The tri-state regions most prestigious quizzo event is BACK! Quizzo Bowl XVIII is going down on February 4th! Here’s everything you need to know about the Grandaddy of Them All!
WHO: All quizzo enthusiasts, from Far and Wide. Teams of up to 8 players, to be specific.
WHAT: Quizzo Bowl XVIII, an event that has aged like a boxed wine!
WHEN: Sunday, February 4th. Doors at 3 PM, show starts at 4 PM.
WHY: Why not?
IS THIS LIKE A REGULAR QUIZ? Yeah, it’s like a regular quiz…one that’s doing speedballs in the Ritz Carlton bathroom with hookers!
WHAT? Nevermind.
WILL THERE BE LIVE MUSIC? Yes you dolt, there’s always music at Quizzo Bowl.
WHY ARE YOU INSULTING ME, DON’T YOU WANT ME TO ATTEND? Sorry about the dolt thing. Anyways, this year we’re testing the waters with a new genre: Polka. That’s right, Philly’s pre-eminent polka band, Polkadelphia, is going to be rocking the house all evening.
WHAT ELSE? I’m requesting that everyone wear polka dots. And Fastball Bob will be there. And Reef the Lost Cauze will be there to help with the music round. Best of all, Chip Chantry will NOT be there. It’s a win-win.
WHAT HAPPENS IF WE WIN? You enter the Realm of Immortals. In 17 previous years, we’ve had 9 different winners. Could your team be the 10th? Previous winners are:
The Champs
Sofa Kingdom
Guys in Prison
Cracked Pact
Boyz II Menehune
The Special Masters
PRIZES? Yep, we’ll be doing raffles and giveaways all night long. Plus $1000 worth of prizes for the top 3 finishers. And a prize for 13th place.
We’ve got a new quizmaster and a new quiz! The JGT quiz is now going down at the Fringe Bar on Delaware Ave, hosted by Simon. Quiz is on Wednesdays at 7 PM, and it’s the same quiz I host during the week at my regular spots. Hope to see ya this week!
It’s that time again: the time of year where we get the opportunity to make a bunch of Philadelphia children’s Christmas wishes come true! Here’s how it works: you go to this sheet, fill out your name next to the child or children you want to buy gifts for. Go to Amazon, get them the gift, then mail it to our friend Matt at the Poor People’s Army. Matt, Cheri, Galen and the crew will make sure that it goes to the right child. And to make things easier for you: on gifts that are age appropriate, I’ve linked to a bunch of gifts that are age appropriate for that child or teen.
(Child’s Name) c/o Matt Pillischer
1606 Colleen Ct.
Norristown, PA 19401
If you’d rather just donate money and have Cheri and I pick up the gifts, that’s totally cool too. Just venmo me at @jgtquizzo or send Paypal to johnny at johnnygoodtimes dot com and leave a note that says “Toy Drive”. Most toys we buy are right around $25. A true highlight of each holiday season is Cheri and I going to Target and completely loading up on toys. Thank you for your generosity this and every year!
You quizzo vets recognize that bartender above? Our old Bards buddy Michael is now a bartender at Fergie’s. I ran into him there last week. Says he really likes working there, which made me very happy to hear.
A lot going on. Our annual toy drive kicks off later this week, so keep an eye out for that. Our holiday gigs are picking up steam. (If you want to book one, hit us up here.) And I’ve had some great food lately, so look out for my Friday Five newsletter this week. (You can sign up for that here.) And I think we’ll have an Eagles watch party on Sunday…I’ll keep ya updated. Alright, we’re back at all of our usual haunts this week. See ya soon!
SCHEDULING CHANGES: OK, so some last minute updates due to the Phils. Quizzo at Dock Street is cancelled for Wednesday night. BUT Loco Pez has greed top play host for the quiz. That said, there’s only room for about 35-40 people up there. So if you want to play, make a reservation. 215-644-8080. We’ll start that quiz at around 8:30 (15-20 minutes after the Phillies game is over.)
As for Thursday, Deli at Dwell is cancelled, waiting to hear back from Birra. I’ll keep you updated on that here. I’ll also let Major League Baseball know that we’ll need them to start scheduling around our quizzo schedules. Thanks for your patience!
YES, we are on for Labor Day. And yes, we will have a round very loosely based on Smash Mouth. And a round very loosely based on Back to School. We’ll see ya this week! All your favorite haunts!