 8 p.m. at O’Neals. We then move to the City Tap House at 10:15 p.m. If any ladies have any ideas for topics you’d like to see this week, please drop them in the comments. Hope to see ya tonight!

UPDATE: This week’s wild card round will be “Things My Wife Knows That I Don’t”. Should be kind of fun.