French Fry Thursday

All new quizzo tonight at the Ugly American and Bards. We kick it off at the UA at 8 p.m. If your self esteem could really use the boost that only a quizzo win can give you, then I heartily recommend playing at UA. No dominant team, with a real shot for anybody to win.

On to the Bards at 10:15 p.m. This is where you go if you want to run with the big dogs. Great beer specials at both bars.

And remember, if you’re a Tarantino fan, Koob and Kristy are hosting a Tarantino quiz at Drinker’s Old City at 8 p.m. on Tarantino films. Good night for a quiz. Hope to see ya out!

Bounty Bowl Tonight!

We kick it off at the Locust Rendezvous at 6:15 p.m. $3 Saranac IPAs and $2 Killian Irish Red pints. Plus the bounty is going back on the Jams. $40 prize bonus to any team that can knock off the Vous’ premiere team and finish first tonight.

On to the Black Sheep at 8 p.m. Had a big upset last week. Will we see another one this week? Time will tell. Kind of a tough quiz this week, but a fun one. I think it’s gonna keep things close. Hope to see ya tonight!

And quick note for Quentin Tarantino fans: there will be an all-Tarantino quiz tomorrow night at Drinker’s Old City hosted by Koob and Kristy at 8 p.m.

10 Most Intense Scenes from the Wire

If you haven’t watched The Wire yet, do yourself a favor and get on it. Best show ever. Anyways, I decided to list my top 10 most intense scenes in the show. Links will send you to the scenes on Youtube. By the way, none of these clips is safe for work. What scenes did I leave out? Lemme know.

  1. Bodie shoots Wallace. I never forgave Bodie for this, even though I liked him otherwise. I can never watch this scene again. Seriously. I linked to it but I can’t watch the link. It was the most upset I got during the whole five seasons.
  2. Omar faces off with Brother Mouzone. Definitely the most “Dirty Harry” moment of the show. A lot of fun.
  3. “You gonna look out for me? You gonna look out for me, Sergeant Carver?” Heart-wrenching to see a trusting kid learn not to trust anyone, not even a well meaning cop.
  4. Frank Sobotka goes to talk to the Greek while haunting music plays. Then the Greek gets that fateful phone call, and we know what’s coming next.
  5. Bodie’s last stand. Bodie goes out like a soldier, and it serves as a reminder that even the most loyal corner boy faces a violent and premature death.
  6. Marlo has Prop Joe killed after Cheese sells him out. I was always a big Slim Charles fan, even more so when he took out Cheese. And I must admit that the one person I was most glad to see get popped was Cheese. He was right up there with Marlo, Maury (the lawyer), Clay, and Scott the reporter as the people on the show with no principles, loyalty, or scruples.
  7. Kima’s sting goes bad. Man, this is wrenching. I never really cared for the Kima subplot with her girlfriend and baby and everything (it just never really went anywhere), but I liked her a lot. My heart was pounding the entire scene.
  8. D’angelo taken out at the prison library. I was pissed about this one too, because D’Angelo was one of my favorite characters, and certainly one of the most dignified characters in the show.
  9. String and Avon stand off, and String admits what went down with D’Angelo. I love the silence at the end of this scene when there is nothing else to say. This was really the beginning of the end of the Barksdale clan.
  10. Snoop and Michael take a ride. The whole time we’re ready for Michael to get popped, but he’s a quick learner and turns the tables. I loved Snoop and all, but I was glad it was her and not Mike. I just wish Mike had turned into something besides the next Omar.

The “Things My Wife Knows That I Don’t” Round

Last week I did a round called Things My Wife Knows that I Don’t. It went over well, though she obviously knows a lot of things that nobody else knows…it was one of the toughest Round Threes ever. See how ya do. Answers are after the jump.

1. Although Leonardo of Pisa used rabbits to explain his famous integer sequence, a much better representation of them would be the family tree of honeybees. What are these numbers known as?

2. Some skates and sharks lay egg cases, known as these. Daryl Hannah probably knows the answer.

3. It’s not only a letter of the alphabet, it’s also a type of skirt that is fitted at the hips and gradually widens towards the hem.

4. What phylum do sea cucumbers and starfish belong to?

5. In French cooking, the combination of onions, carrots and celery is known as what?

6. Horseshoe crabs have blue blood because their body contains a lot of this element.

7. From what country do we get Helvetica font, from the Roman word for the country’s name?

8. Sara Gruen wrote this book in 2006, which has since been made into a 2011 film.

9. Princess, radiant, and marquise are all what?

10. What plant gives curry its yellow color?

Continue reading “The “Things My Wife Knows That I Don’t” Round”

Funniest Moment at Quizzo This Week

The last question of Thursday’s Ladies quiz was: “What board game, popular in the 80s, featured the categories of career, special moments, children, and marriage?” Thinking the answer was “Life”*, a girl on one of the team’s shouted, “What does that have to do with women?” Without missing a beat, a guy at the table next to her responded, “Because they ruin it.”

WORST TEAM NAME OF THE WEEK: My Mom Has an Amazing Body (Ugly American).

*It was actually Girl Talk.