MLK Day Trivia

Answers are below.

1.In what southern city was MLK born?
2.What award did he win on October 14th, 1964?
3.What was his wife’s first name?
4.The FBI frequently tapped King’s phone. Who was the leader of the FBI at the time?
5.What are the final three words of the I Have a Dream speech?
6.What man who died in 2020 helped MLK organize the March on Washington and gave a speech shortly before the I Have a Dream speech?
7.In what movie did David Oyelowo play MLK?
8.One of King’s most famous writings was his letter from a jail in what southern city in 1963?
1.In what southern city was MLK born?Atlanta
2.What award did he win on October 14th, 1964?Nobel Peace Prize
3.What was his wife’s first name?Coretta
4.The FBI frequently tapped King’s phone. Who was the leader of the FBI at the time?J. Edgar Hoover
5.What are the final three words of the I Have a Dream speech?free at last
6.What man who died in 2020 helped MLK organize the March on Washington and gave a speech shortly before the I Have a Dream speech?John Lewis
7.In what movie did David Oyelowo play MLK?Selma
8.One of King’s most famous writings was his letter from a jail in what southern city in 1963?Birmingham

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