Scores After Week 4

Here they are, our scores with one week left to go in the regular season. Those brackets at the bottom are starting to get interesting. SLTS takes the top spot back over, and a couple of new teams hop into the Top 14: FFSF the Jawns, while Super Spreaders and Pop Fit drop into the hoi polloi. One final week to play before the playoffs, might try to make this one a bit tougher so we can see if we can make some of those numbers bounce around.

Standings After Three Weeks of April Madness

Congrats to the Cool Cats and Kittens, who become our third different team in three weeks to take their turn at the top of the leader board. A tough week 3 quiz saw quite a bit of movement in the rankings. Want to see where your team ranks? Go here to find out. And remember you can check “Bracket” at the bottom to see where your team would be if the season ended today.

Ultimate Oscars Pregame Quiz!

The Oscars are on April 25th, and we’re ready to celebrate. J Michael will be your host for our first annual Ultimate Oscars Pregame Quizzo. Questions about the past 91 years of the best films of all time (and, well, some bad films that somehow snuck into the mix). Furthermore, Oscars is a great party night, so we’ll have Bartender Dan (below) teaching us how to make a couple of Oscars specific drinks. Here’s how that will work; you sign your team for the quiz ($40 gets your whole team in for the quiz) then a few days before the quiz, we’ll send you an email with your zoom invite and the ingredients for our Sunday night drinks. And we’ll wrap the whole thing up just in time for the Oscars to begin. Hope you’ll join us!

Our Standings After Two Weeks!

Quite a bit of movement on our leaderboard after a tough Week 2 quiz. That includes a spectacular collapse for the Super Spreaders, who went from our Top Score to out of our First Fourteen (the teams that would have a first round bye if the season ended today). Congrats to Quarantine Spirit, who have taken over the top spot. And remember, you can click on brackets at the bottom to see what the tourney would look like if the season ended today. (Shout out to Carl for making that page happen…really freaking cool).

The Noid, The Swiss Cheese Pervert, and the Hamburgler; Together at Last

We just launched our latest Worthless Knowledge Podcast episode, and this is our best one yet. We welcomed Chip Chantry to the pod to discuss an answer from last week’s quiz: the Noid. We discussed the Domino’s phenomenon, why he was more dangerous than the Hamburgler, and then introduced Nat to the Swiss Cheese Pervert (figuratively). You can listen above on spotify, or here on itunes. If you enjoy it, subscribe. And if you REALLY wanna scores some brownie points, leave a review.

Also, check out some other fun podcasting going on with our crew:

  • J. Michael has a quite different podcast…the Mission Rejected podcast is a callback to old time radio serials. You can listen here.
  • We just started a regular Shibe Sports podcast, and our last interview was really interesting. We talked with David Barrett, who wrote the song One Shining Moment that plays after each NCAA tournament. Really interesting story of how the song came to be. Listen here.

Let the Madness Begin!

April Madness is here, folks, and things have worked out quite nicely. We hit our goal of 48 teams, all of them vying for the prestigious tourney title. Here’s everything you need to know:

WHO: 48 of our most illustrious teams. Well, actually 49, 48 of whom will make the tourney.

WHAT: The second annual April Madness Tourney.

WHEN: March 29th-May 23rd.

WHERE: On Zoom.

WHY: Why not?

HOW: 5 weeks to accumulate points, then we seed based off of those points. All regular season games will be your team in zoom with your quizmaster. Top 16 teams will get a first round bye, the next 32 teams will have a first round game….then 16 of them that win move into the next round. The 16 that lose start the losers bracket. Of the final 32, the losers in that first round will also go to the losers bracket. So everyone is guaranteed at least 7 games.

HOW DID IT LOOK LAST YEAR? Here’s the bracket from last year’s tourney. This years will be even better, since we’re actually basing seedings on something, so we’ll have a fun regular season before we get to the tourney.

WHAT’S UP WITH PAYMENT: Pretty simple, half of payment is due on April 1st, the other half on May 1st. (Cost is $350 total per team for the season). You can venmo payment to @jgtquizzo or paypal it to johnny at johnnygoodtimes dot com.

WHAT WILL THE TOPICS BE: Not going to tell you the definite topics, but we’ll be picking 15 out of the following 20. Once the playoffs start, we’ll be going with general knowledge.

CAN WE STILL ENTER: We’ll take one more team to get it up to 50, so if you wanna be that team you can sign up here.


IS THERE A CHARITY COMPONENT? Yes, $10 of each teams fee goes towards the Poor People’s Army’s ongoing struggle to house families.


ANY “EXTRAS”? Yes, I am still working on putting an All-Star game together, and if my idea comes to fruition it’s gonna be awesome. Hope to have it locked up in the next week. Also, put it down in your calendar: we’ll be doing a giant movie quiz on April 25th, before the Oscar’s begin.

LET’S PARTY: Let’s do it to it!

Possible Quizzo Topics for April Madness

Thanks for your suggestions for topics for April Madness! We got some great ones. We have cut them down to our favorite 20, of which we’ll select 15 over the next 5 weeks. They are:

  • 2010s sitcoms
  • Cheese
  • The stock market
  • foreign languages
  • Baking
  • One hit wonders
  • Countries that No Longer Exist
  • Music of the 50s and 60s
  • Famous addresses
  • Chinese food
  • 90s hip-hop
  • Rivers and Lakes
  • First Ladies
  • Famous Addresses
  • Beer
  • TV commercials
  • mythology
  • Bizarre old medical practices
  • The Caribbean
  • British Invasions