Hot Naked Babes Galore! And French Fries!

No, this isn’t spam. Just hooking you up with a Amadeo Modigliano painting. I bet if you had known how hot the ladies were in some of his paintings are you would have known the answer to that question (very few teams got that one right.) Anyways, we kick off French Fry Thursday tonight with a quiz at Ugly American at 8 p.m. Looking to give away a couple of baskets of fries away in French Fry Faceoff, so bring your game faces. On to the Bards at 10:15 p.m., where we’ll have $3 Lagers, French Fries and what the hell, I might give away some CDs and books as well.

Also, be sure to tune in tomorrow afternoon when I will have a very special announcement concerning the Summer Invitational. Stay tuned.

Wesley Willis’s Greatest Hits

Wesley Willis was the answer to a question at quizzo this week. Apparently, more than half of you had never heard of him. That must be remedied immediately. He was a chronic schitzophrenic from Chicago who made simple but bizarre songs in the 90s and early 2000s before tragically passing away in 2003 at age 40. He called rock ‘n’ roll his “joy ride music” because it kept his demons at bay. There are some who call it exploitation, and others who thought it was wonderful that he got a chance to do what he loved in front of adoring fans. (To learn more about this fascinating man, watch this documentary.) He pretty much sang over Casio keyboard loops, and closed every song song with “Rock Over London, Rock on Chicago” followed by a corporate slogan. Here then, are some of my favorite Wesley Willis songs. (There is cussing in some of these.) Enjoy!

1. I Whooped Batman’s Ass. Without a question, the greatest song about Batman ever. He was being such a jackoff.

2. Cut That Mullet. Do something about your long filthy hair. Perhaps the most annoying chorus in all of his songs, and that’s saying something.

3. Elvis Presley. He really pays homage to the king in this one. Wesley did a lot of songs where he honored music stars, including Eazy E, Alanis Morrissette, and Britney Spears.

4. Al Capone. Wesley likes Al Capone even less than he likes Batman. He is a hoodlum. He killed people gangland style.

5. Rock n Roll McDonalds. Probably Willis’s most famous piece. It makes no sense, but it was heard in SuperSize Me.

The Wire Quizzo at POPE

Getting excited about Sunday’s quizzo about the Wire at the POPE. A few notes about the quiz: I don’t like to do my specialty quizzes only for freaks who have seen the show 140 times in their basement (though those people should do fine at the quiz). As long as you’ve seen each episode of the show once, you’ll be able to do ok. That said, I won’t do anything cutesy like do a round on “Things that Rhyme with Wire”. It will be all inspired on the show itself, but I’ll be using more than just scenes from the show. There will be questions about Baltimore, about the soundtrack, about the booze McNulty and Bunk enjoy. I’ll be honest:  I plan on making this one of the best quizzes I’ve ever written. I simply have too much respect for this show to do anything less. It’s all in the game, yo.

Quiz is at the Pub on Passyunk East this Sunday, June 5th at 7 p.m.

RELATED: The 10 Most Intense scenes from the Wire.

Bounty Bowl Tonight!

Things are getting flat out ridiculous at the Rendezvous, where the Jams have been on such a hot streak that the bounty is now up to $45 . Any team who can knock them off gets a $45 bonus gift certificate in addition to the $25 they get for winning. And needless to say, all of the glory that comes with knocking off the Jams. On to the Black Sheep at 8 p.m. If you want to play with the big boys, tonight is the night to do it.

This week’s quiz is quite interesting. Several people last night were quite excited about the wild card round, saying that, “I normally don’t contribute much, but tonight you hit my wheelhouse.” So it’s gonna be interesting to see how it goes down. We had an upset at O’Neals last night and on a quiet night at the City Tap House, the Diabetics won their 5th straight, meaning we’ll have another bounty next week.

In addition, Koob and Kristy will be hosting a pop culture quiz tonight at Artful Dodger. Action starts at 9 p.m. Plenty of questions on music and fashion this week.

Lebowski Quiz, Sci-Fi Quiz, and a Quiz on the Wire This Week

A big week for special quizzes, all of which promise to be fun. On Thursday, Koob and Kristy will be hosting a Lebowski Quiz at Drinker’s in Old City as part of a Benefit for The Dude Hates Cancer. $5 at the door with all proceeds going to the charity, and then settle in for what promises to be a Lebowski nerdfest. I’m hoping we can talk Koob to dress up as Walter. He’s done it before. The pic above is of Tom Sellick’s D*** Duster, who won their quiz last week at Drinkers on Tarantino films.

On Sunday, Mike Minion is hosting a Sci-fi quiz. Since I sometimes consider Mike himself a work of science fiction, this quiz should be right up his alley. If you like Isaac Asimov and weird movies about robots from space, I think this is the quiz you’re looking for.

Also on Sunday, I’ll be hosting another quiz for beer week at the POPE. But this time, the quiz won’t be about beer. It will be about the best show in TV history, The Wire. I am extremely excited about this quiz. If you know your burners, re-ups, and hoppers, this quiz will be for you. More details later this week. Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeit.

The Babe, the Foxx, and an Interview with an Author

If you’re a fan of local history, part 1 and part 2 of my interviews with Penn professor and author of a book about Shibe Park Bruce Kuklick are must reads.

Did you know that Babe Ruth played the last game of his career right here in Philly?

The first MLB player ever killed in war was a Phillies third baseman who was killed in WWI.

Last week, Wilson Valdez became the first position player on theto win a game pitching since 1945. So what legendary local slugger won that game in 1945? Find out here.

JGT Quizzo Power Rankings

They’re back! The power rankings have returned. Did your team make the Top 10? If not, it’s time to start recruiting nerds so you can make a run at the top spot.

1. The Jams. This team has been simply unstoppable for the past three months. There used to be parity at the Vous. Now the Jams have won the last 9 times they’ve played. One of the hottest streaks in JGT quizzo history. The bounty next week is up to $45.

2. Duane’s World. It’s a real toss up between Duane’s World and the Steak. I’m going to give Duane’s World the slight edge primarily to piss off Nate.

3. Steak Em Up. See #2.

4. L. Ron Hubbard’s Diabetics. Two huge blowout wins (by 22 and 39 points) this week has this team looking to make a run at the top.

5. Where’s John’s Rum? O’Neals is a toss up, with the Rum winning one week, the Savage Ear winning one week, and then the two teams combining forces to win this past week. Rum gets the slight edge, primarily to piss off Todd.

6. Savage Ear. See #5

7. Peenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. This team changes their name every week, but now that they’ve started playing consistently, they’ve shown they can hang with the big boys. A 2nd place finish at O’Neals this week, and an upset over Duane’s World and Steak Em Up at Black Sheep last week.

8. Magnus ver Magnusson. A win at a Jam-less Rendeavous last week, followed by a 2nd place finish this week. Their propensity for late game collapses has some voters worried, but this team is the odds-on favorite to end the Jams streak.

9. Why Can’t Us. A win at Ugly American last week, but they were apparently scared off by my threats to rap at quizzo this week and didn’t make it.

10. Team D’Brickashaw. An unheralded team thus far, but they always seem to be in the mix at the Tap House. This is a team that’s about 2 nerds away from making a run up the rankings.

ALSO RECEIVING VOTES: 1022, Inglorious Barristers, Mysterious Mr. Mapother, Pleasure to Burn, RMC Speedwagon, Are We Allowed to Use Our Blackberries, The Mood Swingers